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  1. For some reason, emails sent from Prestashop has a wrong url. It's the old domain of dev site. I can not find any old domain in the DB or the htaccess or the config file I'm aware of. Template variable is "mailThemesUrl." i.e. Wrong url on emails https://dev.***.com//mails/themes/modern/assets/baseline-location_on-24px.png The url should be like this. https://www.***.com/mails/themes/modern/assets/baseline-location_on-24px.png Strange thing is that when I preview emails in the backend, it has the correct domain. The old domain appears only on sent messages. Do you guys know how can I update it? Prestashop version: 8.1.2
  2. Check the db tables. I found that this is caused by missing index of the db tables. All modules added become id=0 due to this.
  3. I had to delete welcome module as well.
  4. Prestashop Checkout signup does not go through and I see this error in the browser console. /admin/index.php?controller=AdminAjaxPrestashopCheckout&token=a8c1e7655fcca00911bfd8b5cf2bb0c5 How do I fix it? Prestashop v1.6.1.18 PrestaShop Checkout v2.15.5
  5. Might be caused by missing records from ps_authorization_role. So just updating ps_access won't work like me. I replaced ps_authorization_role with the one from fresh install. Then execute the sql Amantha posted. create a backup of ps_authorization_role just in case. ps_authorization_role.zip
  6. change '&L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT'.$i.'='.urlencode((float)$product['price_wt']). to '&L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT'.$i.'='.urlencode(number_format((float)$product['price_wt'],2)). change '&PAYMENTREQUEST_0_ITEMAMT='.(float)$total; to '&PAYMENTREQUEST_0_ITEMAMT='.number_format((float)$total,2); change if ($this->paypal_usa->validateOrder((int)$this->context->cart->id, (int)$order_status, (float)$result['PAYMENTINFO_0_AMT'], $this->paypal_usa->displayName, $message, array(), null, false, $customer->secure_key)) to if ($this->paypal_usa->validateOrder((int)$this->context->cart->id, (int)$order_status, number_format((float)$result['PAYMENTINFO_0_AMT'],2), $this->paypal_usa->displayName, $message, array(), null, false, $customer->secure_key)) Sometimes line number does not match because of line-break format. So I recommend to use search & replace function of text editors.
  7. are you sure you are checking this file? /modules/paypalusa/controllers/front/expresscheckout.php I don't see any html code you mentioned in this file.
  8. modify those lines like below 96 '&L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT'.$i.'='.urlencode(number_format((float)$product['price_wt'],2)). 115 '&PAYMENTREQUEST_0_ITEMAMT='.number_format((float)$total,2); 279 if ($this->paypal_usa->validateOrder((int)$this->context->cart->id, (int)$order_status, number_format((float)$result['PAYMENTINFO_0_AMT'],2), $this->paypal_usa->displayName, $message, array(), null, false, $customer->secure_key))
  9. 96 '&L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT'.$i.'='.urlencode((float)$product['price_wt']). 115 '&PAYMENTREQUEST_0_ITEMAMT='.(float)$total; 279 if ($this->paypal_usa->validateOrder((int)$this->context->cart->id, (int)$order_status, (float)$result['PAYMENTINFO_0_AMT'], $this->paypal_usa->displayName, $message, array(), null, false, $customer->secure_key))
  10. check line 96,115 and 279. possibly problem caused by only these lines.
  11. I know how to fix Paypal Express but I didn't know somebody is still interested. modify this file /modules/paypalusa/controllers/front/expresscheckout.php wrap any variable that is cast as float with number_format() example change (float)$product['price_wt'] to number_format((float)$product['price_wt'],2)
  12. This is caused by none 2digit decimal amount. If Paypal Payment Standard, Edit /modules/paypalusa/views/templates/hook/standard.tpl change <input type="hidden" name="amount_{$smarty.foreach.paypal_usa_products.index+1|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" value="{$paypal_usa_total_shipping|floatval}" /> to <input type="hidden" name="amount_{$smarty.foreach.paypal_usa_products.index+1|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" value="{$paypal_usa_product.price|floatval|number_format:2}" /> Same goes to Express and Professional, I guess.
  13. Great work Vekia, appreciate! Also thank you for many suggestion, El!
  14. Hi vekia, both curl and get_file_contents does work. I get return xml below by connecting api.addons.prestashop.com, not blank return or connection error. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?><errors><error>Fatal error : method is undefined.</error></errors>
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