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  1. Lukt het jullie om de productfeed te genereren met de Channable module? Ik krijg enkel [ ] te zien als ik de feed-url zelf raadpleeg. Channable geeft zelf ook een error. Alle opties (Alternative mode, MySQL,...) al geprobeerd, maar helaas geen resultaat. Ook niks te vinden in de error of server logs. De order integratie werkt niet zolang de Prestashop feed niet ingesteld is. Anders zou ik een csv of XML-feed kunnen aanbieden en dan alsnog de orders ophalen, maar dat gaat dus niet. De support schiet ook niet erg op...
  2. In oktober kocht ik een module op Prestashop Addons genaamd bol connector. Deze zou geschikt zijn voor Bol.com retailer API v3, maar leek nog niet ver genoeg door ontwikkeld. De developer gaf aan dat hij de module verder zou ontwikkelen en dat er eind februari een update zou komen. In de tussentijd werd de module van Addons verwijderd. Helaas heb ik geen reactie meer ontvangen van de ontwikkelaar. Mogelijk komt er dus nog een module beschikbaar. Wij zijn nu ook bezig om met Channable te koppelen.
  3. Hi, Thanks for your reply. I had already disabled the 'mail alerts' module for the customer group, but the Order Confirmation e-mail is not part of this module. So the confirmation is still being sent to the particular customer group. It's part of the PS core, so I think I need a custom solution.
  4. If someone is dealing with the issue of 'This warehouse does not exist', it means there is no address assigned to the warehouse. You won't be able to change it by editing the warehouse. However, you can go into your database and change the address id of the warehouse. Just create a new address in your backoffice, and enter that address id in the database. (Just find the warehouse table in the database that contains address ID.) Now your warehouse will have a valid address and you can see all the details again. Be sure to backup your shop before doing this, so you can easily go back if needed.
  5. Hi, I'm importing orders from a certain marketplace (such as Amazon) into Prestashop ( The module I use makes use of a separate customer group for the orders. Because all order information is being delivered by the marketplace, I would like to disable all Prestashop e-mails for this customer group. So, basically I would like to disable the order confirmation e-mail, the tracking e-mail and the shipping e-mail for this specific customer group. Regular customers in my webshop still must receive these e-mails. I don't want to create custom statuses for this customer group, because then my order fulfilment will become to complex. I want to be able to process all orders from 'Payment received' to 'Order shipped', as is the default Prestashop way. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Any help would be appreciated. Kind regards, Christiaan
  6. Vraagje: Werkt deze module met aparte order statussen voor de bol.com orders? Met andere woorden: een webshop bestelling zet je op 'Bestelling verzonden' zodra deze verzonden is. Gebruik je die status ook voor een bol.com order of wordt dit met een aparte status afgehandeld?
  7. I had issues with building the search index from scratch. Found a fix somewhere to add missing products to index, but had to switch between two search.php files all of the time. After a few days products disappear out of the index. I can't do a cronjob since that is only for a complete rebuild. Now I am using the patch from erouvier and can easily build the search index from scratch. Enabled a cronjob which is working now, so search functionality is 100% in my store. Thanks a lot!
  8. As a matter of fact I found a solution. I make use of StoreCommander (separate module) and apparently it supports this functionality. I don't need the fix but maybe for other people this functionality might be useful. Thanks for all contributions.
  9. Hi Gabdara, Thank you very much for your effort. Unfortunately I get this error: 867. 868. $message = $this->validateField($field, $this->$field); 869. if ($message !== true) 870. { 871. if ($die) 872. throw new PrestaShopException($message); 873. return $error_return ? $message : false; 874. } 875. } 876. 877. return true; ObjectModelCore->validateFields - [line 278 - classes/ObjectModel.php] ObjectModelCore->getFields - [line 486 - classes/ObjectModel.php] ObjectModelCore->add - [line 210 - classes/stock/SupplyOrderDetail.php] - [2 Arguments] SupplyOrderDetailCore->add - [line 3162 - controllers/admin/AdminImportController.php] AdminImportControllerCore->supplyOrdersDetailsImport - [line 3392 - controllers/admin/AdminImportController.php] AdminImportControllerCore->postProcess - [line 171 - classes/controller/Controller.php] ControllerCore->run - [line 390 - override/classes/Dispatcher.php] Dispatcher->dispatch_16 - [line 122 - override/classes/Dispatcher.php] Dispatcher->dispatch - [line 54 - admin/index.php]
  10. Hi Richard, There's no supplier field in the supply order detail import. I don't see how that would relate to my issue.
  11. No, I'm using standard CSV import like you said: BO > Advanced Parameters > CSV Import Probably you have not enabled Advanced Stock Management in your backoffice, so the supply order option doesn't show up.
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