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David Niry

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About David Niry

  • Birthday 02/15/1976

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  1. Certains d'entre vous ont peut-être remarqué que depuis hier, plus aucun module lié à Facebook sur PrestaShop Addons ne contient le mot "Facebook" dnas le titre, et plus aucune utilisation du nom ou du logo dans les visuels non plus bien sûr. En Décembre 2016, la firme d'avocats de Facebook, Kilpatrick Townsend, a contacté PrestaShop concernant des violations de copyright supposées, et demandant que tous les contributeurs respectent les guidelines sur https://en.facebookbrand.com/guidelines/brand (en français, https://fr.facebookbrand.com/guidelines/brand). Ces guidelines définissent un cadre très stricte sur la manière dont la marque et le logo Facebook peuvent être utilisé par des tiers. Par exemple, le logo original ne peut pas être modifié ou déformé, on ne peut pas utiliser la version wordmark sans leur autorisation, ou si on utilise leur logo, il doit bien être séparé du reste du contenu ou encore, et je cite: " Il se peut que vous deviez parfois vous référer à Facebook pour en parler, décrire votre présence sur Facebook, afficher votre adresse web Facebook, indiquer que votre produit est intégré à Facebook ou décrire vos produits ou services en rapport avec Facebook. Acceptable Mettez une majuscule à la première lettre du terme « Facebook ­», sauf lorsqu’il fait partie d’une adresse web. Inacceptable Ne mettez pas la marque Facebook au pluriel, ne l’utilisez pas comme verbe ni comme une abréviation. N’utilisez pas le logo Facebook à la place du terme « Facebook ­». " Fin de citation. N'hésitez pas à visiter le lien ci-dessus pour plus d'infos. Pour être honnête, au moment où ils ont écrit, on utilisait leur Wordmark dans nos images de couverture et leur logo était modifié de l'original, et tout ça aurait pu prêter à confusion, on a donc fait profil bas et obtempéré car c'était justifié. Puis, ils sont revenus à la charge, en disant qu'on ne pouvait PAS DU TOUT utiliser leur nom ou leur logo dans les noms / titres des modules ou les visuels de quelque façon que ce soit. Bien que ce ne soit PAS ce que disent les guidelines. Après de longues discussions avec PrestaShop, nous avons décidé d'obtempérer à nouveau et de voir ce que ça donnerait, car une bataille légale avec un monstre comme Facebook et son armée d'avocats, ce n'est pas rien... Avant 12/2016 03/2017 Avant 12/2016 03/2017 Mais voilà que MAINTENANT, d'après une de mes sources, les avocats ont demandé à l'un des contributeurs Addons de ne même pas utiliser le nom Facebook dans la description courte du module qui apparaît dans les catégories et recherche. Ma réponse intérieure à ça a été "OVER MY DEAD BODY" (il faudra me passer sur le corps) !!! Ceci dit, un petit sondage pour voir ce que vous en pensez... 1) Après ces 2 rounds de changements, êtes-vous désorienté, ou comprenez-vous toujours bien quels modules sont pour Facebook ? Dans le 2e cas, qu'est-ce qui vous permet de décrypter cela et de bien comprendre ? 2) Si nous devions supprimer le mot Facebook même de la description courte, qu'en serait-il ? Pensez-vous que vous seriez toujours en mesure de comprendre ce que font les modules ? Merci.
