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Jessie K. Jepsen

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About Jessie K. Jepsen

  • Birthday 11/01/1981

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  1. Sorry, I have not had a chance to look at those. I will do so this weekend and see what I can figure out. I activated the links for those and I have the same issue also. If anyone else fix's it let us know..
  2. Prestashop 1.5.1 I get lots of customers who call and fax me in orders and I don't have emails for them. I would like to make it so email and passwords are not required on the back office "Optional" Or another way around it.. Can someone please point me to a solution? Thank you.
  3. Also, if you replaced your category.php with the code above and it fixed it, but sometimes on searches its still doing only on some items and not all, replace your /Classes/Search.php code with the following below and it might fix it like it did for me. ALWAYS BACK UP YOUR FILES AND DATABASE FIRST <?php /* * 2007-2012 PrestaShop * * NOTICE OF LICENSE * * This source file is subject to the Open Software License (OSL 3.0) * that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE.txt. * It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL: * http://opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php * If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to * obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email * to [email protected] so we can send you a copy immediately. * * DISCLAIMER * * Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade PrestaShop to newer * versions in the future. If you wish to customize PrestaShop for your * needs please refer to http://www.prestashop.com for more information. * * @author PrestaShop SA <[email protected]> * @copyright 2007-2012 PrestaShop SA * @version Release: $Revision: 7489 $ * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php Open Software License (OSL 3.0) * International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA */ define('PS_SEARCH_MAX_WORD_LENGTH', 15); /* Copied from Drupal search module, except for \x{0}-\x{2f} that has been replaced by \x{0}-\x{2c}\x{2e}-\x{2f} in order to keep the char '-' */ define('PREG_CLASS_SEARCH_EXCLUDE', '\x{0}-\x{2c}\x{2e}-\x{2f}\x{3a}-\x{40}\x{5b}-\x{60}\x{7b}-\x{bf}\x{d7}\x{f7}\x{2b0}-'. '\x{385}\x{387}\x{3f6}\x{482}-\x{489}\x{559}-\x{55f}\x{589}-\x{5c7}\x{5f3}-'. '\x{61f}\x{640}\x{64b}-\x{65e}\x{66a}-\x{66d}\x{670}\x{6d4}\x{6d6}-\x{6ed}'. '\x{6fd}\x{6fe}\x{700}-\x{70f}\x{711}\x{730}-\x{74a}\x{7a6}-\x{7b0}\x{901}-'. '\x{903}\x{93c}\x{93e}-\x{94d}\x{951}-\x{954}\x{962}-\x{965}\x{970}\x{981}-'. '\x{983}\x{9bc}\x{9be}-\x{9cd}\x{9d7}\x{9e2}\x{9e3}\x{9f2}-\x{a03}\x{a3c}-'. '\x{a4d}\x{a70}\x{a71}\x{a81}-\x{a83}\x{abc}\x{abe}-\x{acd}\x{ae2}\x{ae3}'. '\x{af1}-\x{b03}\x{b3c}\x{b3e}-\x{b57}\x{b70}\x{b82}\x{bbe}-\x{bd7}\x{bf0}-'. '\x{c03}\x{c3e}-\x{c56}\x{c82}\x{c83}\x{cbc}\x{cbe}-\x{cd6}\x{d02}\x{d03}'. '\x{d3e}-\x{d57}\x{d82}\x{d83}\x{dca}-\x{df4}\x{e31}\x{e34}-\x{e3f}\x{e46}-'. '\x{e4f}\x{e5a}\x{e5b}\x{eb1}\x{eb4}-\x{ebc}\x{ec6}-\x{ecd}\x{f01}-\x{f1f}'. '\x{f2a}-\x{f3f}\x{f71}-\x{f87}\x{f90}-\x{fd1}\x{102c}-\x{1039}\x{104a}-'. '\x{104f}\x{1056}-\x{1059}\x{10fb}\x{10fc}\x{135f}-\x{137c}\x{1390}-\x{1399}'. '\x{166d}\x{166e}\x{1680}\x{169b}\x{169c}\x{16eb}-\x{16f0}\x{1712}-\x{1714}'. '\x{1732}-\x{1736}\x{1752}\x{1753}\x{1772}\x{1773}\x{17b4}-\x{17db}\x{17dd}'. '\x{17f0}-\x{180e}\x{1843}\x{18a9}\x{1920}-\x{1945}\x{19b0}-\x{19c0}\x{19c8}'. '\x{19c9}\x{19de}-\x{19ff}\x{1a17}-\x{1a1f}\x{1d2c}-\x{1d61}\x{1d78}\x{1d9b}-'. '\x{1dc3}\x{1fbd}\x{1fbf}-\x{1fc1}\x{1fcd}-\x{1fcf}\x{1fdd}-\x{1fdf}\x{1fed}-'. '\x{1fef}\x{1ffd}-\x{2070}\x{2074}-\x{207e}\x{2080}-\x{2101}\x{2103}-\x{2106}'. '\x{2108}\x{2109}\x{2114}\x{2116}-\x{2118}\x{211e}-\x{2123}\x{2125}\x{2127}'. '\x{2129}\x{212e}\x{2132}\x{213a}\x{213b}\x{2140}-\x{2144}\x{214a}-\x{2b13}'. '\x{2ce5}-\x{2cff}\x{2d6f}\x{2e00}-\x{3005}\x{3007}-\x{303b}\x{303d}-\x{303f}'. '\x{3099}-\x{309e}\x{30a0}\x{30fb}\x{30fd}\x{30fe}\x{3190}-\x{319f}\x{31c0}-'. '\x{31cf}\x{3200}-\x{33ff}\x{4dc0}-\x{4dff}\x{a015}\x{a490}-\x{a716}\x{a802}'. '\x{E000}-\x{F8FF}\x{FB29}\x{FD3E}-\x{FD3F}\x{FDFC}-\x{FDFD}'. '\x{fd3f}\x{fdfc}-\x{fe6b}\x{feff}-\x{ff0f}\x{ff1a}-\x{ff20}\x{ff3b}-\x{ff40}'. '\x{ff5b}-\x{ff65}\x{ff70}\x{ff9e}\x{ff9f}\x{ffe0}-\x{fffd}'); define('PREG_CLASS_NUMBERS', '\x{30}-\x{39}\x{b2}\x{b3}\x{b9}\x{bc}-\x{be}\x{660}-\x{669}\x{6f0}-\x{6f9}'. '\x{966}-\x{96f}\x{9e6}-\x{9ef}\x{9f4}-\x{9f9}\x{a66}-\x{a6f}\x{ae6}-\x{aef}'. '\x{b66}-\x{b6f}\x{be7}-\x{bf2}\x{c66}-\x{c6f}\x{ce6}-\x{cef}\x{d66}-\x{d6f}'. '\x{e50}-\x{e59}\x{ed0}-\x{ed9}\x{f20}-\x{f33}\x{1040}-\x{1049}\x{1369}-'. '\x{137c}\x{16ee}-\x{16f0}\x{17e0}-\x{17e9}\x{17f0}-\x{17f9}\x{1810}-\x{1819}'. '\x{1946}-\x{194f}\x{2070}\x{2074}-\x{2079}\x{2080}-\x{2089}\x{2153}-\x{2183}'. '\x{2460}-\x{249b}\x{24ea}-\x{24ff}\x{2776}-\x{2793}\x{3007}\x{3021}-\x{3029}'. '\x{3038}-\x{303a}\x{3192}-\x{3195}\x{3220}-\x{3229}\x{3251}-\x{325f}\x{3280}-'. '\x{3289}\x{32b1}-\x{32bf}\x{ff10}-\x{ff19}'); define('PREG_CLASS_PUNCTUATION', '\x{21}-\x{23}\x{25}-\x{2a}\x{2c}-\x{2f}\x{3a}\x{3b}\x{3f}\x{40}\x{5b}-\x{5d}'. '\x{5f}\x{7b}\x{7d}\x{a1}\x{ab}\x{b7}\x{bb}\x{bf}\x{37e}\x{387}\x{55a}-\x{55f}'. '\x{589}\x{58a}\x{5be}\x{5c0}\x{5c3}\x{5f3}\x{5f4}\x{60c}\x{60d}\x{61b}\x{61f}'. '\x{66a}-\x{66d}\x{6d4}\x{700}-\x{70d}\x{964}\x{965}\x{970}\x{df4}\x{e4f}'. '\x{e5a}\x{e5b}\x{f04}-\x{f12}\x{f3a}-\x{f3d}\x{f85}\x{104a}-\x{104f}\x{10fb}'. '\x{1361}-\x{1368}\x{166d}\x{166e}\x{169b}\x{169c}\x{16eb}-\x{16ed}\x{1735}'. '\x{1736}\x{17d4}-\x{17d6}\x{17d8}-\x{17da}\x{1800}-\x{180a}\x{1944}\x{1945}'. '\x{2010}-\x{2027}\x{2030}-\x{2043}\x{2045}-\x{2051}\x{2053}\x{2054}\x{2057}'. '\x{207d}\x{207e}\x{208d}\x{208e}\x{2329}\x{232a}\x{23b4}-\x{23b6}\x{2768}-'. '\x{2775}\x{27e6}-\x{27eb}\x{2983}-\x{2998}\x{29d8}-\x{29db}\x{29fc}\x{29fd}'. '\x{3001}-\x{3003}\x{3008}-\x{3011}\x{3014}-\x{301f}\x{3030}\x{303d}\x{30a0}'. '\x{30fb}\x{fd3e}\x{fd3f}\x{fe30}-\x{fe52}\x{fe54}-\x{fe61}\x{fe63}\x{fe68}'. '\x{fe6a}\x{fe6b}\x{ff01}-\x{ff03}\x{ff05}-\x{ff0a}\x{ff0c}-\x{ff0f}\x{ff1a}'. '\x{ff1b}\x{ff1f}\x{ff20}\x{ff3b}-\x{ff3d}\x{ff3f}\x{ff5b}\x{ff5d}\x{ff5f}-'. '\x{ff65}'); /** * Matches all CJK characters that are candidates for auto-splitting * (Chinese, Japanese, Korean). * Contains kana and BMP ideographs. */ define('PREG_CLASS_CJK', '\x{3041}-\x{30ff}\x{31f0}-\x{31ff}\x{3400}-\x{4db5}\x{4e00}-\x{9fbb}\x{f900}-\x{fad9}'); class SearchCore { public static function sanitize($string, $id_lang, $indexation = false) { $string = Tools::strtolower(strip_tags($string)); $string = html_entity_decode($string, ENT_NOQUOTES, 'utf-8'); $string = preg_replace('/(['.PREG_CLASS_NUMBERS.']+)['.PREG_CLASS_PUNCTUATION.']+(?=['.PREG_CLASS_NUMBERS.'])/u', '\1', $string); $string = preg_replace('/['.PREG_CLASS_SEARCH_EXCLUDE.']+/u', ' ', $string); if ($indexation) $string = preg_replace('/[._-]+/', '', $string); else { $string = preg_replace('/[._]+/', '', $string); $string = ltrim(preg_replace('/([^ ])-/', '$1', ' '.$string)); $string = preg_replace('/[._]+/', '', $string); $string = preg_replace('/[^\s]-+/', '', $string); } $blacklist = Configuration::get('PS_SEARCH_BLACKLIST', $id_lang); if (!empty($blacklist)) { $string = preg_replace('/(?<=\s)('.$blacklist.')(?=\s)/Su', '', $string); $string = preg_replace('/^('.$blacklist.')(?=\s)/Su', '', $string); $string = preg_replace('/(?<=\s)('.$blacklist.')$/Su', '', $string); $string = preg_replace('/^('.$blacklist.')$/Su', '', $string); } if (!$indexation) { $words = explode(' ', $string); $processed_words = array(); // search for aliases for each word of the query foreach ($words as $word) { $alias = new Alias(null, $word); if (Validate::isLoadedObject($alias)) $processed_words[] = $alias->search; else $processed_words[] = $word; } $string = implode(' ', $processed_words); } if ($indexation) { $minWordLen = (int)Configuration::get('PS_SEARCH_MINWORDLEN'); if ($minWordLen > 1) { $minWordLen -= 1; $string = preg_replace('/(?<=\s)[^\s]{1,'.$minWordLen.'}(?=\s)/Su', ' ', $string); $string = preg_replace('/^[^\s]{1,'.$minWordLen.'}(?=\s)/Su', '', $string); $string = preg_replace('/(?<=\s)[^\s]{1,'.$minWordLen.'}$/Su', '', $string); $string = preg_replace('/^[^\s]{1,'.$minWordLen.'}$/Su', '', $string); } } $string = trim(preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $string)); return $string; } public static function find($id_lang, $expr, $page_number = 1, $page_size = 1, $order_by = 'position', $order_way = 'desc', $ajax = false, $use_cookie = true, Context $context = null) { if (!$context) $context = Context::getContext(); $db = Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_); // Only use cookie if id_customer is not present if ($use_cookie) $id_customer = $context->customer->id; else $id_customer = 0; // TODO : smart page management if ($page_number < 1) $page_number = 1; if ($page_size < 1) $page_size = 1; if (!Validate::isOrderBy($order_by) || !Validate::isOrderWay($order_way)) return false; $intersect_array = array(); $score_array = array(); $words = explode(' ', Search::sanitize($expr, $id_lang)); foreach ($words as $key => $word) if (!empty($word) && strlen($word) >= (int)Configuration::get('PS_SEARCH_MINWORDLEN')) { $word = str_replace('%', '\\%', $word); $word = str_replace('_', '\\_', $word); $intersect_array[] = 'SELECT si.id_product FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'search_word sw LEFT JOIN '._DB_PREFIX_.'search_index si ON sw.id_word = si.id_word WHERE sw.id_lang = '.(int)$id_lang.' AND sw.id_shop = '.$context->shop->id.' AND sw.word LIKE '.($word[0] == '-' ? ' \''.pSQL(Tools::substr($word, 1, PS_SEARCH_MAX_WORD_LENGTH)).'%\'' : '\''.pSQL(Tools::substr($word, 0, PS_SEARCH_MAX_WORD_LENGTH)).'%\'' ); if ($word[0] != '-') $score_array[] = 'sw.word LIKE \''.pSQL(Tools::substr($word, 0, PS_SEARCH_MAX_WORD_LENGTH)).'%\''; } else unset($words[$key]); if (!count($words)) return ($ajax ? array() : array('total' => 0, 'result' => array())); $score = ''; if (count($score_array)) $score = ',( SELECT SUM(weight) FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'search_word sw LEFT JOIN '._DB_PREFIX_.'search_index si ON sw.id_word = si.id_word WHERE sw.id_lang = '.