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    Web development agency

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  1. There is no real path of a hook. It implements the templates of the hooked modules inside it. Imagine you put few jackets hanged on the same HOOK on the wall. You need to alter the jackets, the hook just holds them on place you have chosen.
  2. Здравей, казвам се Стефан Николов и съм Prestashop Ambassador за България и като такъв ще съм Вашите глас, очи и уши за всичко свързано с развитието на системата на Български език.С огромно удоволствие искам да Ви поканя на втората Prestashop среща за България на която ще разкажа за системата и ще отговоря на вашите въпроси за нея. Срещата ще се проведе на 3ти Ноември 2018г. от 14 часа в град София - зала Пирин, Интер Експо Център.Ако искате да вземете думата по време на събитието или да говоря по определена тема, моля свържете се с мен предварително. https://www.meetup.com/PrestaShop-Bulgaria-Ecommerce-Meetup/events/255550814/ За да осигурим място за всички, събитието е с задължителна регистрация на : https://goo.gl/forms/Mj3Gb5elw1eWd3UD2Вход: свободен
  3. It is the blocklayered module. I`m currently investigating further.
  4. Hello, I`m using Presta with paypalusa with express checkout only option, but when I enable force SSL ot all pages both the login with paypal and payment processes return with empty cart message with login or sum 0 for payment. On the login I see that it removes guest_id and cannot create customer_id, but I can`t find a reason why. Any ideas? When I disable force SSL and with only SSL enabled on the cart it works ok.
  5. Hello, I`m getting 302 redirect to /index.php?controller=404 on two shops ( and when I type invalid rewrite url. I asked the hosting if they can help and they pointed me to .htaccess redirect to index.php. I checked the Dispatcher class and every redirect there is taken from the configuration (both shops are set to 301 redirect). Any clue what could cause this? It is good for the returned page to have 404 status, not 302, otherwise it is working properly.
  6. I did and the error was due to third part script loaded with separate db connections. Everything is ok now. Sorry to bother you and thank you for your time. Please mark as solved
  7. Hello, I have a strange issue. I made a copy of working shop from production to dev server. Changed mysql settings and backend works fine, but frontend is still looking for the old settings and gives access denied for the production user . I have done this a thousand times and I`m sure I don`t miss anythig. Stopped all caching and optimization settings and it still looks for the old settings. Maybe some permissions or caching issue with some config file? (the site uses APC caching on production, but to be safe I renamed the cache directory) Please suggest something as It should be routine task
  8. You don`t really need to remove it. Just point to google that you use AJAX Here is the guide: https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/174992?hl=en And step-by-step for developers: https://developers.google.com/webmasters/ajax-crawling/docs/getting-started All you need is to modify the php file of the module to serve the escaped_fragment_ get variable just like the selected_filters one. Here is how I did it (blocklayered.php) : if (Tools::getValue('selected_filters')) $url = Tools::getValue('selected_filters'); else if (Tools::getValue('_escaped_fragment_')) $url = Tools::getValue('_escaped_fragment_'); else $url = preg_replace('/(?<=#!).*/', '$1', Tools::safeOutput($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], true)); and change the url of the filter links from # to #! at the php and js file (it done on many places in the file, so just search for '#' or '#/' Good luck!
  9. Yes, ganalytics 2.0.4 messes up with ajax cart and throws error 500 (ga_send does the shit) after disable of the module the add to cart button works fine everywhere.
  10. Hello, I need some help. I have PHP warning that slows my shop down. Here is the error: [18-Nov-2014 17:24:52 Europe/Sofia] PHP Warning: require() [<a href='function.require'>function.require</a>]: Dynamic inheritance detected for class frontcontrollercore in /home/******/public_html/classes/Autoload.php on line 98 [18-Nov-2014 17:24:52 Europe/Sofia] PHP Warning: require() [<a href='function.require'>function.require</a>]: Autofiltering /home/******/public_html/classes/controller/FrontController.php in /home/******/public_html/classes/Autoload.php on line 98 [18-Nov-2014 17:24:52 Europe/Sofia] PHP Warning: require() [<a href='function.require'>function.require</a>]: Recompiling /home/******/public_html/classes/controller/FrontController.php in /home/******/public_html/classes/Autoload.php on line 98 The line in the class says: // If $classname has not core suffix (E.g. Shop, Product) if (substr($classname, -4) != 'Core') { // If requested class does not exist, load associated core class if (isset($this->index[$classname]) && !$this->index[$classname]) { require($this->root_dir.$this->index[$classname.'Core']); // Since the classname does not exists (we only have a classCore class), we have to emulate the declaration of this class $class_infos = new ReflectionClass($classname.'Core'); eval(($class_infos->isAbstract() ? 'abstract ' : '').'class '.$classname.' extends '.$classname.'Core {}'); } else { // request a non Core Class load the associated Core class if exists if (isset($this->index[$classname.'Core'])) require_once($this->root_dir.$this->index[$classname.'Core']); if (isset($this->index[$classname])) require_once($this->root_dir.$this->index[$classname]); } } Meaning it has problems loading FrontController, but I have not touched or overriden it in any way. Any clue where to look?
  11. I also added it and it does not work, but as it is marked as deprecated I guess we should also ask for an alternative fucntionality.
  12. I added it but it does not activate when I try to upload an image. Anybody got it working on ??? Probably some JS event is missing?
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