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  1. Ciao, prova di aumentare il livello massimo del modulo blockcategories. Vedi http://forge.prestashop.com/secure/attachment/10336/Block-Categories-Max-Deepth-3.jpg
  2. Buona sera, mi dispiace che doveva aspettare cosi tanto tempo, il modulo é stato inviato all'indirizzo paypal. Come scritto al 5 settembre, ho sistemato il tema su http://www.coverstop.it/. Saluti, Patrick
  3. Hi jesen, do not forget to add <?php <?php class Tools extends ToolsCore { public static function apacheModExists($name) { return true; } } ?>
  4. Hi alexiacstore, you can modify the mobile templates located in /themes/default/mobile. Maybe it will looks like http://www.presmobile.com/demo15/
  5. Create a file called tools.php containing the code that I posted and upload the file to override/classes/tools.php.
  6. Hi, PS (Tools::apacheModExists) checks if PHP has enabled mod_rewrite. If you run PHP in CGI/FastCGI mode, PS does not detect it. If you are sure that mod_rewrite works, you can override Tools::apacheModExists: class Tools extends ToolsCore { public static function apacheModExists($name) { return true; } } Cheers, Patrick
  7. Backward compatibility should be a must-have feature. Maybe someone will create some theme converter Where can I find more detailed information about theme upgrading?
  8. Hi, PS 1.5 will be already mobile compatible based on jQuery Mobile (see /themes/default/mobile).
  9. Would be nice if the templates of the modules can also be overridden (e.g. /default/mobile/modules/mymodule/ dir)
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