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  1. Hi, we need to rid of the Step 4 Shipping from the Checkout part of Prestashop. We have chosen to use Combinations for shipping and have no use of any shipping modules. So, in doing research we discovered that the steps are inside of the "order-steps.tpl". In this file the steps are written in code. We have attempted to change it so that once a new user registers with an address, the payment step comes up next. But it does not work! Here's our code change: Please help us with this code change, or whatever else pages we have to modify to skip the shipping please. Thanks so much!!! {capture name="url_back"} {if isset($back) && $back}back={$back}{/if} {/capture} {if !isset($multi_shipping)} {assign var='multi_shipping' value='0'} {/if} {if !$opc} <!-- Steps --> <ul class="step clearfix" id="order_step"> <li class="{if $current_step=='summary'}step_current {elseif $current_step=='login'}step_done_last step_done{else}{if $current_step=='payment' || $current_step=='shipping' || $current_step=='address' || $current_step=='login'}step_done{else}step_todo{/if}{/if} first"> {if $current_step=='payment' || $current_step=='shipping' || $current_step=='address' || $current_step=='login'} <a href="{$link->getPageLink('order', true)}"> <em>01.</em> {l s='Summary'} </a> {else} <span><em>01.</em> {l s='Summary'}</span> {/if} </li> <li class="{if $current_step=='login'}step_current{elseif $current_step=='address'}step_done step_done_last{else}{if $current_step=='payment' || $current_step=='shipping' || $current_step=='address'}step_done{else}step_todo{/if}{/if} second"> {if $current_step=='payment' || $current_step=='shipping' || $current_step=='address'} <a href="{$link->getPageLink('order', true, NULL, "{$smarty.capture.url_back}&step=1&multi-shipping={$multi_shipping}")|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}"> <em>02.</em> {l s='Sign in'} </a> {else} <span><em>02.</em> {l s='Sign in'}</span> {/if} </li> <li class="{if $current_step=='address'}step_current{elseif $current_step=='shipping'}step_done step_done_last{else}{if $current_step=='payment' || $current_step=='shipping'}step_done{else}step_todo{/if}{/if} third"> {if $current_step=='payment' || $current_step=='shipping'} <a href="{$link->getPageLink('order', true, NULL, "{$smarty.capture.url_back}&step=1&multi-shipping={$multi_shipping}")|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}"> <em>03.</em> {l s='Address'} </a> {else} <span><em>03.</em> {l s='Address'}</span> {/if} </li> <li class="{if $current_step=='shipping'}step_current{else}{if $current_step=='payment'}step_done step_done_last{else}step_todo{/if}{/if} four"> {if $current_step=='payment'} <a href="{$link->getPageLink('order', true, NULL, "{$smarty.capture.url_back}&step=2&multi-shipping={$multi_shipping}")|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}"> <em>04.</em> {l s='Shipping'} </a> {else} <span><em>04.</em> {l s='Shipping'}</span> {/if} </li> <li id="step_end" class="{if $current_step=='payment'}step_current{else}step_todo{/if} last"> <span><em>05.</em> {l s='Payment'}</span> </li> </ul> <!-- /Steps --> {/if}
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