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  1. Urmatoarele sunt pentru Prestashop cu modulul de MobilPay (Prestashop 1.5) din interfata de admin a mobilpay https://admin.mobilpay.ro la Sectiunea Implementare -> Exemple Implementare -> Modul Prestashop 1.5.x - Credit card 22.02.13 "Strict Standards: Declaration of Mobilpay_cc::validateOrder() should be compatible with that of PaymentModuleCore::validateOrder() in /home/content/74/10469774/html/bubiko/classes/module/Module.php on line 1032" - la validateOrder() din mobilpay_cc.php trebuiesc adaugate in lista de argumente $secure_key si $shop : function validateOrder($id_cart, $id_order_state, $amountPaid, $paymentMethod = 'Unknown', $message = NULL, $extraVars = array(), $currency_special = NULL, $dont_touch_amount = false, $secure_key = false, Shop $shop = null) Notice: Undefined variable: shipping in /home/content/74/10469774/html/bubiko/modules/mobilpay_cc/mobilpay_cc.php on line 398 - referitor la undefined variable $shipping (foarte tare eroarea) undeva la linia 320ish in mobilpay_cc.php sunt liniile $billing = new Address(intval($params['cart']->id_address_invoice)); $delivery = new Address(intval($params['cart']->id_address_delivery)); dar peste tot in fisier este folosit $billing si $shipping :| trebuie modificat $delivery = new Address(intval($params['cart']->id_address_delivery)); in $shipping = new Address(intval($params['cart']->id_address_delivery)); si mai e un notice "Undefined variable: e" unde if(!($e instanceof Exception)) { .. i-am adaugat un isset($e)
  2. hi there. well i got around that problem at the time. 3 months ago. i made a script that updated my is_root_category to 1 directly into the database. i don't know if this problem is still there on 6.0.9 cause i made an update but didn't want to mess with my categories until release. also i found tons of errors regarding the csv import.. problems with the image links, product references, with atributes/combinations, with impact on price and more. got worked around by most of them. wish you the best of luck
  3. Hello everyone, i'm currently doing a massive import of a custom database into the new version of prestashop bassically what i'm doing is querying the old database for data.. custom create my .csv than import that into backend of Tools > CSV Import option. curently stuck at categories and i'd like to share a bug ( i think ) i've found. every .csv i tried with categories that i want to import won't import the parent_id of that category IF it is a root_category. take the screens: translates into the database into but if i remove the 1 from is_root_categories the update works and the database looks like this i'd be most than thankful if someone could help me, maybe encountered this problem before or has a fix. Thanks.
  4. thanks for your reply. yes i know that (figured it out as stated) my question: how can i know what folder is for what product?! thanks
  5. Hello. I have a question if someone can answer this for me. regarding the image system on my ftp /img folder. i always assumed that the /p/1/2/3 is the folder for product with the id 123. i guess is not like that. cause i have images scrambled in all folders that have nothing to do with the id of the product. in fact if i upload a new image on a product. that image is given an id like 789.jpg that is found on the folder p/7/8/9/789.jpg. even if the product id is 123. and the next image is given 790.jpg. and 791,792 and so one my question now is. how do i relate an product with a folder on the ftp. i say this cause i tried regenerating some images and it gives me some: Original image is missing or empty (/home/public_html/site/img/p/6/5/2/652.jpg) now i know that in the folder /6/5/2 there is no image (it tells me that), but i don't know what product is referring to. if a have like 1000+ products is kinda hard to find the ones 40 errors where the image didn't get imported from my csv. so anyone?! Thank you.
  6. Hello, i would really appreciate if someone could share some ideas from experience or if you've come across something like this. What i want do achive is change the url to some cms pages. been trying to remove the {content} from url for a couple of days but no succes. so i guess htaccess is going to be my choice for this. i basically have the link to cms page domain.com/en/content/1-delivery and i want this url rewritten like domain.com/en/1-delivery (or any other link for that matter, maybe /info-about delivery or /info/about/delivery) that beeing said please don't point me to backend of SEO&URL . that's not what i'm after. in current .htaccess file i have RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^domain.com$ RewriteRule ^delivery$ %{ENV:REWRITEBASE}en/info/delivery [R=301,L] this first one is actually a redirect from domain.com/delivery to domain.com/en/info/delivery - that work fine RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^domain.com$ RewriteRule ^en/delivery$ %{ENV:REWRITEBASE}en/info/delivery [L] but this one, that is supposed to rewrite domain.com/en/info/delivery to domain.com/en/delivery - doesn't work. it breaks into error 404: page not found. this rules are inside the <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> and before # ~~start~~ Do not remove this comment, Prestashop will keep automatically the code outside this comment when .htaccess will be generated again i got the RewriteRule . - [E=REWRITEBASE: public_html/] Additional info: version 1.5.5/ i got the pretty urls module that removes the ids from all urls (but i don't think that is a problem) any ideas? thank you.
  7. @Ajax30 hi there, fellow country man i'm currently trying to do this as well but my main task is to have the presta header and footer displayed in the /blog subdirectory. although a simple installation of the both platforms does the trick, my problem is with the permalink from the wordpress. that means that this link works : shop.com/blog/?p=1 but this one doesn't : shop.com/blog/my-new-post (same for category or archive) once i enable a permalinks method in wordpress backend it gives me error 404 page of prestashop. did you came upon this issue? if so, did you fix it?! anybody has an ideea?! Thank you so much. @kip you are right. i didn't had a .htacces file in wordpress (kinda odd that it is't created automatically). once i uploaded one, did a reset of permalinks, worked like a charm. now gotta retreive the metas from wordpress, but that's for another topic
  8. @cristic nu cred ca la asta se refera. penultima coloana e displayed Yes/No.. pentru pagina de categorie, schimbi aranjamentul produselor din BO->Preferences ->Products-> Pagination (default order/order method). din proprie experienta pentru pagina de home poti schimba doar modulul homefeatured (plus alte module clonate), dar tot in ordinea in care le-ai introdus le arata. eu am facut ceva de genu: $products = array_reverse($category->getProducts((int)Context::getContext()->language->id, 1, ($nb ? $nb : 10))); in homefeatured.php function hookDisplayHome, ca sa-mi arate primele produse, cele care au fost introduse ultimele. L.E.: da, am incercat. merge si position.
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