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malcek last won the day on January 11

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  1. Dobil nazaj feedback od razvijalca ali mora biti ustvarjena celotna forma ali je dovolj samo QR koda. Ima kdo kakšno informacijo kaj bo zadostovalo... lp Martin
  2. problem je ker bi moral modul vzeti podatke avtomatsko iz Bankwire modula. To bi že zdavnaj morali biti pri samem modulu vključeno. Bom na GITHUB-u pisal mogoče pa zagrizejo na Presti in dodajo to funkcijo v modul. To bi bilo daleč najboljše. lp martin
  3. zanimivo, jaz sem poleg, ker bi tudi to rabil. Bom tole še malo naprej objavil in če se nas več dobi imam partnerje v tujini, ki lahko tole naredili. Bi bilo pa to potrebno kreirati in umestiti na mail od bankwire.html. Pišem partnerju da vidim koliko bi zahteval, pa se potem med sabo zmenimo 😉 lp martin
  4. nope, it won't put any data in that table anymore.
  5. Hello when I started testing new 8.0.1 version i have noticed that in fresh install there is a SuperAdmin user in BO with Prestashop Marketplace name. I can't disable it and i don't feel comfortable to have user in webshop that i don't have control over it. Was I hacked? How to disable it? Best regards, Martin
  6. I havr seen this module, but its too big.nimagine taht you have 45 colors and 8 sizes. It become huge scrolling before find needed combination. It has to be very compact. The problem is that images are displayed beside combination
  7. Hello I'm looking for module that displays combination like on picture. What i have check on addons there is no such solution. Is there in a wild something like that
  8. sorry i have missed your post. This is not test table, this is main database for our shop. This table was populate with data until upgrade that I made in september
  9. Zelo velikokrat se sam modul zatakne in ga je potrebno restirati. Poglej si slike. Nato pa ga je potrebno ponovno nastaviti. lp Martin
  10. Obvezno moraš imeti nastavljeno na lastne SMTP nastavitve, ker drugače ne bo delalo
  11. Hello from last upgrade i have notice that data isn't written to this table. Thare should be all the data related to payment (paypal transaction ID, credit card ID etc). I'm looking for some advice how is this possible?
  12. problem was with URL rewrite module in combination of ID removal. Now it was resolved.
  13. Thanks i contacted developer for this SEO module to resolve problem. Thank you for your advice best regards martin
  14. link to site blog is: https://trgovina-figura.si/si/blog/zenska-oblacila/valentinovo-2022 best regards martin
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