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About carpealexdiem

  • Birthday 03/08/1987

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  1. Ma perchè devi usare assolutamente quel modulo per il pagamento? inixmodule intendo... Perchè non usare i moduli di pagamento di default di Prestashop? O fa parte di un modulo che contiene anche questo. Fammi sapere. Al limite prova a disabilitare direttamente quel modulo andando in Back Office -> Moduli -> E scrivere inix nella casella di ricerca in basso a sinistra.
  2. Ciao, Prova a vedere qui: http://www.lucameles.eu/prestashop-schermata-bianca-dopo-pagamento-paypal/
  3. Ciao, Hai cliccato su "Rigenera miniature" in basso stessa pagina dopo aver modificato le dimensioni? Ti consiglio di svuotare anche la cache dopo aver rigenerato le miniature.
  4. Ciao, Credo si possa fare da BO: 1. Catalogo -> Categorie -> Videogiochi-Usati 2. Nella descrizione scrivi: <img src="http://www.remembermegameshop.it/c/266-category_default/videogiochi-usati.jpg" width="100%" height="150"> <font color="#000">Scopri la vasta quantità di Videogiochi Usati e Testati in Italiano (I GIOCHI POSSONO AVERE L'ITALIANO NON INCLUSO SOLO SE SPECIFICATO NEL TITOLO)...Tutti disponibili in pronta consegna dal nostro Negozio!!!</font> 3. Salva Le altre possibilità sono: 1. Modificare direttamente l'immagine(Consigliato) 2. Intervenire sul css ma non te lo consiglio
  5. Ciao, Prestashop legge le informazioni contenute nel EXIF delle foto. Per ovviare al problema hai due soluzioni: 1. Scatta le foto del prodotto in modalità portrait(verticale) e quindi non in landscape 2. Apri le immagini che ti creano questo problema con un editor tipo Paint o Photoshop e cambia l'orientamento manualmente prima di caricare la foto.
  6. Hello, I purchased the export to CSV module made by Samdha and I have an issue. I configured my export parameters and if I export just by clicking the button "Export to CSV" it works as it should be. The problem occurs if I export by visiting the cron link: "http://example.com/modules/export_catalog/cron.php?token=12345" It saves every product url with additional "/modules/" right after the main domain Es: "http://www.example.com/modules/sample_product.html" instead of "http://www.example.com/sample_product.html" So somehow the issues is it takes the module location as URL instead of main domain. How come it works when exporting from the backend and not by link? Do you have any ideas? Thank You, Alex EDIT: I fixed it!
  7. Hello, I have the same issue with the same module. Please help us fix this. Regards
  8. You should enable debug in prestashop: go to config > defines.inc.php change the line: define('_PS_MODE_DEV_', false); to define('_PS_MODE_DEV_', true); and let me know what it says.
  9. Hello, I had to add an extra tab with manufacturer name,short description,description and "All products from this manufacturer" link to the product page as it was requested from my client and I'm sharing what I did to you guys. Add thos code in the file ProductController.php in /controllers/front/ : $id_lang = $this->context->language->id; $manufacturer = new Manufacturer($this->product->id_manufacturer, $id_lang); $manuf_description = $manufacturer->description; $this->context->smarty->assign('manufact_desc', $manuf_description); $id_lang = $this->context->language->id; $manufacturer = new Manufacturer($this->product->id_manufacturer, $id_lang); $manuf_name = $manufacturer->name; $this->context->smarty->assign('manufact_name', $manuf_name); $id_lang = $this->context->language->id; $manufacturer = new Manufacturer($this->product->id_manufacturer, $id_lang); $manuf_shortdesc = $manufacturer->short_description; $this->context->smarty->assign('manufact_shortdesc', $manuf_shortdesc); Add it just above: $this->context->smarty->assign(array( 'pictures' => $pictures, 'textFields' => $text_fields)); Then add the following code to the product.tpl file in your theme directory(/themes/themename/): <li><a id="more_info_tab_more_info" href="#idTab3">Manufacturer</a></li> Add it above: {if $attachments}<li><a id="more_info_tab_attachments" href="#idTab9">{l s='Download'}</a></li>{/if} And finally add this code to the same file product.tpl: <ul id="idTab3" class="rte"> <h3>{$manufact_name}{$manufact_shortdesc}</h3> <p>{$manufact_desc}<a href="{$link->getmanufacturerLink($product->id_manufacturer, $product->link_rewrite)}">View all products from {$product->manufacturer_name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}</a></p> </ul> Add it above: {if isset($attachments) && $attachments} <ul id="idTab9" class="bullet"> I attached the image of this tweak. Ciao!