(int)$id_lang.' AND sw.id_shop = '.$context->shop->id.' AND si.id_product = p.id_product AND ('.implode(' OR ', $score_array).') ) position'; $sql = 'SELECT cp.`id_product` FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category_group` cg INNER JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category_product` cp ON cp.`id_category` = cg.`id_category` INNER JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category` c ON cp.`id_category` = c.`id_category` INNER JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'product` p ON cp.`id_product` = p.`id_product` '.Shop::addSqlAssociation('product', 'p', false).' WHERE c.`active` = 1 AND product_shop.`active` = 1 AND product_shop.`visibility` IN ("both", "search") AND product_shop.indexed = 1 AND cg.`id_group` '.(!$id_customer ? '= 1' : 'IN ( SELECT id_group FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'customer_group WHERE id_customer = '.(int)$id_customer.' )'); $results = $db->executeS($sql); $eligible_products = array(); foreach ($results as $row) $eligible_products[] = $row['id_product']; foreach ($intersect_array as $query) { $eligible_products2 = array(); foreach ($db->executeS($query) as $row) $eligible_products2[] = $row['id_product']; $eligible_products = array_intersect($eligible_products, $eligible_products2); if (!count($eligible_products)) return ($ajax ? array() : array('total' => 0, 'result' => array())); } $eligible_products = array_unique($eligible_products); $product_pool = ''; foreach ($eligible_products as $id_product) if ($id_product) $product_pool .= (int)$id_product.','; if (empty($product_pool)) return ($ajax ? array() : array('total' => 0, 'result' => array())); $product_pool = ((strpos($product_pool, ',') === false) ? (' = '.(int)$product_pool.' ') : (' IN ('.rtrim($product_pool, ',').') ')); if ($ajax) { $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT p.id_product, pl.name pname, cl.name cname, cl.link_rewrite crewrite, pl.link_rewrite prewrite '.$score.' FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'product p INNER JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'product_lang` pl ON ( p.`id_product` = pl.`id_product` AND pl.`id_lang` = '.(int)$id_lang.Shop::addSqlRestrictionOnLang('pl').' ) '.Shop::addSqlAssociation('product', 'p').' INNER JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category_lang` cl ON ( product_shop.`id_category_default` = cl.`id_category` AND cl.`id_lang` = '.(int)$id_lang.Shop::addSqlRestrictionOnLang('cl').' ) WHERE p.`id_product` '.$product_pool.' ORDER BY position DESC LIMIT 10'; return $db->executeS($sql); } if (strpos($order_by, '.') > 0) { $order_by = explode('.', $order_by); $order_by = pSQL($order_by[0]).'.`'.pSQL($order_by[1]).'`'; } $alias = ''; if ($order_by == 'price') $alias = 'product_shop.'; $sql = 'SELECT p.*, product_shop.*, stock.out_of_stock, IFNULL(stock.quantity, 0) as quantity, pl.`description_short`, pl.`available_now`, pl.`available_later`, pl.`link_rewrite`, pl.`name`, tax.`rate`, i.`id_image`, il.`legend`, m.`name` manufacturer_name '.$score.', DATEDIFF( p.`date_add`, DATE_SUB( NOW(), INTERVAL '.(Validate::isUnsignedInt(Configuration::get('PS_NB_DAYS_NEW_PRODUCT')) ? Configuration::get('PS_NB_DAYS_NEW_PRODUCT') : 20).' DAY ) ) > 0 new FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'product p '.Shop::addSqlAssociation('product', 'p').' INNER JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'product_lang` pl ON ( p.`id_product` = pl.`id_product` AND pl.`id_lang` = '.(int)$id_lang.Shop::addSqlRestrictionOnLang('pl').' ) LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'tax_rule` tr ON (product_shop.`id_tax_rules_group` = tr.`id_tax_rules_group` AND tr.`id_country` = '.(int)$context->country->id.' AND tr.`id_state` = 0) LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'tax` tax ON (tax.`id_tax` = tr.`id_tax`) LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'manufacturer` m ON m.`id_manufacturer` = p.`id_manufacturer` LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'image` i ON (i.`id_product` = p.`id_product` AND i.`cover` = 1) LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'image_lang` il ON (i.`id_image` = il.`id_image` AND il.`id_lang` = '.(int)$id_lang.') '.Product::sqlStock('p', 0).' WHERE p.`id_product` '.$product_pool.' '.($order_by ? 'ORDER BY '.$alias.$order_by : '').($order_way ? ' '.$order_way : '').' LIMIT '.(int)(($page_number - 1) * $page_size).','.(int)$page_size; $result = $db->executeS($sql); $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'product p '.Shop::addSqlAssociation('product', 'p').' INNER JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'product_lang` pl ON ( p.`id_product` = pl.`id_product` AND pl.`id_lang` = '.(int)$id_lang.Shop::addSqlRestrictionOnLang('pl').' ) LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'tax_rule` tr ON (product_shop.`id_tax_rules_group` = tr.`id_tax_rules_group` AND tr.`id_country` = '.(int)Context::getContext()->country->id.' AND tr.`id_state` = 0) LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'tax` tax ON (tax.`id_tax` = tr.`id_tax`) LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'manufacturer` m ON m.`id_manufacturer` = p.`id_manufacturer` LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'image` i ON (i.`id_product` = p.`id_product` AND i.`cover` = 1) LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'image_lang` il ON (i.`id_image` = il.`id_image` AND il.`id_lang` = '.(int)$id_lang.') WHERE p.`id_product` '.$product_pool; $total = $db->getValue($sql); if (!$result) $result_properties = false; else $result_properties = Product::getProductsProperties((int)$id_lang, $result); return array('total' => $total,'result' => $result_properties); } public static function getTags($db, $id_product, $id_lang) { $tags = ''; $tagsArray = $db->executeS(' SELECT t.name FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'product_tag pt LEFT JOIN '._DB_PREFIX_.'tag t ON (pt.id_tag = t.id_tag AND t.id_lang = '.(int)$id_lang.') WHERE pt.id_product = '.(int)$id_product); foreach ($tagsArray as $tag) $tags .= $tag['name'].' '; return $tags; } public static function getAttributes($db, $id_product, $id_lang) { if (!Combination::isFeatureActive()) return ''; $attributes = ''; $attributesArray = $db->executeS(' SELECT al.name FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'product_attribute pa INNER JOIN '._DB_PREFIX_.'product_attribute_combination pac ON pa.id_product_attribute = pac.id_product_attribute INNER JOIN '._DB_PREFIX_.'attribute_lang al ON (pac.id_attribute = al.id_attribute AND al.id_lang = '.(int)$id_lang.') '.Shop::addSqlAssociation('product_attribute', 'pa').' WHERE pa.id_product = '.(int)$id_product); foreach ($attributesArray as $attribute) $attributes .= $attribute['name'].' '; return $attributes; } public static function getFeatures($db, $id_product, $id_lang) { if (!Feature::isFeatureActive()) return ''; $features = ''; $featuresArray = $db->executeS(' SELECT fvl.value FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'feature_product fp LEFT JOIN '._DB_PREFIX_.'feature_value_lang fvl ON (fp.id_feature_value = fvl.id_feature_value AND fvl.id_lang = '.(int)$id_lang.') WHERE fp.id_product = '.(int)$id_product); foreach ($featuresArray as $feature) $features .= $feature['value'].' '; return $features; } protected static function getProductsToIndex($total_languages, $id_product = false, $limit = 50) { // Adjust the limit to get only "whole" products, in every languages (and at least one) $max_possibilities = $total_languages * count(Shop::getShops(true)); $limit = max(1, floor($limit / $max_possibilities) * $max_possibilities); return Db::getInstance()->executeS(' SELECT p.id_product, pl.id_lang, pl.id_shop, pl.name pname, p.reference, p.ean13, p.upc, pl.description_short, pl.description, cl.name cname, m.name mname FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'product p LEFT JOIN '._DB_PREFIX_.'product_lang pl ON p.id_product = pl.id_product '.Shop::addSqlAssociation('product', 'p').' LEFT JOIN '._DB_PREFIX_.'category_lang cl ON (cl.id_category = product_shop.id_category_default AND pl.id_lang = cl.id_lang AND cl.id_shop = product_shop.id_shop) LEFT JOIN '._DB_PREFIX_.'manufacturer m ON m.id_manufacturer = p.id_manufacturer WHERE product_shop.indexed = 0 AND product_shop.visibility IN ("both", "search") '.($id_product ? 'AND p.id_product = '.(int)$id_product : '').' LIMIT '.(int)$limit ); } public static function indexation($full = false, $id_product = false) { $db = Db::getInstance(); if ($id_product) $full = false; if ($full) { $db->execute('TRUNCATE '._DB_PREFIX_.'search_index'); $db->execute('TRUNCATE '._DB_PREFIX_.'search_word'); ObjectModel::updateMultishopTable('Product', array('indexed' => 0), '1'); } else { // Do it even if you already know the product id in order to be sure that it exists and it needs to be indexed $products = $db->executeS(' SELECT p.id_product FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'product p '.Shop::addSqlAssociation('product', 'p').' WHERE product_shop.visibility IN ("both", "search") AND '.($id_product ? 'p.id_product = '.(int)$id_product : 'product_shop.indexed = 0') ); $ids = array(); if ($products) foreach ($products as $product) $ids[] = (int)$product['id_product']; if (count($ids)) $db->execute('DELETE FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'search_index WHERE id_product IN ('.implode(',', $ids).')'); } // Every fields are weighted according to the configuration in the backend $weight_array = array( 'pname' => Configuration::get('PS_SEARCH_WEIGHT_PNAME'), 'reference' => Configuration::get('PS_SEARCH_WEIGHT_REF'), 'ean13' => Configuration::get('PS_SEARCH_WEIGHT_REF'), 'upc' => Configuration::get('PS_SEARCH_WEIGHT_REF'), 'description_short' => Configuration::get('PS_SEARCH_WEIGHT_SHORTDESC'), 'description' => Configuration::get('PS_SEARCH_WEIGHT_DESC'), 'cname' => Configuration::get('PS_SEARCH_WEIGHT_CNAME'), 'mname' => Configuration::get('PS_SEARCH_WEIGHT_MNAME'), 'tags' => Configuration::get('PS_SEARCH_WEIGHT_TAG'), 'attributes' => Configuration::get('PS_SEARCH_WEIGHT_ATTRIBUTE'), 'features' => Configuration::get('PS_SEARCH_WEIGHT_FEATURE') ); // Those are kind of global variables required to save the processed data in the database every X occurrences, in order to avoid overloading MySQL $count_words = 0; $query_array3 = array(); $products_array = array(); // Every indexed words are cached into a PHP array $word_ids = Db::getInstance()->executeS(' SELECT id_word, word, id_lang, id_shop FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'search_word'); $word_ids_by_word = array(); foreach ($word_ids as $word_id) { if (!isset($word_ids_by_word[$word_id['id_shop']][$word_id['id_lang']])) $word_ids_by_word[$word_id['id_shop']][$word_id['id_lang']] = array(); $word_ids_by_word[$word_id['id_shop']][$word_id['id_lang']]['_'.