  2. Some of you may have noticed that since yesterday, no Facebook related module on Addons contains the word "Facebook" in the title. Nor do the icons or the cover images, and of course, no use of the Facebook logo either. Back in December 2016, Facebook's law firm, Kilpatrick Townsend, reached out to PrestaShop for a supposed copyright infringement, asking all addons developers to respect the Facebook guidelines at https://en.facebookbrand.com/guidelines/brand These guidelines provide a very strict framework on how to use the Facebook logo and name. For example, you cannot modify the original "f" logo, you cannot use the wordmark version without permissions, when you use the logo, it has to be separated from the rest of the content, and if, and I quote: "Sometimes you may need to refer to Facebook to discuss it, describe your presence on Facebook, display your Facebook web address, indicate that your product is integrated with Facebook, or describe your products or services as they relate to Facebook. Do's Do display the word “Facebook” in the same font size and style as the content surrounding it Do capitalize the word “Facebook,” except when it’s part of a web address Don'ts Don’t pluralize the Facebook trademark, use it as a verb or abbreviate it Don’t use the Facebook logo in place of the word “Facebook” " End of quote from their guidelines. Feel free to use the link above for more details. To be honest, at that point, we were using their wordmark logo in our cover images, and indeed, it could have been misleading, suggesting that were official representatives of Facebook. So we complied. But then they came back and said we cannot use the word Facebook at all, cannot use the Facebook logo at all. Even though that is NOT what the Facebook guidelines say. But, after much debate with PrestaShop, we decided that we would see what happens when we do that, so we complied again. Because going in a legal battle against a monster like Facebook with an army of lawyers is no small feat. Before 12/2016 03/2017 Before 12/2016 03/2017 But NOW.... I have heard from one of my sources that one developer was asked to even remove the word Facebook from the module's short description and my initial internal response is "OVER MY DEAD BODY" !!!. That being said, we are waiting to hear back from their lawyers about this, but in the meantime, this is a topic to get your opinion... 1) After these 2 rounds of changes we already did, when you navigate to the Facebook and Social Networks category on PrestaShop Addons or use the search for "Facebook", do you still understand what is going on, and is it clear to you that the modules are for use with Facebook ? What signals you this ? Do you read the short description ? 2) If we were to remove the word Facebook even from the short description do you think you woudl still understand what the module is about ? Thank you.
  3. Hello, we just released this: http://addons.prestashop.com/en/23671-facebook-product-ads-facebook-pixel.html For information, if you already own our Google Merchant Center module, Facebook will accept the Google format. However, we still recommend getting this one so you can have separate feeds and better control which products you send to each platform. Moreover, you need the Facebook Pixel code which is included in this module in a very robust and comprehensive way, tracking all different pages on your PrestaShop.
  4. Hello, The Facebook pixel can do much more than just th econversiosn though. It is also used to segment pretty much any action or user behavior on the site for custom audiences and remarketing. You can track individual products, categories, add to cart actions etc... We recommend getting our module for this: http://addons.prestashop.com/en/23671-facebook-product-ads-facebook-pixel.html
  5. Hi bernd445, I think you are mixing up our Business Tech module (http://addons.prestashop.com/en/price-comparison/1768-google-merchant-center-google-shopping.html) which only costs 99€ with the one from PrestaShop (http://addons.prestashop.com/en/price-comparison/1615-google-shopping-merchant-center.html) which costs 129€. Ours is not only cheaper by 30€, but it is also much more comprehensive, configurable and robust, and our staff is much more knowleadgeable about the whole Google Shopping set of rules and prerequisites, therefore our tech support is also much more efficient and prompt. For example, we do not have issues with the robots.txt file since we generate the XML files at the root of the shop. However, since robots.txt forbids robots from crawling into the /modules directory, if the feed files are generated there, then indeed Google will say there is a problem fetching it. This is a mistake I had made myself on the very first release of the module back in 2010 when I had first personnally developed it, and I can assure you this was quickly fixed over 5 years ago already after we had sold our first copy... The downside is that on some server configurations, new file creation at the root of the shop is not allowed, in which case, the easy way to get around it is to just create empty files, name them appropriately and upload them manually via FTP and then CHMOD them correctly, something we explain and illustrate with screenshots in our online FAQ included in the module, or do through our tech support team 100% free of charge very quickly when this problem does present itself. So my advice is to double-check your order, and if what I am saying is correct and you indeed got mixed up, I can assure you we WILL get things to work quickly for if you get a refund on your previous order and purchase ours, should you experience any problems at all... Kindest Regards, David Niry Business Tech