  10. Hello, I thought of sharing this with you guys as I just managed to fix it. As you can see from the picture there was a problem with product "Sort by" and product "Show in the WineShop Template: PRS060128 Italian and English Language that I'm customizing for a client. The fix is easy as follows: In global.css of the template replace the code of ".sortPagiBar form.nbrItemPage" with the following: .sortPagiBar form.nbrItemPage { background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #FFFFFF; float: right; margin-right: 7px; } In product-sort.tpl of the template remove the last </div> In category.tpl of the template add another </div> after this code: <div class="sortPagiBar"> {include file="./product-sort.tpl"} {include file="./nbr-product-page.tpl"} </div> In the end the code in category.tpl of the template must be: <div class="sortPagiBar"> {include file="./product-sort.tpl"} {include file="./nbr-product-page.tpl"} </div></div> That's all. I tested in Firefox,Chrome,Internet Explorer,Safari and Mobile Devices too and it works.
  11. Hello, sorry for replying to such an old thread but I don't think I need to open a new one. I have to buy a template from prestashop addons named: Wines for Gourmets but it's compatibility is stated as "PrestaShop v1.4.8.2 - v1.4.8.3". Before I'll buy it I just want to know if it will be compatible with the last version of Prestashop 1.5.6 because I don't want to spend money for nothing. Thank You
  12. This is the first version of my perl script for automating the Prestashop from the linux shell. Any feedback and suggestion is appreciated but please keep in mind that this is only the first version and that it's FREE as in Freedom For now it will only add the categories from a specified CSV file but as soon as I'll finish the whole script I will post it here(For adding categories,products,update prices,update quantities,download csv from remote server with curl and add,update or delete products). Instructions: 1. First of all the script gets the Category->SubCategory->SubSubCategory from the CSV first second and third column like this: cat catalog.csv Laptop;Netbook;Asus Laptop;Notebook;Sony Smarthphone;Sony;Xperia It really doesn't matter what goes after the third column because it only checks the first three. If a category or subcategory or subsubcategory doesn't exist it will add it. Use only ";" after each column in the CSV file or feel free to modify the script. 2. You must have a conf.ini file containing your mysql server, your user and password, your database and your website link( Es: www.myprestashop.com without the http:// ). cat conf.ini [mysql] DBNAME = prestashop DBUSER = root DBPASS = password DBHOST = www.myprestashop.com [website] LINK = www.myprestashop.com 3. You must put the following code in a file named cat.php in your prestashop modules folder and chmod it to 777. It is used by the script to rebuilt the CategoryTree( Credit goes to Terragg for this ): <?php // Pull in basic settings require( dirname( __FILE__ ).'/../config/config.inc.php'); // Regenerate the pre-ordered node sets Category::regenerateEntireNtree(); echo "done\n"; ?> 4. You must install the following perl modules: use DBI; use Config::Tiny; use Text::CSV; use LWP::Simple; WARNING: This script only inserts categories for the italian language because it's the one I use. In order to suit it for your own prestashop language please change all the "6" in the script or contact me. ToDo: Chosing language from conf.ini Adding,Updating or Deleting products Updating Prices Other things like this Usage: perl categories.pl File.CSV categories.zip
  13. Ho fatto uno script in perl che aggiunge una categoria. La query mysql è al 100% esatta. Il problema è che questo maledetto smarty cache non mi fa vedere le modifiche se non fatte dall'interfacia admin. Ho provato anche con: UPDATE ps_configuration SET value ='0' WHERE name = 'PS_SMARTY_CACHE' Ma niente da fare. Per adesso o modifico via interfacia admin o cancello manualmente la cache. Non c'è un modo per fare l'update della cache via sql query oppure un modo più pratico di quello che sono riuscito a trovare io?
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