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  1. While still on Prestashop 1.6 there was a free payment module for HiPay, which we began to use. After a while Hipay started to 'grumble'. It started with some incoming complaints about missing words on our website or something like that. So we made the requested changes. But helas, we could not even transfer anymore money to our linked bankaccount, we could not even see the balance of the account anymore. Then the UBO (ultimate beneficial owners) hustle came up. We uploaded all the official identification-documentation one could possibly ask for. But still no access to our account, not even after all the documents were 'validated' by Hipay. Needless to say we contacted Hipay countless times, but to no avail. So I would like to issue a stark warning against choosing Hipay for your webshop payments. It is horrible.
  2. I very much agree with perthjay85. The shop-visitor should have the option to view the full site or the mobile site (just like it was with earlier Prestashop versions: it is the user that should be in the drivers seat and not bootstrap! A typical example of one step forward, one step back, maybe even two steps back. In the previous versions of Presatashop we had this user-option to choose the full site or the mobile site which could be enabled in the backoffice. Then a "view the full site" button was placed in the footer area. I would love to have that back, because nowadays there are so many very tiny devices around with such am.amazing scaling possibilities and with a very sharp display too, that it seems a bit retarded to me to withhold such option. Bootstrapping the 1.6 version must have been quite an effort for the Prestashop-team. But bootstrap is not a purpose in itself. The visitor is prime. I want that button back! My 5 cents
  3. I just was looking for the same and found the answer here on this forum: http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/318490-how-to-change-width-of-left-right-and-central-column/ your can modify leftcolumn width in: layout.tpl
  4. Finally got a PS version working properly. But I do not even recall all the many intricate fixes I had to make. My (not so good) experience was with the first 1click install. As I never tried the updated 1clikcinstall I cannot make comments about that. I am glad I could catch up with in the end. But to keep PS updated is very very time consuming process. I think I saw that my email templates have been fd up, probably because of a change in filing/storage system (more per theme oriented instead of centralized). I'm not 100% sure which ones, but that is what gives you this very uncomfortable feeling. You never know what will be screwed up next time upgrading PS (the same with the multishop-versions introduction). Really I'm not sure, but it looks like now the email templates are moved.... but which ones and whereto is not clear to me yet. Oneother week to get this right again? Here we go again with PS. These things cost an enourmous amount of time to get right (in deviation to the "standard install", and then the files modified are not archived anymore in the same manner (moved/renamed/rescheduled) or whatever..... With PS updates you are left with big question as to what is still valid of your mods and what is not valid anymore. To give you an example: say you changed everywere in your PS installation "Powered by Prestashop" into "Powdered by FlowerPower" because PS-info is irrelevant info for your shopvisitors/shopclients. Then you do an upgrade. "Powered by Prestashop" is back (for instance) in the first shop emails you get when testing out the updated shop with a fake order. Even if you then copy your old mails folder over the new one from PS it goes wrong. Reason?? a Good Reason? I dont know, but I know for sure there goes another couple of days to get it all right again with some certainty about the contents of the mails PS sends out automatically to our clients. It seems that PS this time happened to relocate some email templates to the themes folders. One or two or all???? Meanwhile our dear PS does not even keep an archive of the contents of the emails that it sends automatically. This is very very stupid, and of course dangerous for the shopkeeper in legal responsiblity terms. As a shopkeeper you MUST have a FULL digital record of whatever written message some sotfware automaticly sends out "on your behalf" or "in your name". I can hardly believe someone launches automatic emaiing software without this as a standard feature. But PS manages to go without it! PS is my first ecommerce learning project, but keeping track with updates has been very very time consuming....... PS is not for the fainthearted computer user. You really have to be prepared to spend a lot of time to get it working as it should do straight out of the box After this long and winding road, you get something of an idea where it goes wrong all the times, goes wrong sometimes and how to climb back to the previous level in the new PS environment. It is not progress, much time is lost in keeping your shop going under the new PS installation/versions. As a shop keeper trying to update your PS, this surely is not allway just optimizing, just as much time is spent in keeping alive what you got working in the previous installs of PS. I am not negative about PS as such. But we have to be realistic. You pay little money, but you have to invest generously along the way. That means not days per year, but weeks to months a year.... If you dont have that free time (not many of us have that....) either dont use PS or don't upgrade to newer versions when you have a shop that still works properly for you. My 5 cents
  5. RescueDog, I have chosen to start again with a fres PS install, instead of trying to restore my old PS Better to have the newest database etc. Here is something else that took about half a day to get it going again: After importing my products/attributes/features with SQL.zips in the Database, the product quantities not showing up (not in the backoffice, not in the shop). Happily after a lot of checking and rechecking of the database files/column names, finally after resetting/changing the "stocksettings" in Preferences/Products my quantities appeared again.
