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    Heerlen, The Netherlands
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  1. It would be nice if we could tag features as hidden (backend only). No i have to name them like (sys_FeatureName) and somewhere in the code edit not to show features starting with sys_ . Would be nice if this could be done with standard code.
  2. Are you running on shared hosting ? when i put you url in http://www.yougetsignal.com/tools/web-sites-on-web-server/ i see 44 domains?
  3. Hello, Let's say i have a product combination Product: XYZ Combi 1: Width 300, Color Green Combi 2: Width 300, Color Yellow now i have a feature, lets say "Delivery time" Combi 1: 1 Week Combi 2: 3 Weeks It's not really an option, but a "feature", anyone knows how to implement this ?
  4. Hoi, Ben bezig met nieuwe shop in in 1.0.6 op te zetten en kom paar dingen tegen met betrekking tot de layered navigatie. 1. Er wordt niet gekeken naar de prijzen van product combinaties voor de prijs slider filter. 2. De comboboxen worden na openen gelijk gesloten krijg vaak de kans niet om een keuze te maken. Dit zijn echter wel basis zaken die moeten werken voor ik verder ga met prestashop. Iemand een idee wat te doen?
  5. Ok, let's say i have one main products. Product: Reference: p001 Attributes : Size: (10x10, 20x20, 30x30) Color: (white, black) So i make productcombinations from this product with the attributes size&color. Combi 1: Reference p001.01.01 (10x10, white) Reference p001.02.01 (20x20, white) Reference p001.03.01 (30x30, white) Reference p001.01.02 (10x10, black) Reference p001.02.02 (20x20, black) Reference p001.03.02 (30x30, black) now i have accesoires to this product (related products): Reference: a001 (color: white) Reference: a002 (color: black) now i want to relate the accesoires to the correct product cominations. so that Reference p001.01.01 relates to a001 Reference p001.02.01 relates to a001 Reference p001.03.01 relates to a001 Reference p001.01.02 relates to a002 Reference p001.02.02 relates to a002 Reference p001.03.02 relates to a002 (some products have 500 combinations)
  6. How can i refer from a productcombination to a product/productcombination. e.g.: I have a Product Combination (attr. Color = White) , i want to add white products as an option. Same Product, but combination (attr. Color = Black), i want to add black products as an option. The optional products could be products or productcombinations. And why is website very slow when using productcombination instead of seperate products ?
  7. weet iemand hoe (zonder weer te betalen voor een module die eigenlijk standaard functionaliteit zou moeten zijn) ik voor elkaar kan krijgen om een vastbedrag en/of percentage kan optellen bij het orderbedrag ? En dit ook zichtbaar kan maken voor de klant ? begin toch steeds meer te twijfelen aan PrestaShop, zoveel functionaliteit die ontbreekt, niet goed werkt
  8. i would like a solution to this problem too. When someones chooses Bankwire payment, and confirms his order he get's the right email. But when in the BackOfffice the state of the order is changend to PaymentAccepted, the customer should get an invoice with his email. I'v been trying but without luck so far --- found it ---- bit strange but it works. just check the checkmark for Allow customer ..... PDF ......
  9. De ID van PrestaShop zelf zijn gegenereerd, je moet dan voor jezelf een Reference veld gebruiken (daar stop je je eigen ProductID) in. Je kan bij het 1e importscherm kiezen om de Reference als Key te gebruiken als je op die manier producten wilt updaten.
  10. Hello, this is my first question on this forum so please bear with me My Situation (in development): Webshop with products which have a few attributes: -size (wxh,...) -type (10,11,12,13) -power (1,20,.....) Some products can have up to 800 combinations of above attributes, When someones select the "main product", the attributes can be choosen, so far so good. But the user has to know what a "good" attribute combination is, i need something that will make all other values of the other attributes invalid when a certain value for a certain attribute is selected. Is this possible in prestashop ? What i also noticed is that all combinations are created in javascript for use on the browser. I don't think this will be fast with 800 combinations ? Why not select the right options dynamicly ?
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