$word_id['word']] = (int)$word_id['id_word']; } // Retrieve the number of languages $total_languages = count(Language::getLanguages(false)); // Products are processed 50 by 50 in order to avoid overloading MySQL while (($products = Search::getProductsToIndex($total_languages, $id_product, 50)) && (count($products) > 0)) { // Now each non-indexed product is processed one by one, langage by langage foreach ($products as $product) { $product['tags'] = Search::getTags($db, (int)$product['id_product'], (int)$product['id_lang']); $product['attributes'] = Search::getAttributes($db, (int)$product['id_product'], (int)$product['id_lang']); $product['features'] = Search::getFeatures($db, (int)$product['id_product'], (int)$product['id_lang']); // Data must be cleaned of html, bad characters, spaces and anything, then if the resulting words are long enough, they're added to the array $product_array = array(); foreach ($product as $key => $value) if (strncmp($key, 'id_', 3)) { $words = explode(' ', Search::sanitize($value, (int)$product['id_lang'], true)); foreach ($words as $word) if (!empty($word)) { $word = Tools::substr($word, 0, PS_SEARCH_MAX_WORD_LENGTH); // Remove accents $word = Tools::replaceAccentedChars($word); if (!isset($product_array[$word])) $product_array[$word] = 0; $product_array[$word] += $weight_array[$key]; } } // If we find words that need to be indexed, they're added to the word table in the database if (count($product_array)) { $query_array = $query_array2 = array(); foreach ($product_array as $word => $weight) if ($weight && !isset($word_ids_by_word['_'.$word])) { $query_array[$word] = '('.(int)$product['id_lang'].', '.(int)$product['id_shop'].', \''.pSQL($word).'\')'; $query_array2[] = '\''.pSQL($word).'\''; $word_ids_by_word[$product['id_shop']][$product['id_lang']]['_'.$word] = 0; } if ($query_array2) { $existing_words = $db->executeS(' SELECT DISTINCT word FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'search_word WHERE word IN ('.implode(',', $query_array2).') AND id_lang = '.(int)$product['id_lang'].' AND id_shop = '.(int)$product['id_shop']); foreach ($existing_words as $data) unset($query_array[Tools::replaceAccentedChars($data['word'])]); } if (count($query_array)) { // The words are inserted... $db->execute(' INSERT IGNORE INTO '._DB_PREFIX_.'search_word (id_lang, id_shop, word) VALUES '.implode(',', $query_array)); } if (count($query_array2)) { // ...then their IDs are retrieved and added to the cache $added_words = $db->executeS(' SELECT sw.id_word, sw.word FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'search_word sw WHERE sw.word IN ('.implode(',', $query_array2).') AND sw.id_lang = '.(int)$product['id_lang'].' AND sw.id_shop = '.(int)$product['id_shop'].' LIMIT '.count($query_array2)); // replace accents from the retrieved words so that words without accents or with differents accents can still be linked foreach ($added_words as $word_id) $word_ids_by_word[$product['id_shop']][$product['id_lang']]['_'.Tools::replaceAccentedChars($word_id['word'])] = (int)$word_id['id_word']; } } foreach ($product_array as $word => $weight) { if (!$weight) continue; if (!isset($word_ids_by_word[$product['id_shop']][$product['id_lang']]['_'.$word])) continue; if (!$word_ids_by_word[$product['id_shop']][$product['id_lang']]['_'.$word]) continue; $query_array3[] = '('.(int)$product['id_product'].','. (int)$word_ids_by_word[$product['id_shop']][$product['id_lang']]['_'.$word].','.(int)$weight.')'; // Force save every 200 words in order to avoid overloading MySQL if (++$count_words % 200 == 0) Search::saveIndex($query_array3); } if (!in_array($product['id_product'], $products_array)) $products_array[] = (int)$product['id_product']; } Search::setProductsAsIndexed($products_array); // One last save is done at the end in order to save what's left Search::saveIndex($query_array3); } return true; } protected static function setProductsAsIndexed(&$products) { if (count($products)) ObjectModel::updateMultishopTable('Product', array('indexed' => 1), 'a.id_product IN ('.implode(',', $products).')'); } /** $queryArray3 is automatically emptied in order to be reused immediatly */ protected static function saveIndex(&$queryArray3) { if (count($queryArray3)) Db::getInstance()->execute( 'INSERT INTO '._DB_PREFIX_.'search_index (id_product, id_word, weight) VALUES '.implode(',', $queryArray3).' ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE weight = weight + VALUES(weight)' ); $queryArray3 = array(); } public static function searchTag($id_lang, $tag, $count = false, $pageNumber = 0, $pageSize = 10, $orderBy = false, $orderWay = false, $useCookie = true, Context $context = null) { if (!$context) $context = Context::getContext(); // Only use cookie if id_customer is not present if ($useCookie) $id_customer = (int)$context->customer->id; else $id_customer = 0; if (!is_numeric($pageNumber) || !is_numeric($pageSize) || !Validate::isBool($count) || !Validate::isValidSearch($tag) || $orderBy && !$orderWay || ($orderBy && !Validate::isOrderBy($orderBy)) || ($orderWay && !Validate::isOrderBy($orderWay))) return false; if ($pageNumber < 1) $pageNumber = 1; if ($pageSize < 1) $pageSize = 10; $id = Context::getContext()->shop->id; $id_shop = $id ? $id : Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_DEFAULT'); if ($count) { $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT pt.`id_product`) nb FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'product` p '.Shop::addSqlAssociation('product', 'p').' LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'product_tag` pt ON (p.`id_product` = pt.`id_product`) LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'tag` t ON (pt.`id_tag` = t.`id_tag` AND t.`id_lang` = '.(int)$id_lang.') LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category_product` cp ON (cp.`id_product` = p.`id_product`) LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category_shop` cs ON (cp.`id_category` = cs.`id_category` AND cs.`id_shop` = '.(int)$id_shop.') LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category_group` cg ON (cg.`id_category` = cp.`id_category`) WHERE product_shop.`active` = 1 AND cs.`id_shop` = '.(int)Context::getContext()->shop->id.' AND cg.`id_group` '.(!$id_customer ? '= 1' : 'IN ( SELECT id_group FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'customer_group WHERE id_customer = '.(int)$id_customer.')').' AND t.`name` LIKE \'%'.pSQL($tag).'%\''; return (int)Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->getValue($sql); } $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT p.*, product_shop.*, stock.out_of_stock, IFNULL(stock.quantity, 0) as quantity, pl.`description_short`, pl.`link_rewrite`, pl.`name`, tax.`rate`, i.`id_image`, il.`legend`, m.`name` manufacturer_name, 1 position, DATEDIFF( p.`date_add`, DATE_SUB( NOW(), INTERVAL '.(Validate::isUnsignedInt(Configuration::get('PS_NB_DAYS_NEW_PRODUCT')) ? Configuration::get('PS_NB_DAYS_NEW_PRODUCT') : 20).' DAY ) ) > 0 new FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'product` p INNER JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'product_lang` pl ON ( p.`id_product` = pl.`id_product` AND pl.`id_lang` = '.(int)$id_lang.Shop::addSqlRestrictionOnLang('pl').' ) '.Shop::addSqlAssociation('product', 'p', false).' LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'image` i ON (i.`id_product` = p.`id_product` AND i.`cover` = 1) LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'image_lang` il ON (i.`id_image` = il.`id_image` AND il.`id_lang` = '.(int)$id_lang.') LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'tax_rule` tr ON (product_shop.`id_tax_rules_group` = tr.`id_tax_rules_group` AND tr.`id_country` = '.(int)$context->country->id.' AND tr.`id_state` = 0) LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'tax` tax ON (tax.`id_tax` = tr.`id_tax`) LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'manufacturer` m ON (m.`id_manufacturer` = p.`id_manufacturer`) LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'product_tag` pt ON (p.`id_product` = pt.`id_product`) LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'tag` t ON (pt.`id_tag` = t.`id_tag` AND t.`id_lang` = '.(int)$id_lang.') LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category_product` cp ON (cp.`id_product` = p.`id_product`) LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category_group` cg ON (cg.`id_category` = cp.`id_category`) LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category_shop` cs ON (cg.`id_category` = cs.`id_category` AND cs.`id_shop` = '.(int)$id_shop.') '.Product::sqlStock('p', 0).' WHERE product_shop.`active` = 1 AND cs.`id_shop` = '.(int)Context::getContext()->shop->id.' AND cg.`id_group` '.(!$id_customer ? '= 1' : 'IN ( SELECT id_group FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'customer_group WHERE id_customer = '.(int)$id_customer.')').' AND t.`name` LIKE \'%'.pSQL($tag).'%\' ORDER BY position DESC'.($orderBy ? ', '.$orderBy : '').($orderWay ? ' '.$orderWay : '').' LIMIT '.(int)(($pageNumber - 1) * $pageSize).','.(int)$pageSize; if (!$result = Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->executeS($sql)) return false; return Product::getProductsProperties((int)$id_lang, $result); } }
  4. Did you make a backup of your root directory and sql database before you upgraded like it says to? If so just restore your files and database from your backed up files.
