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  1. Hello, I have prestashop v1.6.1.1, the newest all up-to-date. I forgot the admin password and my site is on my local machine, it doesn't mail me a new password after I clicked "forgot password" , probably because my localhost has no mail service installed. So now how do I manually change the site admin password, I've tried to copy the key from settings.ini.php in config folder and paste it in "employee" entry where the password is held, added a new password at the end of the key and pasted it in there but it doesn't work. Does v. require a new method? Please advise thank you!
  2. I have the same problem while importing categories csv, extremely slow, and eventually timed out. I'm using No image in the csv, 3-level subcategories, none of of subcategories on the 3rd level gets imported either
  3. It worked after I downgraded to a previous version of prestashop. however does the multilanguage function work with your cycle slider? I can't get it to work using the field separator "|", although it works with the bxslider.
  4. I bought this theme Uhupage 139 for Prestashop v1.6.x, however the multilanguage feature of the cycleslider doesn't seem to work. I was able to get the bxslider multilanguage function to work by using "|" as field separators but this doesn't work with cycleslider, any clue why this is? Thanks!
  5. Hello, how to enable or configure the cycle slider multilanguage function on the homepage please? I was able to get the bxslider to change using multilanguage filed separator "|", but this field separator failed to work on cycle slider. Thanks
  6. I'm using Uhupage Theme 139, it comes with a Uhu Top Medu addon, I can't seem to find how to disable the default menu items "categories, products, brands". Anyone can help explain how this is modified please? I attached the source php file of the addon, and here is the tpl, can anyone help explain how to disable the three items? Thanks! {* uhupage v4.16.03 *} {if $MENU != ''} </div> <!-- Menu --> <div class="menu"> <ul class="nav_item umenu"> {if $showhome == 'true'} <li class="home"> <a href="{$base_dir|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" class="roll"><span data-title="{l s='Home' mod='uhu_topmenu'}">{l s='Home' mod='uhu_topmenu'}</span></a> </li> {/if} {$MENU|replace:"Categories":"{l s='Categories' mod='uhu_topmenu'}"|replace:"Products":"{l s='Products' mod='uhu_topmenu'}"|replace:"Brands":"{l s='Brands' mod='uhu_topmenu'}"|replace:"About":"{l s='About' mod='uhu_topmenu'}"|replace:"Links":"{l s='Links' mod='uhu_topmenu'}"} </ul> <ul class="mobile tree dhtml"> {$MENU_MOBILE|replace:"Categories":"{l s='Categories' mod='uhu_topmenu'}"} </ul> {* Javascript moved here to fix bug #PSCFI-151 *} <script type="text/javascript"> // <![CDATA[ // we hide the tree only if JavaScript is activated $('div#categories_block_left ul.dhtml').hide(); // ]]> </script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ $('div.nav_pop').css({ 'visibility':'hidden', 'height':'0px' }); $('.nav_item > li').mouseover(function(){ var openMenu= $(this).children('div.nav_pop'); $(this).children('div.nav_pop').css({ 'visibility':'visible', 'height':'auto' }); }); $('.nav_item > li').mouseleave(function(){ $('div.nav_pop').css({ 'visibility':'hidden', 'height':'0px' }) }); }); </script> <!--/ Menu --> {/if} uhu_topmenu.php
  7. Version is what I'm using, and the theme I bought is called uhupage 139, however their customer support hasn't been answering to the emails regarding this issue, or many other issues i have emailed them about with their theme.
  8. Hello, my site is located at http://blu009146.my3w.com (press the blue button after the page opening to get the the main site, the initial page is a protection layer for sites under constructions), it became extremely slow if accessing from China. I'm located in China and site is hosted presumably on a server in China too, I noticed after using a VPN to access the site from outside of China then the site is much faster to load. Is there anything in prestashop (or the uhupage theme 139 I bought) would require stuff from blocked sites (such as googleapi.com)? I noticed the site was connecting to fonts.googleapi.com with the theme, is this causing the problem? If not is there anything else that's causing the site to slow down accessing from China? Please help. Thanks.
  9. Hello, I was trying to install prestashop fresh new on a virtual hosting account, however it got hacked during installation. Random pictures started appearing as the process continues and the installation stopped at random, every time I restarted the installation it stopped at different places with various errors, I tried to change a folder to install instead of installing at root, the same thing happened. I waited for a few hours, deleted everything and started another frensh install, this time everything went through just fine. Anyone knows how to deal with this, anything to patch????
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