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About Nokall

  • Birthday 02/03/1979

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. O melhor é colocar o ficheiro sempre na pasta admin. E quando nao esta a ser utilizado renomear o mesmo. Porque a o risco de hack na loja ou servidor. Tudo que se possa correr com mais de 1000 carecteres é um risco de segurança tanto para a loja como para a conta Fica a dica.
  2. Isto nao é um bug mas uma tradução com trafulhice de alguem que gosta de andar as compras e nao gosta de pagar o iva e leva os menos atentos a nao repararem. Apresentar produtos com iva ou sem iva. A traduçao esta trocada. Onde se le com iva esta a facturar os produtos sem iva. E onde se le sem iva esta a facturar os produtos com iva. Por isso nada como corrigir a traduçao Corrigi e submeti. Nao sei se ja esta correcto no download mas nada como verificarem no backoffice.
  3. Nas opçoes de registo. Podes activar registo so com NIF. Mas isso pode refletir em menos encomendas. Quanto menos coisas o cliente tiver que preencher mais sucesso numa venda. Podes posteriormente ir a ficha de cliente editar e meter o NIF.
  4. A ultima tradução em Português esta a instalar a bandeira Alemã. Isto é uma piada de mau gosto que alguém se lembrou de fazer
  5. Someone make a joke whit Portuguese translation, when install Portuguese lang via admin.The German flag is installed. This is stupid JOKE.
  6. i see your theme working it´s good but not forget one thing in web-commerce , must be focus in sells , costumer come customer buy and leave , and he have Nokia addicts windows mobile etc... it´s better to work in an universal theme and not focus only in iphone theme B.R
  7. hello sorry for delay but to maney work example: Shop are installed in /home or /shop Create one past (ex: mobile version) in same server that you have store , Copy all content from your shop to mobile version don´t need to copy admin ( if you are using URL Rewrite don´t forget to copy .htaccess and robots , this is important because when you click to buy if not have .htaccess, shop tell that product not exist any more ) Now the trick´s , in you past for mobile version go to past modules and delete modules that you don´t want to display. Replace logo if you need. If you want to use other theme replace theme (from inside mobile version) rename the name that theme are using by default (example: you upload theme xxxx to /mobile version/themes/ , you have now theme xxxx and theme prestashop , erase prestashop and replace name xxxx to prestashop . Now when you insert a product in your site , the product display in mobile version but don´t have images you need to copy images from site to mobile version . Simple
  8. Hello it´s easy to do and i have in my shop and don´t need to edit any code use same BD ,need only some tricks look in http://www.lojamais.pt , normal version and now Mobi version for mobiles ,using same theme but more small (it´s possible tu use other theme) work great in iphone and htc i have not test in other phones. http://www.lojamais.mobi If you need i can share tricks. B.r PS: Don´t make any order if you not want to buy it´s not a test site
  9. I think you can make this. It's only a suggestion. Example: The name of ,Carrier have the name of the drop point collection, (text that have time to ship) have the name shipment or zone of country, give the price that you whant to charge or put at 0. If you whant to give differente method of payment use modul ship to pay , because if you whant you can give to some drop points payment by bank transfer other's payment by COD or other by paypal BR
  10. it´s easy make a carrier and give the name Store or other name bla bla bla , install module pay by cheque but change correspond text for what you whant or he go to contact you later , change text from e-mail that go to costumer in module pay by cheque. Best regards
  11. Hello use new code from version 13 and work edit myalerts.php. Using this code . -------------------------------------------------------------------------- <?php /* SSL Management */ $useSSL = true; include(dirname(__FILE__).'/../../config/config.inc.php'); include(dirname(__FILE__).'/../../header.php'); include_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/mailalerts.php'); $errors = array(); if ($cookie->isLogged()) { if (Tools::getValue('action') == 'delete') { $id_customer = intval($cookie->id_customer); if (!$id_product = intval(Tools::getValue('id_product'))) $errors[] = Tools::displayError('You need a product to delete an alert'); $id_product_attribute = intval(Tools::getValue('id_product_attribute')); $customer = new Customer($id_customer); MailAlerts::deleteAlert($id_customer, 0, $id_product, $id_product_attribute); } $smarty->assign('alerts', MailAlerts::getProductsAlerts(intval($cookie->id_customer), intval($cookie->id_lang))); } else $errors[] = Tools::displayError('You need to be logged to manage your alerts'); $smarty->assign('id_customer', intval($cookie->id_customer)); $smarty->assign('errors', $errors); $smarty->display(dirname(__FILE__).'/myalerts.tpl'); include(dirname(__FILE__).'/../../footer.php');
  12. Hello When costumer register in site by default go to public group , in admin area it´s not possible to remove or move from public group to a certain group that i whant. Discount group it´s gived by default to all site Example : Retail 20% , Buy more 30% when i give 30% costumer have 30% in all categorys because off public group if can remove or move costumer after regist from public group and move to certain group we can have some categorys don´t give discount. Any idea or any tip ? Thanks
  13. This is only possible when in backoffice can remove costumer from defaul Public group Because if you create retail group 20% and creat for category ipods 10% Discount it´s made by retail group 20% because can´t remove costumer from public group and give acess only to categorie ipod
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