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  1. Hi again This might be why you dont see Scenes in frontend - remove or modify line 85-87 in "scenes.css": @media (max-width: 1199px) { #scenes { display: none; } }
  2. Hi Vision I just testet it in upgraded from 1.5.4 - works perfect when I add image - seems like the only bug is, when I try to add links for image mapping - its a mess i seen before in one of the early versions 1.6.0.x Thats why I also testet in a CLEAN with multistore - also works perfect, besides image map links - not needed for my Bootstrap slideshow ;o) Try another browser, Chrome can have some annoying cache issues - used with Presta Admin
  3. Preferences --> Search --> Minimum word length (in characters) change value 3 with 2...
  4. Just a comment for others struggling, hideaki´s solution works perfekt and easy to use - thanks
  5. Hi All After adding the Prestashop Klarna module in new multistore - sadly the module added 8 languages x 2 times in my multistore. After deleting the 5 languages, the prestashop warning says it vil delete all related translations in my database - nothing is deleted, it have added 3-4000 fields... I have 2 x 8 fields in all tables with the _lang prefix Any suggestions how i delete the fields when i delete language ? Thanks
  6. Presta and + Chrome + Imac : The positions and sort option for ex. products and categories are totally gone in Chrome + Imac : UPDATE : apears to be a random bug, after some use - in the exact same category "positions" is present again... and I have used and since release with no issues ! Weird, anybody experienced the same ?
  7. Hi all Presta + the Klarna module from Github Hope somebody got a nice solution Anybody knows how to hook up Klarna inside the cart / iframe / popup / OPC template ??? - something more elegant than leaving the cart for a new page ??? Solved, dont know howto delete this topic, maybe somone else want a more nice solution with overlay: payment.tpl: {if $invoiceActive} <p class="payment_module"> <a href="{$var.this_path_ssl}payment.php?type=invoice&content_only=1" class="iframe" rel="nofollow"> <img src="{$var.path}img/klarna_invoice_{$iso_code}.png" alt="Klarna" style="width:115px"/> {l s='Klarna invoice - Pay within 14 days' mod='klarnaprestashop'} </a> </p> {/if}
  8. Sure, add a menu - I guessed it was a bug since it was gone Thanks
  9. Hi all Anybody know where the "Image Mapping" button are or how to activate it in the new awesome / or version ??? Image Mapping is present in the backoffice --> Catalog menu in and in Hope anybody knows - cant find any post regarding that issue, thx
  10. Ohhhh my, we are looking at an old Presta The javascript file is from 2011 - guess we can locate the solution in the product.js file
  11. Sure, hope if we keep the tread alive, one of the Presta legends tell us how it´s done on the demosite MUST be a standard Presta feature, when it´s done on the global demosite...
  12. Hi bdam - your Prestashop bestseller feature do work: http://www.bondstreet.nl/index.php?controller=best-sales Guess the other best-seller module is made by theme creators... Have a nice day
  13. REALLY wanna know too, but it looks like the demoshop loose the ability to link to a product, exactly as the customer purchased Example, if you click at the link in the cart at the demoshop or in the orderconfirm email, the preselected choice are gone... Maybe it will confuse and scare customers and wondering if they purchased the correct model ??? Example in one of my shops: http://www.living-in-harmony.dk/12-spisebord-langbord-harmony.html#/bord_harmony_samling_bentype-hjoslashrnesamling_b_traeligben_12_x_12_cm/bord_str_harmony-100_x_220_cm/bord_till%C3%A6gsplader-2_stk_tillaeliggsplader But surely an ugly URL and annoying for "browser-back" navigation, should be solved without loosing EXACT links as well
  14. Hej ckvist Findes ingen nem måde af gode grunde Den stygge måde - be carefull ! controllers/AdminCategoriesController.php - tilføj efter linje 417: Tilføj: 'autoload_rte' => true, ADMINxxx /themes/default/template/helpers/form/form.tpl - skift linje 401 ud med: editor_selector :"autoload_rte", theme_advanced_buttons1 : "newdocument,|,bold,italic,underline,strikethrough,|,justifyleft,justifycenter,justifyright,justifyfull,styleselect,formatselect,fontselect,fontsizeselect", theme_advanced_buttons2 : "cut,copy,paste,pastetext,pasteword,|,search,replace,|,bullist,numlist,|,outdent,indent,blockquote,|,undo,redo,|,link,unlink,anchor,image,cleanup,help,code,,|,forecolor,backcolor", theme_advanced_buttons3 : "tablecontrols,|,hr,removeformat,visualaid,|,sub,sup,|,charmap,media,|,ltr,rtl,|,fullscreen", theme_advanced_buttons4 : "styleprops,|,cite,abbr,acronym,del,ins,attribs,pagebreak" Bør selvfølgelig bruge override - findes vist et gratis modul der kan ovenstående ??? Ovenstående virker, men PAS PÅ !!! - faktisk en god grund til kategorierne er uden editor... - udover mouseover er grim kategori menuen - indeholder HTML - kategorier og underkategorier stripper HTML med fx. {$category->description|truncate:120} - og kategori knappen "Mere" bliver ubrugelig... D.v.s. siden crasher totalt hvis HTML koderne bliver cuttet midt i koderne - skal ændre "strlen" linje 60 og fjerne truncate fra kategori templaten hvis du virkelig vil gøre det... Happy coding
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