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  1. Hola! Tengo un problemilla con el footer en la category page. El problema solo aparece en uno de los idiomas de la web(ARABE) y solamente en aquellas categorias con subcategorias. El footer se desplaza hacia arriba. Al ser algo tan raro no se muy bien por donde tirar. Esta es la url: http://boysandgirlsfashion.com/ Y el problema esta solamente en las categorias Boys y Girls y en arabe, en frances e ingles funciona normalmente. http://boysandgirlsfashion.com/ar/17-boys http://boysandgirlsfashion.com/ar/18-girls Alguien le podia echar un vistazo y iluminarme por donde puedo encontrar el error. Gracias.
  2. Al final no he necesitado hacer ningun cambio, pero despues de mucho investigar los archivos que tenia que modificar eran el product-item.tpl y el global.js Gracias de nuevo. Marcado como solucionado
  3. Gracias por responder tan rapido. El problema es que no estoy usando la plantilla por defecto, y por eso estoy algo perdido. No consigo ver exactamente donde y como cambiar el price product-price por el unit price
  4. I've been reading in the forum but I couldn't find out some according this problem. I'm working in a wholesale store and we need to sell products in specific packs. For instance, there is one X product with its Y unit price. Customers can't buy this X product on its own the have to buy it in multiples. So we set this product as a pack by default with the pack price, coming in Z units, and then we set the unit price. If customer buy 2 they get 2xZ. We didn't use any combination. Doing this everything is OK in the product page (Screenshot 1). Both prices are displayed, so no problems at all. The thing is, we would like to display unit-price in the home page instead of price product-price. (Screenshot2). So I don't know whether we've done right so far or not. Shall I modify some ftp file or there is some better way to get what I want? Any idea? Cheers
  5. Despues de haber estado leyendo mucho por el foro no he encontrado una solucion definitiva para este problema. En la tienda que estoy trabajando, como mayoristas, necesitan vender los productos por packs. Imaginemos un producto X que tiene un precio unitario Y. Los clientes no pueden comprar X producto en una sola unidad deben comprar este producto en multiplos. A traves del precio unitario no hay problema para mostrar los dos precios en la pagina del producto. (Captura de imagen) Con lo cual hemos introducido el producto como un pack por defecto. Producto X viene con Z unidades y si compras 2, pues Zx2, sin crear ningun atributo. Y despues hemos fijado el precio unitario. El problema viene en el homepage. A la hora de mostrar los precios, nos gustaria que el precio fuera el unit-price en lugar del price product-price. (Captura 2) No se si debo modificar algun archivo desde el ftp o bien hay una forma mas sencilla para conseguir esto. Alguna idea?Gracias
  6. It didn't work. Also I'd rather avoid out of stock purchases for obvious reasons.
  7. I've been trying a lot of things and finally I realised what was going wrong. I had duplicated every product and I had introduced minimum quantities to buy each product. Is there any way to set minimum quantities and display the add to cart button? I would like to display the add to cart button anyway.
  8. After reading all forum post and make a lot of assumptions I cannot find out where is the problem. The thing is I got the same website duplicated to make and check changes and I missed the add to cart button in the main one either home page or categories product list. This are the url: http://boysandgirlsfashion.com/ Main one http://boysandgirlsfashion.com/anbX43WX7k3y7k/ Duplicated login: [email protected] Pass: palero777 My first assumption was according to the hidepricecart module but I checked both modules and they are configurated identically. I attach a screenshot about this. Secondly I checked in Preferences==>Products, display add to cart button and is also thicked. As I didn't have neither patience nor time I decided to overwrite files from my second/duplicated site, so I overwrited homefeatured.tpl , homefeatured.css, global.css, product.css, product.tpl but I didn't get any change. At this point I run out of ideas so I would appreciate your help.
  9. Thanks to have a look. I translated everything in the main website. This one is just a clone to make changes and try different things. My problem comes when you change to the arabic and in the home page products images are displayed with the new and sale pics moved.I translated New and leave Sale in english and translated both but the problem is still there. When you click on the different categories it also happens. Sorry if I've explained wrong.