  6. Hi Junior, Sorry I do not speak Dutch, but I know most people in the Netherlands speak English, and at worst there is always Google Translate I know you have not bought our module and bought the one from PrestaShop, but I thought I would still give you a link to our FAQ's (which are linked to from every configuration option in our own module to help you): http://faq.businesstech.fr/faq.php?id=100#prod_mpn Basically, For most products, you need to have 2 out of 3 identifiers: EAN, MPN, brand. Brand is something you should always have. And if your product does not have EAN, then you can use MPN instead, which is the product reference you will see on your invoice from your supplier. Now... I'll still throw my sales pitch in there : The module from PrestaShop is nice and easy to configure, but the problem with that is that it does not nearly match the reality of Google Shopping and all its rather complex and strict requirements. It misses many configuration options and has several flaws in the way it generates the feed. Our module is indeed a bit scarier when you look at screenshots, with many more configuration options, and you will probably need to read the above FAQ's and maybe even ask some questions to our tech support department for a few details (which will answer you much faster and in much greater detail than the PrestaShop team), but, I will say this without false modesty: we just have a much better product ! Best Regards, David Niry Business Tech
  7. Hello, I am sorry I don't speak German, but hopefully you can use Google Translate, as I did to understand your message I am the CEO of Business Tech which developed this one: http://addons.prestashop.com/de/seo-prestashop-module/1768-google-merchant-center-google-shopping.html To be honest, the one from PrestaShop is faster and simpler to configure but there is a big disadvantage to that: they do not give you all the configuration options that are necessary to comply with all of Google's requirements and produce a high quality product feed that will be best for your shop and your specific products and will optimize your results in Google Shopping and Google Adwords. All the web agencies use our module because they know we simply have a better product. If you look at the image screenshots from both modules, you will see this very quickly. I will admit that ours can look a bit scary with all these options, but we have a wonderful tech support service, and our staff will be happy to help you if you have any questions, in a much faster and more efficient way than you will get from PrestaShop. But don't take my word for it: you can try both modules and compare, and then get a refund from PrestaShop for the one you decide not to use in the end I hope this answers your question. Best Regards, David Niry Business Tech
  8. Bonjour, La dernière version du module Paypal fonctionne avec le module Google Marchands de Confiance. Une petite mise à jour et ça devrait passer
  9. Bonjour, La dernière version du module Paypal fonctionne avec le module Google Marchands de Confiance. Une petite mise à jour et ça devrait passer
  10. Bonjour, En effet, notre module ne peut prendre cela en compte, car les données associées ne sont pas stockées dans les tables standard ps_orders et ps_order_detail, mais plutôt dans des tables propres à chaque module connecteur (Amazon, CDiscount etc...) et cela est juste trop compliqué poru tout pouvoir prendre en compte, et présente trop de risques de bugs par rapport aux potentielles évolutions des dits modules. Ce n'est donc pas quelque chose qui sera implémenté à notre niveau. Pour arriver à vos fins Il vous faudra modifier les fichiers suivants: /conf/common.conf.php /lib/module-dao_class.php (fonction getReport) /views/templates/admin/tab/report-csv.tpl et /views/templates/admin/tab/report-html.tpl
  11. Hello, I do not speak Spanish but I translated your post with Google Translate, so I will reply in English. Indeed, Merchant Center has specifi requirements concernign product ID's, and we have implemented them in our module. However, if you try to do the remarketing code in your template by hand, you will get this problem. This is why we have a Remarketing module that is meant to work with our Google Merchant Center module. Here is th elink to the module in Spanish: http://addons.prestashop.com/es/publicidad-marketing-newsletter-modulos/9736-google-remarketing-dynamic.html Best Regards, -David
  12. Hi Nick, I take it your issue has been resolved since. Indeed, we added a security feature in 4.2.0, after many requests for it, and a security token is now added at the end. Indeed, when doing this update, the URL changes, and all that is required is to look it up in the module's configuration, and update it in Google's interface. I hoep this clears it up for anyoen who might read this. And let us know if you have any additional questions
  13. Guys, whether you are using our module (http://addons.prestashop.com/en/advertising-marketing-newsletter-modules/9736-google-remarketing-dynamic.html), or doing this manually, initially, there will be a wait time during which Adwords will tell you "We haven't detected the Google Analytics remarketing functionality on your website". This is simply because Google needs to crawl all your site and index it again before the tags are detected. Just be patient and it will eventually be fine (it can take from a couple days up to a week or so, depending on the frequency at which Google visits your website). I hope this clears up any confusion. We have used our module for our own remarketing campaigns in the past and went through the exact same thing. After a few days, it worked !
  14. Hi there, we are making good progress on this, and the Pro version will be available the second half of September !
  15. Bonjour, La requête avait été sécurisée avec la fonction native pSQL() de PrestaShop. Donc, au final, dans mySQL, cela aurait été escapé avec un backslash (\) de toute façon, reandant la requête inopérante. Mais bon, étant donné que c'est un entier qui est attendu, cela a été corrigé et on a mis un cast en (int) comme cela aurait dû être dès le départ. Le problème est donc corrigé dans les versions 3.2.9 (branche pour PrestaShop 1.4 / 1.5) et 4.0.6 (branche pour PrestaShop 1.6). Il suffit donc de télécharger la version à jour.
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