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About Pursuant

  • Birthday 05/23/1990

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  1. Did you ever find a solution to this? I have been googling for a good two hours with no avail...
  2. I have a screenshot of my module and a screenshot of the bankwire module attached... mine has the sidebar but bankwire doesn't. Ya know, I saw that when researching but it is set to false and always has been with this module I couldn't find anywhere else that had any impact on the sidebar, either in the controller/module or views... so i'm confused //controllers/front/payment.php class AnyPayPaymentModuleFrontController extends ModuleFrontController { public $ssl = true; public $display_column_left = false;
  3. Is there a guide to changes between the module interfaces for 1.5 and 1.6? I am adapting my module and for some reason I am getting a left sidebar on the payments controller... the Bankwire module does not have this sidebar, and I have followed the code as far as I can but can't find a reason... am I missing something easy?
  4. Hi Pascal, That is a good question. If necessary, we can add a notification regarding PCI compliance both on our website and within the module itself. For background, the "Offline Creditcard Module" has been around since 2008 and has historically had a notification in the back office that reads: "No guarantees of data safety or reliability are expressed or implied, use according to your merchant agreement only. " and "Warning: Some issuers prohibit storing CVC / [spam-filter] numbers on your server. It can be a breach of PCI compliance. Only select this if you know that it does not breach your contract, and you know the implications of such a breach." In the end, almost all Prestashop installations will not be (anywhere near) PCI compliant. This module was created in such a way that it can be used to collect ANY data... if that data REQUIRES PCI complaince, as Credit Card information does, it is on the shop owner to determine that their system meets the requirements. We will take suggestions here -- that's exactly what this post is for. Thanks, -Kevin Klika Lead Developer Pursuant Solutions
  5. Hello fellow Prestashop developers! INTRODUCTION I have had the privilege of working with Prestashop for a very long time, and originally developed the Offline Creditcard Payment Module. In an effort to provide as useful a payment module as possible, we have begun to develop a payment module that we dubbed "Anypay". This module is offered by the development group Pursuant Solutions ( http://pursuantsolutions.com ) THE MODULE Anypay v0.1 Beta allows shop owners to define any combination of fields to collect during the checkout process. This can be set up to mirror the old functionality of the Offline Creditcard Payment Module, but it can also be used to collect whatever information you need... A Bank Account Number... a Purchase Order Number... anything you can think of! Any combination of the following field types can be collected during the checkout process and are available in the back office for later processing. Text (or number) Fieldset Date Masked Textbox HTML Tag Group [spam-filter] Creditcard Number Creditcard Issuer The intent is to offer as many field types as possible, in separate, easy to modify field classes. Currently the only payment processor that is available is storage of the data in the database... but because the processor is also an easy to modify separate class, it could be adapted to be anything as well. (Send an email, process against a payment gateway, add an entry to an external billing system...) WHAT WE NEED... Testers! Are you a Prestashop developer that would like to be involved in this project? Here's what you need to do... Simply head over to http://pursuantsolutions.com/product/anypay-v01-public-beta-release and follow the simple free checkout process. You will need to register an email address, but this is simply to allow account management and support ticket management on our site and will not be used for any other purposes. You will be able to download the zip file and install it on your dev site and report any bugs or feature requests at http://pursuantsolutions.com/ticket/add ! WHATS IN IT FOR ME? Anyone who assists in the testing of this module by submitting test results, bug reports, or feature requests will be given a free download of the module once it is production ready, to use as they see fit. It's that simple! Thanks for your help, Prestashop On! -- Kevin Klika Lead Developer Pursuant Solutions
  6. @rami Email is far less secure, and a violation of PCI compliance! --Kevin Klika Pursuant Solutions
  7. Prestateam, I love you guys. This product is cool, its great, and its free. But the DAMN CODE is awful. Absolutely awful. Figuring out how to code modules around your constantly changing formats is all I do. I spend 80% of my time reverse engineering this script in an attempt to get around the HORRIBLE lack of documentation. The new changes from 1.3 to 1.4 are frightening. FrontController is extended by every other controller, but it has functions called from other scripts (if its a base, why should you EVER call FrontController::anything()????). There isn't even Computer Generated documentation for this script. There is nothing. NOTHING. I'm very upset with the direction this script has taken. It has an active record pattern that still uses 30 line long SQL queries. It is the most procedural code I've ever seen that still uses classes. If a class is a model for a database, it shouldn't contain static functions. That is all that Prestashop uses. I have considered branching off of prestashop because of how its being managed and coded. It is impossible to code in. I wish I had someone to talk to about this because I have so much to say. But, alas, only a quiet forum awaits me. I can hope that by Prestashop 2.0 it is a COMPLETE rewrite. If it is not, there is no hope in this project. Thats all. --Kevin Klika
  8. As the creator of the referenced module, I believe it is exactly what you want --Kevin Klika Pursuant Solutions
  9. Note: if you,do not have a VALID , non-self signed SSL cert, google checkout will not send order confirmation. The google checkout module is balls right now, I get the $0.00 total as well. I will take a look at it in the morning. I assume its waiting for the order conf to come back from google before it converts the cart to an order. That is just a guess tho. As far as im concerned, for all the changes from 1.3.x to 1.4.17, it seems to have gone pretty smoothley. --Kevin Klika Pursuant Solutions
  10. I did, but they told me it "wasnt really a bug"... Whatever that means
  11. When using Configuration::updateValue('key','value'), the following happens: static public function updateValue($key, $values, $html = false) { //code removed /* Update classic values */ if (!is_array($values)) { $values = pSQL($values, $html); //VALUE IS ESCAPED HERE if (Configuration::get($key) !== false) //Configuration doesnt exist, so go to else { $result = $db->AutoExecute( //code removed } else { $result = self::_addConfiguration($key, $values);[/u]//_addConfiguration is called, using the ESCAPED keys, instead of the original keys.[/b] //code removed } } /* Update multilingual values */ else { //code removed } return $result; } When the escaped $values is passed to _addConfiguration, it gets double escaped before it is inserted. This is a bug I have found in v1.4 Prestashop team please fix! --Kevin Klika
  12. Livezilla for the win. I use it, it is everything you would need --Kevin
  13. Well, you say you have a problem with the offline credit card module, of which I am the creator. Maybe I can help with that? --Kevin
  14. You need to find where the variable is assigned to the email template, then pad it with zeros at the beginning, which is a PHP function. Google the function, find the assignment and you should be set... Although I guess I am assuming you know some PHP....... --Kevin
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