  10. My Prestashop version is and my template is this one http://www.templatemonster.com/demo/47522.html. I got a clone of the store with some changes here http://boysandgirlsfashion.com/anbX43WX7k3y7k/ar/ Basically the problem is in the home page when it displays new products in the arabic version. New and sale images doesn't turn up properly. I tried to change translations displaying New in english (it wasn't a huge problem) but the problem continues. It doesn't matter if its in english or arabic. This template didn't come with arabic and I had to add and traslate it without problems but this particular feature of the home page I couldn't manage to find out how to solve it.
  11. Thanks, both. Firstly I could solve everything modifying blockuserinfo.tpl as webdev0008 has indicated. Before that, when I tried to translate this module in back office the changes didn't appear in front office, even though I could save that translations. Vekia if you're interested to find out the reason and you need something, just let me know. SOLVED
  12. <!-- Block user information module HEADER --> <section class="blockuserinfo header-box"> {if $logged} <a href="{$link->getPageLink('index', true, NULL, "mylogout")|escape:'html'}" class="logout" ><span title="{l s='Log out' mod='blockuserinfo'}">Logout</span></a> {else} <a href="{$link->getPageLink('my-account', true)|escape:'html'}" class="login" ><span title="{l s='Login' mod='blockuserinfo'}">Login</span></a> {/if} </section> <section id="header_user" class="blockuserinfo-cart header-box {if $PS_CATALOG_MODE}header_user_catalog{/if}"> {if !$PS_CATALOG_MODE} <div id="shopping_cart"> <a href="{$link->getPageLink($order_process, true)|escape:'html'}" title="{l s='View my shopping cart' mod='blockuserinfo'}" rel="nofollow"> <i class="opancart icon-chevron-sign-down"></i> <span class="shopping_cart_title">{l s='Cart' mod='blockuserinfo'}</span> <span class="ajax_cart_quantity" {if $cart_qties == 0} style="display:none"{/if}>{$cart_qties}</span> <!--span class="ajax_cart_product_txt{if $cart_qties != 1} hidden{/if}">{l s='Product' mod='blockuserinfo'}</span> <span class="ajax_cart_product_txt_s{if $cart_qties < 2} hidden{/if}">{l s='Products' mod='blockuserinfo'}</span--> {*<span class="price ajax_cart_total" {if $cart_qties == 0} style="display:none;"{/if}> {if $cart_qties > 0} {if $priceDisplay == 1} {assign var='blockuser_cart_flag' value='Cart::BOTH_WITHOUT_SHIPPING'|constant} {convertPrice price=$cart->getOrderTotal(false, $blockuser_cart_flag)} {else} {assign var='blockuser_cart_flag' value='Cart::BOTH_WITHOUT_SHIPPING'|constant} {convertPrice price=$cart->getOrderTotal(true, $blockuser_cart_flag)} {/if} {/if} </span>*} <span class="ajax_cart_no_product" {if $cart_qties > 0} style="display:none;"{/if}>{l s='(empty)' mod='blockuserinfo'}</span> </a> </div> {/if} </section>
  13. I got a problem with blockuserinfo translation. My Prestashop version is and my template is this one http://www.templatemonster.com/demo/47522.html I've tried everything but I couldn't translate the login button. I've checked Translations ==> Installed modules translations ==> My theme, but I cannot translate it. I've disabled cache and force compilation on but nothing. Translations only display when you leave the cursor on the login and I want to translate the word. Does anyone know what to do? I'm completely stuck. Thanks.
  14. Tengo un problema con la traduccion del blockuserinfo. Usa la version y mi template es esta http://www.templatemonster.com/demo/47522.html He probado practicamente todo pero no consigo traducir el boton de login. He ido a traducciones ==> traducciones de modulos==> mi theme y no consigo nada. Solo me aparece la traduccion cuando el curso esta sobre login, pero necesito que traduzca la palabra en varios idiomas. Alguna alma caritativa que se le ocurra algo... Gracias por adelantado.
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