  6. Fresh Install (because upgrade fails) Remark: In ps it is (still) not made possible to add multiple featurevalues from one featuregroup to a product. This is so silly and an issue that has been dealt with by the community over and over again for subsequent PS versions. Did Prestashop really listen to these people/learn from these people? This topic tells the story (as from June 2012): http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/176242-modification-select-multiple-values-for-one-feature/ So it is now again: trying to get doing the same as a modified could. And it involves modifying the newest PS again! This should not be necessary.
  7. OK This is how I fared (not good but a fresh start could be OK). I am Fd. Cannot rollback as the last backup was not complete........ However I rescued enough of dbase/theme to begin again. PS wobbly 1-click updater (and true, me not doublechecking the backups and getting confused) will cost me about one week extra I guess. So let me continue with remarks about the fresh install experiences. This is the first remark: the image system (again) The choice between Legacy image system and "new" prestashop system is gone. This is a bit silly as the fix for that already is on the internet, a discussion dating back to May 2013). From todays experience I can tell the fix for that still works for So if you want to keep using the "legacy" image system, go this way: http://forge.prestas...owse/PSCFV-8989 But to get it working, I had to edit/modify the file: AdminImageController.php. and if you do, dont forget to set that date there a couple of years forward or the fix won't work!
  8. I see your point Benjamin. But I could not even copy the contents of the error messages from my screen. After the failed 1-Click upgrade I tried the "Installatron" upgrade possibility provided by the hostingprovider. This is not much of a success either, as all kinds of long gone default settings are standing up from their graves again (such as default lang/ curr / img-system/ taxes / se&osettings). I saw that all product quantities are gone now too, that could possibly be the result of the failed 1-click upgrade. Not sure, but it could very well be, either that or an "Installatron" issue. . The shop must go on. Maybe roll everything back and try again later. Prestashop is time consuming though.
  9. 1Click Upgrade from PS to just crashes somewhere along the way. Prior to updating, the upgrademodule checks the settings: all settings were OK! Conclusion: 1-Click upgrade from the last previous edition to the newest PS version is not working. Sorry: a fresh install seems the only option left. Very frustrating.
  10. Ik heb vandaag dezelfde undefined error (weer....) gekregen (ps 1.5.4.) nadat ik handmatig (ongeveer 60) productplaatjes had geupload. Elk plaatje 600px 600px png (circa 700 a 800 Kb) In de vorige ps zaten al twee flinke bugs in de backoffice voor uploaden van productplaatjes (zowel handmatig als met csv). De csv bug was oplosbaar met een hack uit het forum. Maar toe bleek ineens ook de 'oude vertrouwde' handmatige backoffice upload het in niet meer te doen met Firefox, wel met Internet Explorer.... Heel vreemd. Heb die bug ook gemeld in github maar de reactie van de PS mensen was een beetje flauw. Het zou wel aan de goedkope hosting liggen...... Ik ben op basis daarvan evenwel toch wel van hosting provider veranderd omdat ik dreigde vijf maanden hard werk te verliezen..... en nu werkte het ineens ook onder met Firefox en IE weer. Tot ik vandaag toch ook weer diezelfde undefined error in 1.5.4 met Firefox bij de nieuwe host kreeg. Ik schrok me rot, want dat gedoe maakt PS compleet onbruikbaar voor mij. De upload bug leek te zijn gerepareerd in de nieuwe versie 1.5.4., dus niet helemaal, want ik kwam hem vandaag na een poosje toch weer alive and kicking tegen. Nadat ik a. uitlogde uit de PS backoffice (b. mijn draadloze verbinding deactiveerde en c. weer activeerde) en d. weer inlogde in de PS backoffice lukte het ineens weer wel en kon ik het klusje afmaken. Heel erg opgelucht was ik. Maar het imagegebeuren is een heel zwakke plek in Prestashop, dat is mij wel duidelijk geworden de laatste maanden. - De naamgeving van de plaatjes met die vreemde omnummering is gebrekkig, naar mijn mening dan. Waarom PS niet gewoon mijn namen voor de plaatjes kan aanhouden is mij een raadsel, en het is heel erg lastig in de praktijk van alledag. - Dan het 'nieuwe filingsysteem' voor de`plaatjes. Is een monster naar mijn smaak. Ook het 'oude legacy systeem' voor de plaatjes is niet erg gebruikersvriendelijk (geeft nl een (1) gigantische directory met ook alle door prestashop afgeleide plaatjes erin, is m.i. ook geen slim archiveringssysteem. Maar het nieuwe systeem is nog erger omdat het alle (ook hier weer incl. de afgeleide) plaatjes verstopt in een groot maar vrijwel ontelbaar aantal subdirectories. Probeer daar maar eens bijvoorbeeld een tiental wijzigingen in aanbrengen, dat is gewoon gekkenwerk om te doen. Wat dat betreft is het bij PS kiezen tussen twee kwaden dus. - PS gaat spastisch om met transparantie. Het geeft bijv. alle productplaatjes een jpg extensie, terwijl het in mijn geval altijd om png's gaat (die wel transparantie toelaten, jpg's kunnen geen transparantie aan). En watermerken van de plaatjes of automatische overlays maken is met Prestashop weer niet mogelijk met png's.... fck. Wat de productplaatjes betreft is het bij PS niet zo best gesteld dus. Groet van Kashibabu