  5. I don't use the top sellers, so I am sorry.. I will look into it and see if I can figure anything out for you. If someone else does first please post it for Baltimore..
  6. Thank you Ben! You are always on top of things for us
  7. Replace your /classes/Category.php with the code below, and let me know if that fix's it for you. PLEASE BACKUP YOUR Category.php FILE FIRST <?php /* * 2007-2012 PrestaShop * * NOTICE OF LICENSE * * This source file is subject to the Open Software License (OSL 3.0) * that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE.txt. * It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL: * http://opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php * If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to * obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email * to [email protected] so we can send you a copy immediately. * * DISCLAIMER * * Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade PrestaShop to newer * versions in the future. If you wish to customize PrestaShop for your * needs please refer to http://www.prestashop.com for more information. * * @author PrestaShop SA <[email protected]> * @copyright 2007-2012 PrestaShop SA * @version Release: $Revision: 7515 $ * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php Open Software License (OSL 3.0) * International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA */ class CategoryCore extends ObjectModel { public $id; /** @var integer category ID */ public $id_category; /** @var string Name */ public $name; /** @var boolean Status for display */ public $active = 1; /** @var integer category position */ public $position; /** @var string Description */ public $description; /** @var integer Parent category ID */ public $id_parent; /** @var integer default Category id */ public $id_category_default; /** @var integer Parents number */ public $level_depth; /** @var integer Nested tree model "left" value */ public $nleft; /** @var integer Nested tree model "right" value */ public $nright; /** @var string string used in rewrited URL */ public $link_rewrite; /** @var string Meta title */ public $meta_title; /** @var string Meta keywords */ public $meta_keywords; /** @var string Meta description */ public $meta_description; /** @var string Object creation date */ public $date_add; /** @var string Object last modification date */ public $date_upd; /** @var boolean is Category Root */ public $is_root_category; public $groupBox; protected static $_links = array(); /** * @see ObjectModel::$definition */ public static $definition = array( 'table' => 'category', 'primary' => 'id_category', 'multilang' => true, 'multilang_shop' => true, 'fields' => array( 'nleft' => array('type' => self::TYPE_INT, 'validate' => 'isUnsignedInt'), 'nright' => array('type' => self::TYPE_INT, 'validate' => 'isUnsignedInt'), 'level_depth' => array('type' => self::TYPE_INT, 'validate' => 'isUnsignedInt'), 'active' => array('type' => self::TYPE_BOOL, 'validate' => 'isBool', 'required' => true), 'id_parent' => array('type' => self::TYPE_INT, 'validate' => 'isUnsignedInt'), 'id_shop_default' => array('type' => self::TYPE_INT, 'validate' => 'isUnsignedId'), 'is_root_category' => array('type' => self::TYPE_BOOL, 'validate' => 'isBool'), 'position' => array('type' => self::TYPE_INT), 'date_add' => array('type' => self::TYPE_DATE, 'validate' => 'isDate'), 'date_upd' => array('type' => self::TYPE_DATE, 'validate' => 'isDate'), // Lang fields 'name' => array('type' => self::TYPE_STRING, 'lang' => true, 'validate' => 'isCatalogName', 'required' => true, 'size' => 64), 'link_rewrite' => array('type' => self::TYPE_STRING, 'lang' => true, 'validate' => 'isLinkRewrite', 'required' => true, 'size' => 64), 'description' => array('type' => self::TYPE_HTML, 'lang' => true, 'validate' => 'isString'), 'meta_title' => array('type' => self::TYPE_STRING, 'lang' => true, 'validate' => 'isGenericName', 'size' => 128), 'meta_description' => array('type' => self::TYPE_STRING, 'lang' => true, 'validate' => 'isGenericName', 'size' => 255), 'meta_keywords' => array('type' => self::TYPE_STRING, 'lang' => true, 'validate' => 'isGenericName', 'size' => 255), ), ); /** @var string id_image is the category ID when an image exists and 'default' otherwise */ public $id_image = 'default'; protected $webserviceParameters = array( 'objectsNodeName' => 'categories', 'hidden_fields' => array('nleft', 'nright', 'groupBox'), 'fields' => array( 'id_parent' => array('xlink_resource'=> 'categories'), 'level_depth' => array('setter' => false), 'nb_products_recursive' => array('getter' => 'getWsNbProductsRecursive', 'setter' => false), ), 'associations' => array( 'categories' => array('getter' => 'getChildrenWs', 'resource' => 'category', ), 'products' => array('getter' => 'getProductsWs', 'resource' => 'product', ), ), ); public function __construct($id_category = null, $id_lang = null, $id_shop = null) { parent::__construct($id_category, $id_lang, $id_shop); $this->id_image = ($this->id && file_exists(_PS_CAT_IMG_DIR_.(int)$this->id.'.jpg')) ? (int)$this->id : false; $this->image_dir = _PS_CAT_IMG_DIR_; } /** * Allows to display the category description without HTML tags and slashes * * @return string */ public static function getDescriptionClean($description) { return strip_tags(stripslashes($description)); } public function add($autodate = true, $null_values = false) { if (!isset($this->level_depth)) $this->level_depth = $this->calcLevelDepth(); $ret = parent::add($autodate, $null_values); if (Tools::isSubmit('checkBoxShopAsso_category')) foreach (Tools::getValue('checkBoxShopAsso_category') as $id_shop => $value) { $position = Category::getLastPosition((int)$this->id_parent, $id_shop); $this->addPosition($position, $id_shop); } else foreach (Shop::getShops(true) as $shop) { $position = Category::getLastPosition((int)$this->id_parent, $shop['id_shop']); if (!$position) $position = 1; $this->addPosition($position, $shop['id_shop']); } if (!isset($this->doNotRegenerateNTree) || !$this->doNotRegenerateNTree) Category::regenerateEntireNtree(); $this->updateGroup($this->groupBox); Hook::exec('actionCategoryAdd', array('category' => $this)); return $ret; } /** * update category positions in parent * * @param mixed $null_values * @return void */ public function update($null_values = false) { if ($this->id_parent == $this->id) throw new PrestaShopException('a category cannot be it\'s own parent'); // Update group selection $this->updateGroup($this->groupBox); $this->level_depth = $this->calcLevelDepth(); // If the parent category was changed, we don't want to have 2 categories with the same position if ($this->getDuplicatePosition()) { $assos = array(); if (Tools::isSubmit('checkBoxShopAsso_category')) { $check_box = Tools::getValue('checkBoxShopAsso_category'); foreach ($check_box as $id_asso_object => $row) { foreach ($row as $id_shop => $value) $assos[] = array('id_object' => (int)$id_asso_object, 'id_shop' => (int)$id_shop); } } foreach ($assos as $shop) $this->addPosition(Category::getLastPosition((int)$this->id_parent, $shop['id_shop']), $shop['id_shop']); } $this->cleanPositions((int)$this->id_parent); $ret = parent::update($null_values); if (!isset($this->doNotRegenerateNTree) || !$this->doNotRegenerateNTree) { Category::regenerateEntireNtree(); $this->recalculateLevelDepth($this->id_category); } Hook::exec('actionCategoryUpdate', array('category' => $this)); return $ret; } /** * @see ObjectModel::toggleStatus() */ public function toggleStatus() { $result = parent::toggleStatus(); Hook::exec('actionCategoryUpdate'); return $result; } /** * Recursive scan of subcategories * * @param integer $max_depth Maximum depth of the tree (i.e. 2 => 3 levels depth) * @param integer $current_depth specify the current depth in the tree (don't use it, only for rucursivity!) * @param integer $id_lang Specify the id of the language used * @param array $excluded_ids_array specify a list of ids to exclude of results * * @return array Subcategories lite tree */ public function recurseLiteCategTree($max_depth = 3, $current_depth = 0, $id_lang = null, $excluded_ids_array = null) { $id_lang = is_null($id_lang) ? Context::getContext()->language->id : (int)$id_lang; if (!(int)$id_lang) $id_lang = _USER_ID_LANG_; $children = array(); $subcats = $this->getSubCategories($id_lang, true); if (($max_depth == 0 || $current_depth < $max_depth) && $subcats && count($subcats)) foreach ($subcats as &$subcat) { if (!$subcat['id_category']) break; else if (!is_array($excluded_ids_array) || !in_array($subcat['id_category'], $excluded_ids_array)) { $categ = new Category($subcat['id_category'], $id_lang); $children[] = $categ->recurseLiteCategTree($max_depth, $current_depth + 1, $id_lang, $excluded_ids_array); } } if (is_array($this->description)) foreach ($this->description as $lang => $description) $this->description[$lang] = Category::getDescriptionClean($description); else $this->description = Category::getDescriptionClean($this->description); return array( 'id' => (int)$this->id_category, 'link' => Context::getContext()->link->getCategoryLink($this->id, $this->link_rewrite), 'name' => $this->name, 'desc'=> $this->description, 'children' => $children ); } public static function recurseCategory($categories, $current, $id_category = 1, $id_selected = 1) { echo '<option value="'.$id_category.'"'.(($id_selected == $id_category) ? ' selected="selected"' : '').'>'. str_repeat(' ', $current['infos']['level_depth'] * 5).stripslashes($current['infos']['name']).'</option>'; if (isset($categories[$id_category])) foreach (array_keys($categories[$id_category]) as $key) Category::recurseCategory($categories, $categories[$id_category][$key], $key, $id_selected); } /** * Recursively add specified category childs to $to_delete array * * @param array &$to_delete Array reference where categories ID will be saved * @param array $id_category Parent category ID */ protected function recursiveDelete(&$to_delete, $id_category) { if (!is_array($to_delete) || !$id_category) die(Tools::displayError()); $result = Db::getInstance()->executeS(' SELECT `id_category` FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category` WHERE `id_parent` = '.(int)$id_category); foreach ($result as $row) { $to_delete[] = (int)$row['id_category']; $this->recursiveDelete($to_delete, (int)$row['id_category']); } } public function deleteLite() { // Directly call the parent of delete, in order to avoid recursion return parent::delete(); } public function delete() { if ((int)$this->id === 0 || (int)$this->id === 1) return false; $this->clearCache(); $all_cat = $this->getAllChildren(); $all_cat[] = $this; foreach ($all_cat as $cat) { $cat->deleteLite(); if (!$this->hasMultishopEntries()) { $cat->deleteImage(); $cat->cleanGroups(); $cat->cleanAssoProducts(); // Delete associated restrictions on cart rules CartRule::cleanProductRuleIntegrity('categories', array($cat->id)); Category::cleanPositions($cat->id_parent); /* Delete Categories in GroupReduction */ if (GroupReduction::getGroupReductionByCategoryId((int)$cat->id)) GroupReduction::deleteCategory($cat->id); } } /* Rebuild the nested tree */ if (!