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About CYTechnologies

  • Birthday 10/29/1985

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  1. Hey Capi666, Prestashop allows JPG, PNG, and GIF for product images, is the image you are uploading a proper PNG or GIF?
  2. Hi Trek, What are you looking to accomplish? Maybe we can suggest an alternative or a solution to what you are attempting to use php for.
  3. Hrm, not sure if there is a free module that does this - but there is this one: http://addons.prestashop.com/en/administration-tools/562-edit-order.html&adforum;
  4. You can try: {text-transform:capitalize} I would personally add a function when you import and use "ucwords()" This function will capitalize the first letter of each word. You could also write a small function that looped through each record to update them if you do not want to import a second time. :-)
  5. Howdy siadmin, Not sure exec is the way to go here. 'exec' is used to execute an external program on the server or run shell commands. This can get dangerous if you do not parse your $url properly as someone can enter a malicious url. With an image you really only want the data, fopen, or file_get_contents can perform this safely without interacting with the system itself. Always be cautious when using exec, if its not needed don't use it.
  6. You could probably take that entire escape off, just use {$man->description} I didn't think of that at first lol - not enough coffee. :-)
  7. Hello, Use this: {$manufacturer->description|escape:'':'UTF-8'} Remove the htmlall filter :-)
  8. Howdy, You can check my site - cytservices.com Look towards the bottom right to see some websites I've designed and developed. I do not have MSN but I do have skype which if you are interested in talking I can PM over. :-)
  9. Glad to see you worked it out, I was a bit stumped on this one as well hehe. Thank you for also posting a solution, to often people figure it out and do not post the results back.
  10. They are stored in the table ps_image. Keep in mind the file names of the images are PRODUCT_ID-IMAGE_ID-SIZE :-)
  11. If you want to transfer an image from one server to another, no smarty can not handle this, if you are looking to just hotlink that is different. Your import script would have to use something a long the lines of 'file_get_contents()' (http://us2.php.net/manual/en/function.file-get-contents.php) So your process would be as such: 1. use file_get_contents to read the external image source. 2. Create a new image on your server (using fopen()) 3. Write the information you received from file_get_contents into the new image you created in step2. 4. Store your new image name into your import csv or array and save it to the db. :-)
  12. Hello, So the main issue here is moving the images over so they will work from an internal location? Right?
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