  11. Thank you for sharing this marcinsz101 Just for the record, It works in as well.
  12. This image-upload-bug makes Prestashop unusable. I think for me this is the final blow to Prestashop! First there was this huge bug that made it impossible to do mass-image import via csv. (that one I could solve three weeks ago with some hacks offered by the community members), Glad this bug was solved, I found out recently that it is now impossible to upload productimages by hand via the backoffice. This time none of the solutions offered by the community worked! So what to do? I have to reconsider the use of Prestashop. Not so funny after all the time invested in it. If it is not even possible to add productimage by hand via the backoffice, I cannot see how 'normal users' would be able to feed the Prestashop with products without my help. The image system has been a very weak spot over the years, I found out Googling. And it still is, maybe it's getting even worse. I cannot believe this. First getting rid of those stupid white backgrounds of the productpictures was an adventure, finding out about transparency in Prestashop (it renames png's to jpg! wtf is that good for?. Then this ridiculous modern 'new' image filing system, where you loose all 'human' connection between productname/product id and imagename. The image naming system is very very poor. Using the old 'legacy' image filing system is not that much pleasure either, as it is not supported well anymore and leaves you with one directory so crammed with images that it takes ages only to get a filelist on your screen. Then this new module overridesystem, very beautiful indeed. But some of the main modules don't adapt nicely to the new rules. Result is a pure trial and error game to find out which file is actually being used by Prestashop (made worse by memory and caching problems of course). The finding out that Homefeatured products module for instance doesn't work in a second language. I found no way to get it going in another language. No documentation about this issue to be found. The same with multishop/multilanguage. Even if you don't use it, it still gets in the way. Do you have to fill all those shop/language tables yes or no? It is not clear. It seems that the fresh installed Prestashop itself is not consistent in this respect. Then finally you go to to your database via PHPMyAdmin and see the counterintuitive approaches, separating the productnames from the product id file, is that clever? Same with features, images, featuregroups. So no easy lookups. But I worked around most of it, got the database filled with features and combinations, got the images up and running, invested a lot of time in a making a nice theme, and then this image upload bug finally surfaces again in a different manner. And is effectively killing all future useability of my Prestashop. Grrrr. What a mess this Prestashop is.
  13. Yes this works in too! Eveh with changed reference category (I changed it to 888 see below). It is all very nice this way. But when I change languages, no featured products are found to display on the homepage. Does anyone here know how to make the featured products appear on the omepages in other languages than the default language? This is the resume of the code I using the info from the posts above (thank you all for the input): public function hookDisplayHome($params) { $category = new Category(888, Context::getContext()->shop->getCategory(), (int)Context::getContext()->language->id); $nb = (int)(Configuration::get('HOME_FEATURED_NBR')); $products = $category->getProducts(intval($params['cookie']->id_lang), 1, 5000); if ($products) { shuffle($products); array_splice($products, ($nb ? $nb : 10)); } $this->smarty->assign(array( 'products' => $products, 'add_prod_display' => Configuration::get('PS_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY_DISPLAY'), 'homeSize' => Image::getSize(ImageType::getFormatedName('home')), )); return $this->display(__FILE__, 'homefeatured.tpl'); } ================== But, if I change languages from the default EN to NL, no featured products are displayed on the homepage anymore! Does someone know a solution for that? Don't have a clue
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