$this->hasMultishopEntries() && (!isset($this->doNotRegenerateNTree) || !$this->doNotRegenerateNTree)) Category::regenerateEntireNtree(); Hook::exec('actionCategoryDelete', array('category' => $this)); return true; } /** * Delete several categories from database * * return boolean Deletion result */ public function deleteSelection($categories) { $return = 1; foreach ($categories as $id_category) { $category = new Category($id_category); if ($category->isRootCategoryForAShop()) return false; else $return &= $category->delete(); } return $return; } /** * Get the depth level for the category * * @return integer Depth level */ public function calcLevelDepth() { /* Root category */ if (!$this->id_parent) return 0; $parent_category = new Category($this->id_parent); if (!Validate::isLoadedObject($parent_category)) throw new PrestaShopException('Parent category does not exist'); return $parent_category->level_depth + 1; } /** * Re-calculate the values of all branches of the nested tree */ public static function regenerateEntireNtree() { $id = Context::getContext()->shop->id; $id_shop = $id ? $id: Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_DEFAULT'); $categories = Db::getInstance()->executeS(' SELECT c.`id_category`, c.`id_parent` FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category` c LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category_shop` cs ON (c.`id_category` = cs.`id_category` AND cs.`id_shop` = '.(int)$id_shop.') ORDER BY c.`id_parent`, cs.`position` ASC'); $categories_array = array(); foreach ($categories as $category) $categories_array[$category['id_parent']]['subcategories'][] = $category['id_category']; $n = 1; if (isset($categories_array[0]) && $categories_array[0]['subcategories']) Category::_subTree($categories_array, $categories_array[0]['subcategories'][0], $n); } protected static function _subTree(&$categories, $id_category, &$n) { $left = $n++; if (isset($categories[(int)$id_category]['subcategories'])) foreach ($categories[(int)$id_category]['subcategories'] as $id_subcategory) Category::_subTree($categories, (int)$id_subcategory, $n); $right = (int)$n++; Db::getInstance()->execute(' UPDATE '._DB_PREFIX_.'category SET nleft = '.(int)$left.', nright = '.(int)$right.' WHERE id_category = '.(int)$id_category.' LIMIT 1 '); } /** * Updates level_depth for all children of the given id_category * * @param integer $id_category parent category */ public function recalculateLevelDepth($id_category) { if (!is_numeric($id_category)) throw new PrestaShopException('id category is not numeric'); /* Gets all children */ $categories = Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->executeS(' SELECT id_category, id_parent, level_depth FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'category WHERE id_parent = '.(int)$id_category); /* Gets level_depth */ $level = Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->getRow(' SELECT level_depth FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'category WHERE id_category = '.(int)$id_category); /* Updates level_depth for all children */ foreach ($categories as $sub_category) { Db::getInstance()->execute(' UPDATE '._DB_PREFIX_.'category SET level_depth = '.(int)($level['level_depth'] + 1).' WHERE id_category = '.(int)$sub_category['id_category']); /* Recursive call */ $this->recalculateLevelDepth($sub_category['id_category']); } } /** * Return available categories * * @param integer $id_lang Language ID * @param boolean $active return only active categories * @return array Categories */ public static function getCategories($id_lang = false, $active = true, $order = true, $sql_filter = '', $sql_sort = '', $sql_limit = '') { if (!Validate::isBool($active)) die(Tools::displayError()); $result = Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->executeS(' SELECT * FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category` c '.Shop::addSqlAssociation('category', 'c').' LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category_lang` cl ON c.`id_category` = cl.`id_category`'.Shop::addSqlRestrictionOnLang('cl').' WHERE 1 '.$sql_filter.' '.($id_lang ? 'AND `id_lang` = '.(int)$id_lang : '').' '.($active ? 'AND `active` = 1' : '').' '.(!$id_lang ? 'GROUP BY c.id_category' : '').' '.($sql_sort != '' ? $sql_sort : 'ORDER BY c.`level_depth` ASC, category_shop.`position` ASC').' '.($sql_limit != '' ? $sql_limit : '') ); if (!$order) return $result; $categories = array(); foreach ($result as $row) $categories[$row['id_parent']][$row['id_category']]['infos'] = $row; return $categories; } public static function getSimpleCategories($id_lang) { return Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->executeS(' SELECT c.`id_category`, cl.`name` FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category` c LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category_lang` cl ON (c.`id_category` = cl.`id_category`'.Shop::addSqlRestrictionOnLang('cl').') '.Shop::addSqlAssociation('category', 'c').' WHERE cl.`id_lang` = '.(int)$id_lang.' AND c.`id_category` != '.Configuration::get('PS_ROOT_CATEGORY').' GROUP BY c.id_category ORDER BY c.`id_category`, category_shop.`position`'); } public function getShopID() { return $this->id_shop; } /** * Return current category childs * * @param integer $id_lang Language ID * @param boolean $active return only active categories * @return array Categories */ public function getSubCategories($id_lang, $active = true) { if (!Validate::isBool($active)) die(Tools::displayError()); $groups = FrontController::getCurrentCustomerGroups(); $sql_groups = (count($groups) ? 'IN ('.implode(',', $groups).')' : '= 1'); $result = Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->executeS(' SELECT c.*, cl.id_lang, cl.name, cl.description, cl.link_rewrite, cl.meta_title, cl.meta_keywords, cl.meta_description FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category` c '.Shop::addSqlAssociation('category', 'c').' LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category_lang` cl ON (c.`id_category` = cl.`id_category` AND `id_lang` = '.(int)$id_lang.Shop::addSqlRestrictionOnLang('cl').') LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category_group` cg ON (cg.`id_category` = c.`id_category`) WHERE `id_parent` = '.(int)$this->id.' '.($active ? 'AND `active` = 1' : '').' AND cg.`id_group` '.$sql_groups.' GROUP BY c.`id_category` ORDER BY `level_depth` ASC, category_shop.`position` ASC '); foreach ($result as &$row) { $row['id_image'] = file_exists(_PS_CAT_IMG_DIR_.$row['id_category'].'.jpg') ? (int)$row['id_category'] : Language::getIsoById($id_lang).'-default'; $row['legend'] = 'no picture'; } return $result; } /** * Return current category products * * @param integer $id_lang Language ID * @param integer $p Page number * @param integer $n Number of products per page * @param boolean $get_total return the number of results instead of the results themself * @param boolean $active return only active products * @param boolean $random active a random filter for returned products * @param int $random_number_products number of products to return if random is activated * @param boolean $check_access set to false to return all products (even if customer hasn't access) * @return mixed Products or number of products */ public function getProducts($id_lang, $p, $n, $order_by = null, $order_way = null, $get_total = false, $active = true, $random = false, $random_number_products = 1, $check_access = true, Context $context = null) { if (!$context) $context = Context::getContext(); if ($check_access && !$this->checkAccess($context->customer->id)) return false; $front = true; if (!in_array($context->controller->controller_type, array('front', 'modulefront'))) $front = false; if ($p < 1) $p = 1; if (empty($order_by)) $order_by = 'position'; else /* Fix for all modules which are now using lowercase values for 'orderBy' parameter */ $order_by = strtolower($order_by); if (empty($order_way)) $order_way = 'ASC'; if ($order_by == 'id_product' || $order_by == 'date_add' || $order_by == 'date_upd') $order_by_prefix = 'p'; elseif ($order_by == 'name') $order_by_prefix = 'pl'; elseif ($order_by == 'manufacturer') { $order_by_prefix = 'm'; $order_by = 'name'; } elseif ($order_by == 'position') $order_by_prefix = 'cp'; if ($order_by == 'price') $order_by = 'orderprice'; if (!Validate::isBool($active) || !Validate::isOrderBy($order_by) || !Validate::isOrderWay($order_way)) die (Tools::displayError()); $id_supplier = (int)Tools::getValue('id_supplier'); /* Return only the number of products */ if ($get_total) { $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(cp.`id_product`) AS total FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'product` p '.Shop::addSqlAssociation('product', 'p').' LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category_product` cp ON p.`id_product` = cp.`id_product` WHERE cp.`id_category` = '.(int)$this->id. ($front ? ' AND product_shop.`visibility` IN ("both", "catalog")' : ''). ($active ? ' AND product_shop.`active` = 1' : ''). ($id_supplier ? 'AND p.id_supplier = '.(int)$id_supplier : ''); return (int)Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->getValue($sql); } $sql = 'SELECT p.*, product_shop.*, stock.out_of_stock, IFNULL(stock.quantity, 0) as quantity, product_attribute_shop.`id_product_attribute`, pl.`description`, pl.`description_short`, pl.`available_now`, pl.`available_later`, pl.`link_rewrite`, pl.`meta_description`, pl.`meta_keywords`, pl.`meta_title`, pl.`name`, i.`id_image`, il.`legend`, m.`name` AS manufacturer_name, tl.`name` AS tax_name, t.`rate`, cl.`name` AS category_default, DATEDIFF(product_shop.`date_add`, DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL '.(Validate::isUnsignedInt(Configuration::get('PS_NB_DAYS_NEW_PRODUCT')) ? Configuration::get('PS_NB_DAYS_NEW_PRODUCT') : 20).' DAY)) > 0 AS new, (product_shop.`price` * IF(t.`rate`,((100 + (t.`rate`))/100),1)) AS orderprice FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category_product` cp LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'product` p ON p.`id_product` = cp.`id_product` '.Shop::addSqlAssociation('product', 'p').' LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'product_attribute` pa ON (p.`id_product` = pa.`id_product`) '.Shop::addSqlAssociation('product_attribute', 'pa', false, 'product_attribute_shop.`default_on` = 1').' '.Product::sqlStock('p', 'product_attribute_shop', false, $context->shop).' LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category_lang` cl ON (product_shop.`id_category_default` = cl.`id_category` AND cl.`id_lang` = '.(int)$id_lang.Shop::addSqlRestrictionOnLang('cl').') LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'product_lang` pl ON (p.`id_product` = pl.`id_product` AND pl.`id_lang` = '.(int)$id_lang.Shop::addSqlRestrictionOnLang('pl').') LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'image` i ON (i.