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About SteG

  • Birthday 12/08/1982

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  1. In caso di prestashop 1.8 mi è successo anche sui prodotti importati ma con la funzione "Modalità di debug : ATTIVA" . Tolta la modalità debug tutti si salva tranquillamente.
  2. Domanda sciocca! Ho trovato direttamente dal Bo dove aggiungere la singola Nazione! Mi scuso per Il disturbo.
  3. Buongiorno a tutti, qualcuno sa se è possibile aggiungere singole nazioni ad una regola tasse gia esistente? Anche direttamente sul database tramite phpmyadmin. Mi sono accorta che mi manca l'inghilterra all'interno della regola tasse iva 22% e se fosse possibile vorrei aggiungere questa nazione senza creare una nuova regola. é fattibile? Ringrazio tutti per l'eventuale aiuto.
  4. Hi all, i editing Vekia Module combination.tpl with this code: {foreach $combinations as $k=>$v} {if $v.id_attribute_group==1} {$v.attribute_name} | {/if} {/foreach} but with this code i have this situation: 1 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 4 because i have for esample 3 color: 1/skin 1/black 1/white 2/skin 2/black 2/white.... etc... how to modify this code so that it can give only one attribute? example: 1 | 2 | 3 thank you all for the help
  5. Hello everyone, I have a problem. Category order not work. prestashop I can not put in order the categories with the drop down. The BO confirms to me that the order is up to date but does not happen in reality nothing and going out and coming back in the Categories list is as if nothing had happened. thank you all for the help
  6. Hello everyone, I have a problem with prestashop default theme and bootstrap. I did a test recording and I have deliberately not entered the camps to check the classic message that lists what is missing and what needs to be inserted. I noticed that the box disappears immediately. There are no time even to read what was wrong. I think the problem is: style="display:none; for id="opc_login_errors" class="alert alert-danger" I have testing this problem with firefox. Does anyone know what files are run? Or if someone has already encountered this problem. thank you all for the help
  7. Ciao a tutti, ho un problema con prestashop e tema di default bootstrap. Ho fatto una prova di registrazione ed ho volutamente non inserito dei campi per verificare il classico messaggio che ti elenca che cosa manca e cosa va inserito. Ho notato che il riquadro sparisce immediatamente. Il cliente non ha tempo nemmeno di leggere cosa ha sbagliato. questo mi succede con firefox su ie8 e chrome su ie7. Non succede su chrome su pc linux ubuntu, android browser default, e ipad safari; questi i sistemi sul quale sono riuscita a testare il bug di visualizzazione. Aggiungo che succede su l'ordine veloce ad 1 fase. Qualcuno sa in quale file è gestita? O se qualcuno ha gia riscontrato questo problema. Ringrazio per l'aiuto.
  8. I found this solution. Seems to work. https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/commit/fc1c1f3dfe362c7298b84a761ff3184ac47f0a8d
  9. Hi Vekia! I'm testing on my samsung galaxy SII plus. Android. 4.2.2 I use pure "fresh" default theme "default-bootstrap".
  10. Hello everyone. I have problems in the selection of attributes tablet or smart phone. When navigating with smartphones and tablets the drop-down menu appears and disappears in 1 second not giving time to the customer to select a size. Prestashop 1.6 default theme-bootstrap. thank you all for the help
  11. Vekia thanks for your help. We also found that we had entered into the "Domain SSL" the domain name without the "/" Problem solved.
  12. Vekia Thanks for the reply, There isn't way to force cookie? because the version of prestashop 1.3 there wasn't a setting for cookie, if I say well, and I do not know when these cookie expires. It may take months? (sorry for my english) ;(
  13. Good evening everyone, I have a problem with cookies. I'm updating the site from an old version 1.3 of prestashop to the new version we worked in local and everything went well. Moving the online site we have problems with the login of customers. Not done any kind of login. We eliminated the session cookie firefox and we were able to log in. (we are working in maintenance) But I need that customers can login without elimination procedure cookie. Many people surf the internet without knowing how to delete cookies. Does anyone know what to do? It only happens to me? Thank you for your help and sorry for my english.
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