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  1. Se apasa "crediteaza" din backoffice MobilPay. Nu s-au sinchisit sa raspunda la mail nici dupa 2 saptamani. Se poate inchide.
  2. Stie cineva cum returnez o plata facuta cu cardul? Mobilpay e procesatorul de plati, am trimis un email, dar nu au raspuns.
  3. Hello! I am trying to implement a new pay by card module. I already have one from a card payment processor, but I want to install one from another card payment processor, as this second one has monthly installments. The module from the first one has the returnUrl built in: 'http://'.htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8').__PS_BASE_URI__.'order-confirmation.php?key='.$customer->secure_key.'&id_cart='.intval($params['cart']->id).'&id_module='.intval($this->id) The tech guys from the second one are asking me for this returnUrl, I should give them a link and choose between GET and POST. Could you help me on this?
  4. Am o mica problema. Am folosit pana acum cu succesul modulul de plati online de la MobilPay. Acum incerc sa implementez si modulul celor de la PlatiOnline.ro, intrucat ofera plata in rate pentru carduri de la Raiffeisen si BT, cei de la MobilPay au doar Card Avantaj si Bonus Card. Problema apare la linkul pe care mi-l cer cei de la PlatiOnline, respectiv return url, linkul pe care clientul se intoarce in siteul meu dupa ce plata e confirmata. Cei de la MobilPay au rezolvat asta chiar in modulul lor, acesta fiind returnUrl: 'http://'.htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8').__PS_BASE_URI__.'order-confirmation.php?key='.$customer->secure_key.'&id_cart='.intval($params['cart']->id).'&id_module='.intval($this->id) Foloseste cineva PlatiOnline.ro? Ce ar trebui sa setez ca si returnUrl pe siteul lor? Si ce metoda? Post sau Get? Multumesc!
  5. Daca n-ai rezolvat deja, poti folosi linistit datafeedul de shopmania, modifici doar sursa traficului si e gata.
  6. Am rezolvat dupa truncate ps_cart. Se pare ca erau ceva probleme de la teste facute inaintea ultimelor modificari.
  7. @bazmedical: de exemplu asta http://www.shop.ddlx.org/en/537-module-pop-up-as-it-quite-the-shop.html
  8. Yup, but it was easier for me to do that, I'm no expert with databases. Thanks for the help!
  9. I truncated ps_cart, now it works, but with no carts in it. Let's if it will work if some new carts will be on.
  10. Here it is: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0Bw2ltG_Ke3ZWb0hwSjAwcnhqeFU/edit?usp=sharing
  11. I got a table as result, do you need it exported in some format? Or some data from it?
  12. It's live. Everything works fine, no other error, neither in the FO or BO. Still... it would help me to see abandoned carts. If you want to check more, I can give you an user.
  13. http://prntscr.com/1iqyov This is how the new address form looks like.
  14. firstname lastname company vat_number address1 address2 postcode city Country:name phone Yes, I have access to the db.
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