`id_product` = p.`id_product` AND i.`cover` = 1) LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'image_lang` il ON (i.`id_image` = il.`id_image` AND il.`id_lang` = '.(int)$id_lang.') LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'tax_rule` tr ON (product_shop.`id_tax_rules_group` = tr.`id_tax_rules_group` AND tr.`id_country` = '.(int)$context->country->id.' AND tr.`id_state` = 0 AND tr.`zipcode_from` = 0) LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'tax` t ON (t.`id_tax` = tr.`id_tax`) LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'tax_lang` tl ON (t.`id_tax` = tl.`id_tax` AND tl.`id_lang` = '.(int)$id_lang.') LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'manufacturer` m ON m.`id_manufacturer` = p.`id_manufacturer` WHERE product_shop.`id_shop` = '.(int)$context->shop->id.' AND ((product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute IS NOT NULL OR pa.id_product_attribute IS NULL) OR (product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute IS NULL AND pa.default_on=1)) AND cp.`id_category` = '.(int)$this->id .($active ? ' AND product_shop.`active` = 1' : '') .($front ? ' AND product_shop.`visibility` IN ("both", "catalog")' : '') .($id_supplier ? ' AND p.id_supplier = '.(int)$id_supplier : ''); if ($random === true) { $sql .= ' ORDER BY RAND()'; $sql .= ' LIMIT 0, '.(int)$random_number_products; } else $sql .= ' ORDER BY '.(isset($order_by_prefix) ? $order_by_prefix.'.' : '').'`'.pSQL($order_by).'` '.pSQL($order_way).' LIMIT '.(((int)$p - 1) * (int)$n).','.(int)$n; $result = Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->executeS($sql); if ($order_by == 'orderprice') Tools::orderbyPrice($result, $order_way); if (!$result) return false; /* Modify SQL result */ return Product::getProductsProperties($id_lang, $result); } /** * Return main categories * * @param integer $id_lang Language ID * @param boolean $active return only active categories * @return array categories */ public static function getHomeCategories($id_lang, $active = true) { return self::getChildren(Configuration::get('PS_HOME_CATEGORY'), $id_lang, $active); } public static function getRootCategory($id_lang = null, Shop $shop = null) { $context = Context::getContext(); if (is_null($id_lang)) $id_lang = $context->language->id; if (!$shop) if (Shop::isFeatureActive() && Shop::getContext() != Shop::CONTEXT_SHOP) $shop = new Shop(Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_DEFAULT')); else $shop = $context->shop; else return new Category($shop->getCategory(), $id_lang); $is_more_than_one_root_category = count(Category::getCategoriesWithoutParent()) > 1; if ((!Shop::isFeatureActive() && $is_more_than_one_root_category) || Shop::isFeatureActive() && $is_more_than_one_root_category && Shop::getContext() != Shop::CONTEXT_SHOP) $category = Category::getTopCategory($id_lang); else $category = new Category($shop->getCategory(), $id_lang); return $category; } /** * * @param int $id_parent * @param int $id_lang * @param bool $active * @return array */ public static function getChildren($id_parent, $id_lang, $active = true, $id_shop = false) { if (!Validate::isBool($active)) die(Tools::displayError()); $query = 'SELECT c.`id_category`, cl.`name`, cl.`link_rewrite`, category_shop.`id_shop` FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category` c LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category_lang` cl ON (c.`id_category` = cl.`id_category`'.Shop::addSqlRestrictionOnLang('cl').') '.Shop::addSqlAssociation('category', 'c').' WHERE `id_lang` = '.(int)$id_lang.' AND c.`id_parent` = '.(int)$id_parent.' '.($active ? 'AND `active` = 1' : '').' GROUP BY c.`id_category` ORDER BY category_shop.`position` ASC'; return Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->executeS($query); } /** * Return an array of all children of the current category * * @param int $id_lang * @return Collection */ public function getAllChildren($id_lang = null) { if (is_null($id_lang)) $id_lang = Context::getContext()->language->id; $categories = new Collection('Category', $id_lang); $categories->where('nleft', '>', $this->nleft); $categories->where('nright', '<', $this->nright); return $categories; } /** * This method allow to return children categories with the number of sub children selected for a product * * @param int $id_parent * @param int $id_product * @param int $id_lang * @return array */ public static function getChildrenWithNbSelectedSubCat($id_parent, $selected_cat, $id_lang, Shop $shop = null, $use_shop_context = true) { if (!$shop) $shop = Context::getContext()->shop; $id_shop = $shop->id ? $shop->id : Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_DEFAULT'); $selected_cat = explode(',', str_replace(' ', '', $selected_cat)); $sql = 'SELECT c.`id_category`, c.`level_depth`, cl.`name`, IF(( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category` c2 WHERE c2.`id_parent` = c.`id_category` ) > 0, 1, 0) AS has_children, '.($selected_cat ? '( SELECT count(c3.`id_category`) FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category` c3 WHERE c3.`nleft` > c.`nleft` AND c3.`nright` < c.`nright` AND c3.`id_category` IN ('.implode(',', array_map('intval', $selected_cat)).') )' : '0').' AS nbSelectedSubCat FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category` c LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category_lang` cl ON (c.`id_category` = cl.`id_category` '.Shop::addSqlRestrictionOnLang('cl', $id_shop).')'; if (Shop::getContext() == Shop::CONTEXT_SHOP && $use_shop_context) $sql .= ' LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category_shop` cs ON (c.`id_category` = cs.`id_category` AND cs.`id_shop` = '.(int)$id_shop.')'; $sql .= ' WHERE `id_lang` = '.(int)$id_lang; if (Shop::getContext() == Shop::CONTEXT_SHOP && $use_shop_context) $sql .= ' AND cs.`id_shop` = '.(int)$shop->id; $sql .= ' AND c.`id_parent` = '.(int)$id_parent; if (Shop::getContext() == Shop::CONTEXT_SHOP && $use_shop_context) $sql .= ' ORDER BY cs.`position` ASC'; return Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->executeS($sql); } /** * Copy products from a category to another * * @param integer $id_old Source category ID * @param boolean $id_new Destination category ID * @return boolean Duplication result */ public static function duplicateProductCategories($id_old, $id_new) { $sql = 'SELECT `id_category` FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category_product` WHERE `id_product` = '.(int)$id_old; $result = Db::getInstance()->executeS($sql); $row = array(); if ($result) foreach ($result as $i) $row[] = '('.implode(', ', array((int)$id_new, $i['id_category'], '(SELECT tmp.max + 1 FROM ( SELECT MAX(cp.`position`) AS max FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category_product` cp WHERE cp.`id_category`='.(int)$i['id_category'].') AS tmp)' )).')'; $flag = Db::getInstance()->execute(' INSERT INTO `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category_product` (`id_product`, `id_category`, `position`) VALUES '.implode(',', $row) ); return $flag; } /** * Check if category can be moved in another one. * The category cannot be moved in a child category. * * @param integer $id_category current category * @param integer $id_parent Parent candidate * @return boolean Parent validity */ public static function checkBeforeMove($id_category, $id_parent) { if ($id_category == $id_parent) return false; if ($id_parent == Configuration::get('PS_HOME_CATEGORY')) return true; $i = (int)$id_parent; while (42) { $result = Db::getInstance()->getRow('SELECT `id_parent` FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category` WHERE `id_category` = '.(int)$i); if (!isset($result['id_parent'])) return false; if ($result['id_parent'] == $id_category) return false; if ($result['id_parent'] == Configuration::get('PS_HOME_CATEGORY')) return true; $i = $result['id_parent']; } } public static function getLinkRewrite($id_category, $id_lang) { if (!Validate::isUnsignedId($id_category) || !Validate::isUnsignedId($id_lang)) return false; if (isset(self::$_links[$id_category.'-'.$id_lang])) return self::$_links[$id_category.'-'.$id_lang]; $result = Db::getInstance()->getRow(' SELECT cl.`link_rewrite` FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category_lang` cl WHERE `id_lang` = '.(int)$id_lang.' '.Shop::addSqlRestrictionOnLang('cl').' AND cl.`id_category` = '.(int)$id_category ); self::$_links[$id_category.'-'.$id_lang] = $result['link_rewrite']; return $result['link_rewrite']; } public function getLink(Link $link = null) { if (!$link) $link = Context::getContext()->link; return $link->getCategoryLink($this, $this->link_rewrite); } public function getName($id_lang = null) { if (!$id_lang) { if (isset($this->name[Context::getContext()->language->id])) $id_lang = Context::getContext()->language->id; else $id_lang = (int)Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT'); } return isset($this->name[$id_lang]) ? $this->name[$id_lang] : ''; } /** * Light back office search for categories * * @param integer $id_lang Language ID * @param string $query Searched string * @param boolean $unrestricted allows search without lang and includes first category and exact match * @return array Corresponding categories */ public static function searchByName($id_lang, $query, $unrestricted = false) { if ($unrestricted === true) return Db::getInstance()->getRow(' SELECT c.*, cl.* FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category` c LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category_lang` cl ON (c.`id_category` = cl.`id_category`'.Shop::addSqlRestrictionOnLang('cl').') WHERE `name` LIKE \''.pSQL($query).'\' '); else return Db::getInstance()->executeS(' SELECT c.*, cl.* FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category` c LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category_lang` cl ON (c.`id_category` = cl.`id_category` AND `id_lang` = '.(int)$id_lang.Shop::addSqlRestrictionOnLang('cl').') WHERE `name` LIKE \'%'.pSQL($query).'%\' AND c.`id_category` != '.(int)Configuration::get('PS_HOME_CATEGORY') ); } /** * Retrieve category by name and parent category id * * @param integer $id_lang Language ID * @param string $category_name Searched category name * @param integer $id_parent_category parent category ID * @return array Corresponding category */ public static function searchByNameAndParentCategoryId($id_lang, $category_name, $id_parent_category) { return Db::getInstance()->getRow(' SELECT c.*, cl.* FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category` c LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category_lang` cl ON (c.`id_category` = cl.`id_category` AND `id_lang` = '.(int)$id_lang.Shop::addSqlRestrictionOnLang('cl').') WHERE `name` LIKE \''.pSQL($category_name).'\' AND c.`id_category` != '.(int)Configuration::get('PS_HOME_CATEGORY').' AND c.`id_parent` = '.(int)$id_parent_category ); } /** * Get Each parent category of this category until the root category * * @param integer $id_lang Language ID * @return array Corresponding categories */ public function getParentsCategories($id_lang = null) { $context = Context::getContext(); if (is_null($id_lang)) $id_lang = $context->language->id; $categories = null; $id_current = $this->id; if (count(Category::getCategoriesWithoutParent()) > 1 && Configuration::get('PS_MULTISHOP_FEATURE_ACTIVE') && count(Shop::getShops(true, null, true)) != 1) $context->shop->id_category = Category::getTopCategory()->id; elseif (!$context->shop->id) $context->shop = new Shop(Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_DEFAULT')); $id_shop = $context->shop->id; while (true) { $sql = ' SELECT c.*, cl.* FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category` c LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category_lang` cl ON (c.`id_category` = cl.`id_category` AND `id_lang` = '.(int)$id_lang.Shop::addSqlRestrictionOnLang('cl').')'; if (Shop::isFeatureActive() && Shop::getContext() == Shop::CONTEXT_SHOP) $sql .= ' LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category_shop` cs ON (c.`id_category` = cs.`id_category` AND cs.`id_shop` = '.(int)$id_shop.')'; $sql .= ' WHERE c.`id_category` = '.(int)$id_current; if (Shop::isFeatureActive() && Shop::getContext() == Shop::CONTEXT_SHOP) $sql .= ' AND cs.`id_shop` = '.(int)$context->shop->id; $root_category = Category::getRootCategory(); if (Shop::isFeatureActive() && Shop::getContext() == Shop::CONTEXT_SHOP && (!Tools::isSubmit('id_category') || (int)Tools::getValue('id_category') == (int)$root_category->id_category || (int)$root_category->id_category == (int)$context->shop->id_category)) $sql .= ' AND c.`id_parent` != 0'; $result = Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->executeS($sql); if (isset($result[0])) $categories[] = $result[0]; else if (!$categories) $categories = array(); if (!$result || ($result[0]['id_category'] == $context->shop->id_category)) return $categories; $id_current = $result[0]['id_parent']; } } /** * Specify if a category already in base * * @param $id_category Category id * @return boolean */ public static function categoryExists($id_category) { $row = Db::getInstance()->getRow(' SELECT `id_category` FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'category c WHERE c.`id_category` = '.(int)$id_category); return isset($row['id_category']); } public function cleanGroups() { Db::getInstance()->execute('DELETE FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category_group` WHERE `id_category` = '.(int)$this->id); } public function cleanAssoProducts() { Db::getInstance()->execute('DELETE FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category_product` WHERE `id_category` = '.(int)$this->id); } public function addGroups($groups) { foreach ($groups as $group) { $row = array('id_category' => (int)$this->id, 'id_group' => (int)$group); Db::getInstance()->insert('category_group', $row); } } public function getGroups() { $groups = array(); $result = Db::getInstance()->executeS(' SELECT cg.`id_group` FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'category_group cg WHERE cg.`id_category` = '.(int)$this->id ); foreach ($result as $group) $groups[] = $group['id_group']; return $groups; } public function addGroupsIfNoExist($id_group) { $groups = $this->getGroups(); if (!in_array((int)$id_group, $groups)) return $this->addGroups(array((int)$id_group)); else return false; } /** * checkAccess return true if id_customer is in a group allowed to see this category. * * @param mixed $id_customer * @access public * @return boolean true if access allowed for customer $id_customer */ public function checkAccess($id_customer) { if (!$id_customer) { $result = Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->getRow(' SELECT ctg.`id_group` FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'category_group ctg WHERE ctg.`id_category` = '.(int)$this->id.' AND ctg.`id_group` = 1 '); } else { $result = Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->getRow(' SELECT ctg.`id_group` FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'category_group ctg INNER JOIN '._DB_PREFIX_.'customer_group cg on (cg.`id_group` = ctg.`id_group` AND cg.`id_customer` = '.(int)$id_customer.') WHERE ctg.`id_category` = '.(int)$this->id ); } if ($result && isset($result['id_group']) && $result['id_group']) return true; return false; } /** * Update customer groups associated to the object * * @param array $list groups */ public function updateGroup($list) { $this->cleanGroups(); if ($list && !empty($list)) $this->addGroups($list); else $this->addGroups(array(Configuration::get('PS_UNIDENTIFIED_GROUP'), Configuration::get('PS_GUEST_GROUP'), Configuration::get('PS_CUSTOMER_GROUP'))); } public static function setNewGroupForHome($id_group) { if (!(int)$id_group) return false; return Db::getInstance()->execute(' INSERT INTO `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category_group` VALUES ('.(int)Context::getContext()->shop->getCategory().', '.(int)$id_group.') '); } public function updatePosition($way, $position) { $id = Context::getContext()->shop->id; $id_shop = $id ? $id: Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_DEFAULT'); if (!$res = Db::getInstance()->executeS(' SELECT cp.`id_category`, cs.`position`, cp.`id_parent` FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category` cp LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category_shop` cs ON (cp.`id_category` = cs.`id_category` AND cs.`id_shop` = '.(int)$id_shop.') WHERE cp.`id_parent` = '.(int)$this->id_parent.' ORDER BY cs.`position` ASC' )) return false; foreach ($res as $category) if ((int)$category['id_category'] == (int)$this->id) $moved_category = $category; if (!isset($moved_category) || !isset($position)) return false; // < and > statements rather than BETWEEN operator // since BETWEEN is treated differently according to databases $result = (Db::getInstance()->execute(' UPDATE `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category_shop` cs LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category` c ON (c.`id_category` = cs.`id_category` AND cs.`id_shop` = '.(int)$id_shop.') SET cs.`position`= cs.`position` '.($way ? '- 1' : '+ 1').' WHERE cs.`position` '.($way ? '> '.(int)$moved_category['position'].' AND cs.`position` <= '.(int)$position : '< '.(int)$moved_category['position'].' AND cs.`position` >= '.(int)$position).' AND c.`id_parent`='.(int)$moved_category['id_parent']) && Db::getInstance()->execute(' UPDATE `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category_shop` cs LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category` c ON (c.`id_category` = cs.`id_category` AND cs.`id_shop` = '.(int)$id_shop.') SET cs.`position` = '.(int)$position.' WHERE c.`id_parent` = '.(int)$moved_category['id_parent'].' AND c.`id_category`='.(int)$moved_category['id_category'])); Hook::exec('actionCategoryUpdate'); return $result; } /** * cleanPositions keep order of category in $id_category_parent, * but remove duplicate position. Should not be used if positions * are clean at the beginning ! * * @param mixed $id_category_parent * @return boolean true if succeed */ public static function cleanPositions($id_category_parent = null) { if ($id_category_parent === null) return; $return = true; $id = Context::getContext()->shop->id; $id_shop = $id ? $id : Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_DEFAULT'); $result = Db::getInstance()->executeS(' SELECT c.`id_category` FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category` c LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category_shop` cs ON (c.`id_category` = cs.`id_category` AND cs.`id_shop` = '.(int)$id_shop.') WHERE c.`id_parent` = '.(int)$id_category_parent.' ORDER BY cs.`position` '); $count = count($result); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $sql = ' UPDATE `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category` c LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category_shop` cs ON (c.`id_category` = cs.`id_category` AND cs.`id_shop` = '.(int)$id_shop.') SET cs.`position` = '.(int)$i.' WHERE c.`id_parent` = '.(int)$id_category_parent.' AND c.`id_category` = '.(int)$result[$i]['id_category']; $return &= Db::getInstance()->execute($sql); } return $return; } /** this function return the number of category + 1 having $id_category_parent as parent. * * @todo rename that function to make it understandable (getNewLastPosition for example) * @param int $id_category_parent the parent category * @param int $id_shop * @return int */ public static function getLastPosition($id_category_parent, $id_shop) { return (int)(Db::getInstance()->getValue(' SELECT MAX(cs.`position`) FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category` c LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category_shop` cs ON (c.`id_category` = cs.`id_category` AND cs.`id_shop` = '.(int)$id_shop.') WHERE c.`id_parent` = '.(int)$id_category_parent) + 1); } public static function getUrlRewriteInformations($id_category) { return Db::getInstance()->executeS(' SELECT l.`id_lang`, c.`link_rewrite` FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category_lang` AS c LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'lang` AS l ON c.`id_lang` = l.`id_lang` WHERE c.`id_category` = '.(int)$id_category.' AND l.`active` = 1' ); } /** * Return nleft and nright fields for a given category * * @since 1.5.0 * @param int $id * @return array */ public static function getInterval($id) { $sql = 'SELECT nleft, nright, level_depth FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'category WHERE id_category = '.(int)$id; if (!$result = Db::getInstance()->getRow($sql)) return false; return $result; } /** * Check if current category is a child of shop root category * * @since 1.5.0 * @param Shop $shop * @return bool */ public function inShop(Shop $shop = null) { if (!$shop) $shop = Context::getContext()->shop; if (!$interval = Category::getInterval($shop->getCategory())) return false; return ($this->nleft >= $interval['nleft'] && $this->nright <= $interval['nright']); } public static function inShopStatic($id_category, Shop $shop = null) { if (!$shop || !is_object($shop)) $shop = Context::getContext()->shop; if (!$interval = Category::getInterval($shop->getCategory())) return false; $row = Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->getRow('SELECT nleft, nright FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category` WHERE id_category = '.(int)$id_category); return ($row['nleft'] >= $interval['nleft'] && $row['nright'] <= $interval['nright']); } public function getChildrenWs() { $id = Context::getContext()->shop->id; $id_shop = $id ? $id : Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_DEFAULT'); $result = Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->executeS(' SELECT c.`id_category` as id FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category` c LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category_shop` cs ON (c.`id_category` = cs.`id_category` AND cs.`id_shop` = '.(int)$id_shop.') WHERE c.`id_parent` = '.(int)$this->id.' AND c.`active` = 1 ORDER BY cs.`position` ASC'); return $result; } public function getProductsWs() { $result = Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->executeS(' SELECT cp.`id_product` as id FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category_product` cp WHERE cp.`id_category` = '.(int)$this->id.' ORDER BY `position` ASC'); return $result; } /** * Search for another category with the same parent and the same position * * @return array first category found */ public function getDuplicatePosition() { $id = Context::getContext()->shop->id; $id_shop = $id ? $id : Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_DEFAULT'); return Db::getInstance()->getRow(' SELECT c.`id_category` as id FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category` c LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category_shop` cs ON (c.`id_category` = cs.`id_category` AND cs.`id_shop` = '.(int)$id_shop.') WHERE c.`id_parent` = '.(int)$this->id_parent.' AND cs.`position` = '.(int)$this->position.' AND c.`id_category` != '.(int)$this->id); } public function getWsNbProductsRecursive() { $result = Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->executeS(' SELECT COUNT(distinct(id_product)) as nb_product_recursive FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category_product` WHERE id_category IN ( SELECT c2.id_category FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category` c2 '.Shop::addSqlAssociation('category', 'c2').' WHERE c2.nleft > '.(int)$this->nleft.' AND c2.nright < '.(int)$this->nright.' AND c2.active = 1 UNION SELECT '.(int)$this->id.' ) '); if (!$result) return -1; return $result[0]['nb_product_recursive']; } /** * * @param Array $ids_category * @param int $id_lang * @return Array */ public static function getCategoryInformations($ids_category, $id_lang = null) { if ($id_lang === null) $id_lang = Context::getContext()->language->id; if (!is_array($ids_category) || !count($ids_category)) return; $categories = array(); $results = Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->executeS(' SELECT c.`id_category`, cl.`name`, cl.`link_rewrite`, cl.`id_lang` FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category` c LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category_lang` cl ON (c.`id_category` = cl.`id_category`'.Shop::addSqlRestrictionOnLang('cl').') '.Shop::addSqlAssociation('category', 'c').' WHERE cl.`id_lang` = '.(int)$id_lang.' AND c.`id_category` IN ('.implode(',', array_map('intval', $ids_category)).') '); foreach ($results as $category) $categories[$category['id_category']] = $category; return $categories; } /** * @param $id_shop * @return bool */ public function isParentCategoryAvailable($id_shop) { $id = Context::getContext()->shop->id; $id_shop = $id ? $id : Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_DEFAULT'); return (bool)Db::getInstance()->getValue(' SELECT c.`id_category` FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category` c LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category_shop` cs ON (c.`id_category` = cs.`id_category` AND cs.`id_shop` = '.(int)$id_shop.') WHERE cs.`id_shop` = '.(int)$id_shop.' AND c.`id_parent` = '.(int)$this->id_parent); } /** * Add association between shop and cateogries * @param int $id_shop * @return bool */ public function addShop($id_shop) { $data = array(); if (!$id_shop) { foreach (Shop::getShops(false) as $shop) if (!$this->existsInShop($shop['id_shop'])) $data[] = array( 'id_category' => (int)$this->id, 'id_shop' => (int)$shop['id_shop'], ); } else if (!$this->existsInShop($id_shop)) $data[] = array( 'id_category' => (int)$this->id, 'id_shop' => (int)$id_shop, ); return Db::getInstance()->insert('category_shop', $data); } public static function getRootCategories($id_lang = null, $active = true) { if (!$id_lang) $id_lang = Context::getContext()->language->id; return Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->executeS(' SELECT DISTINCT(c.`id_category`), cl.`name` FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category` c LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category_lang` cl ON (cl.`id_category` = c.`id_category` AND cl.`id_lang`='.(int)$id_lang.') WHERE `is_root_category` = 1 '.(($active) ? 'AND `active` = 1': '')); } public static function getCategoriesWithoutParent() { return Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->executeS(' SELECT DISTINCT c.* FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category` c LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category_lang` cl ON (c.`id_category` = cl.`id_category` AND cl.`id_lang` = '.(int)Context::getContext()->language->id.') WHERE `level_depth` = 1 '); } public function isRootCategoryForAShop() { return (bool)Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->getValue(' SELECT `id_shop` FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'shop` WHERE `id_category` = '.(int)$this->id); } /** * @static * @param null $id_lang * @return Category */ public static function getTopCategory($id_lang = null) { if (is_null($id_lang)) $id_lang = Context::getContext()->language->id; $id_category = Db::getInstance()->getValue(' SELECT `id_category` FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category` WHERE `id_parent` = 0'); return new Category($id_category, $id_lang); } public function addPosition($position, $id_shop = null) { $return = true; if (is_null($id_shop)) { if (Shop::getContext() != Shop::CONTEXT_SHOP) foreach (Shop::getContextListShopID() as $id_shop) $return &= Db::getInstance()->execute(' INSERT INTO `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category_shop` (`id_category`, `id_shop`, `position`) VALUES ('.(int)$this->id.', '.(int)$id_shop.', '.(int)$position.') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `position` = '.(int)$position); else { $id = Context::getContext()->shop->id; $id_shop = $id ? $id : Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_DEFAULT'); $return &= Db::getInstance()->execute(' INSERT INTO `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category_shop` (`id_category`, `id_shop`, `position`) VALUES ('.(int)$this->id.', '.(int)$id_shop.', '.(int)$position.') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `position` = '.(int)$position); } } else $return &= Db::getInstance()->execute(' INSERT INTO `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category_shop` (`id_category`, `id_shop`, `position`) VALUES ('.(int)$this->id.', '.(int)$id_shop.', '.(int)$position.') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `position` = '.(int)$position); return $return; } public static function getShopsByCategory($id_category) { return Db::getInstance()->executeS(' SELECT `id_shop` FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category_shop` WHERE `id_category` = '.(int)$id_category); } /** * Update categories for a shop * * @param string $categories Categories list to associate a shop * @param string $id_shop Categories list to associate a shop * @return array Update/insertion result */ public static function updateFromShop($categories, $id_shop) { $shop = new Shop($id_shop); // if array is empty or if the default category is not selected, return false if (empty($categories) || !in_array($shop->id_category, $categories)) return false; // delete categories for this shop Category::deleteCategoriesFromShop($id_shop); // and add $categories to this shop return Category::addToShop($categories, $id_shop); } /** * Delete category from shop $id_shop * @param int $id_shop * @return bool */ public function deleteFromShop($id_shop) { return Db::getInstance()->execute( 'DELETE FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category_shop` WHERE `id_shop` = '.(int)$id_shop.' AND id_category = '.(int)$this->id.'' ); } /** * Delete every categories * @return bool */ public static function deleteCategoriesFromShop($id_shop) { return Db::getInstance()->execute(' DELETE FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category_shop` WHERE `id_shop` = '.(int)$id_shop.' '); } /** * Add some categories to a shop * @param array $categories * @return bool */ public static function addToShop(array $categories, $id_shop) { if (!is_array($categories)) return false; $sql = ' INSERT INTO `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category_shop` (`id_category`, `id_shop`) VALUES'; $tab_categories = array(); foreach ($categories as $id_category) { $tab_categories[] = new Category($id_category); $sql .= '("'.(int)$id_category.'", "'.(int)$id_shop.'"),'; } // removing last comma to avoid SQL error $sql = substr($sql, 0, strlen($sql) - 1); $return = Db::getInstance()->execute($sql); // we have to update position for every new entries foreach ($tab_categories as $category) $category->addPosition(Category::getLastPosition($category->id_parent, $id_shop), $id_shop); return $return; } public function existsInShop($id_shop) { return (bool)Db::getInstance()->getValue(' SELECT `id_category` FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category_shop` WHERE `id_category` = '.(int)$this->id.' AND `id_shop` = '.(int)$id_shop); } }
  8. GREAT!! thank you DoubleD Worked for me! Also, if anyone is having the same trouble as I am with some items showing up FIVE or so time, /classes/Category.php is the culprit. I replaced mine with the Category.php with the one from and it went away. I AM NOT SAYING THAT'S WHAT YOU SHOULD DO.. But in I didn't have that issue. So I went back to those files dropping them one by one till it went away.. Ill be digging into it to see what I find, I hope the prestashop team makes a fix for it as it seem quite a bit of people have this issue in 1.5.1 and 1.5.2
  9. Err.. No way.. *laugh* I don't know enough for that.. Not sure I'll find a cure tonight.. almost bed time.
  10. Ok, i might be on to something if someone does not beat me to it.. In my test store I was able to restore change price on selection missing product image missing as soon as I find the issue with the quantity change buttons ill post my fix.
  11. Yeah, I hope so.. My test site I just setup has the same issue. with 1.5.2. I am trying to recall what I changed to fix it on my 1.5.2. live store. As soon as I do ill post it just in case it helps anyone.
  12. I am using 1.5.2. I upgraded from to 1.5.1.. Today, I did a auto upgrade to 1.5.2. "First time 1-click upgrade has EVER worked for me" However I found a major bug when I changed my theme to the default theme and could not change back to my custom theme, and deleted my install of 1.5.2 and reverted back to 1.5.1. At this point I did a MANUAL upgrade back to 1.5.2. and replaced my /classes/cart.php with the updated code I posted in this thread and everything seems fine..
  13. As i work out my own issues, ill keep thinking of how to help the rest of you if I can. I hope others jump in and start helping out.. Im not the best at this..
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