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  1. I have the same issue, removing all /modules/*/congif*.xml files doesn't help, when they get recreated they just show the same error again EDIT: This is how my xml looks like: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <module> <name>banklinklhv</name> <displayName><![CDATA[LHV Banklink]]></displayName> <version><![CDATA[0.2]]></version> <description><![CDATA[Accept payments by LHV Banklink]]></description> <author><![CDATA[]]></author> <tab><![CDATA[payments_gateways]]></tab> <confirmUninstall><![CDATA[Are you sure you want to delete your details?]]></confirmUninstall> <is_configurable>1</is_configurable> <need_instance>1</need_instance> <limited_countries></limited_countries> </module> and the errors I get are: 2 errors [banklinklhv] Error found in config file: StartTag: invalid element name [banklinklhv] Error found in config file: Extra content at the end of the document
  2. Hi, Would it be possible to rename "address1" to just "address" in error field? I modified my template so that a person only has to fill in the first address field (that is enough for my project) but when he tries to submit with this field being empty, it shows that "address1 is required" or something like this. It would be nicer if it would show just "Address" instead of the unnecessary 1 after it. Is it possible to change this? the site will be in multiple languages, so a simple string replace on address1 won't cover it, I'm afraid.
  3. Hi, I have the block bestsellers on my front page, that shows the 4 best selling items. Is it possible to have a product listing page, such as category or search, that shows all bestsellers?
  4. Hi, After installing prestashop I renamed the 'admin' folder to 'bo', so that my backoffice should be accessible through http://myshop/bo or http://myshop/bo/ . However, if I type in one of those 2 URLs, it redirects me immediately to http://myshop/en/ , so to the English version of my frontoffice. Only when I type in http://myshop/bo/index.php I have access to my backoffice. Any clue why I am required to add this index.php ? It should be possible to do it without the index.php as well, right?
  5. Hi, Is it possible to show on product page washing instructions of this product? It should be possible to add more than one instruction per product. For example: Product A Washing instruction: 30 degrees Washing instruction: don't use dry machine Product B Washing instruction: 40 degrees etc. Is there already built-in functionality for this? I don't think that features are suitable, because you can use only 1 value for a feature, if I'm not mistaken. Perhaps there is a module for this, anyone know?
  6. well, it's only one store. just multiple URLs pointing to it. I've always been under the impression that multistore means something else, but I might be mistaken Could you give me some pointers on how to set this up? When I search for multistore setup, I find a lot of information, but not this specific part about 2 URLs pointing to the same store.
  7. Hi, I just did a fresh install of Prestashop and used the ps_cleaner module to clear all test data. Then I added 4 categories in backoffice: Men Women Children Sale in frontend, it only shows me Men and Children, other 2 categories are not visible. In backoffice they are all 4 there, all 4 with same root category (home), all 4 visible, all 4 have a friendly url, all 4 available for all customer groups. Any clue why frontend only shows me 2 of them?
  8. Hi, You could modify the cart templates, but it will be only visual. To change this in code would be a lot of work probably. Why would you want to do this, if I may ask?
  9. Hi, Is it possible to have multiple domains pointing to the same shop? For example, we are working on a prestashop 1.6 site, and for our test server we have 2 urls: URL 1 is http://client.test.ourcompanyname.net URL 2 is http://randomname.ourcompanyname.net URL 1 is the one we use internally in our network, URL 2 is the one we provide to the client so he can test it. however, both URLs point to the same code, to the same database on the same server. If I go to the configuration in the prestashop database, I know I have the change the following things: ps_configuration table, PS_SHOP_DOMAIN and PS_SHOP_DOMAIN_SSL fields ps_shop_url table If I point those fields to URL 1 then for us internally it works, but not for our client. Because when he goes to URL 2, then it automatically redirects to URL 1, which he doesn't have access to. If I point those fields to URL 2, then it works for our client, but not for us internally. Because when we go to URL 1, it redirect to URL 2 and then we are outside of our network, which we don't want ( policy from our IT department) So my question is - is it possible to have both? That for us URL 1 works, and for our client URL 2 works, without redirecting?
  10. Hi, On my shop I would like the invoice number to be the same as the order id associated with this invoice. First this worked perfectly, but as soon as I started cancelling orders before a payment was made, this got screwed up. I have right now 146 orders in my shop - 144 "good" ones and 2 that I had to cancel. If I get a new order today, it will put the order id on 147, but the invoice number will be 145. Is there a way to always use the order id for the invoice number? I will definitely have to cancel orders in future as well, so constantly going back into the backoffice to manually change the starting order number is not the preferred option. Is it possible to do this with either an override class, hooks or a mysql trigger?
  11. Hi, On my shop I would like the invoice number to be the same as the order id associated with this invoice. First this worked perfectly, but as soon as I started cancelling orders before a payment was made, this got screwed up. I have right now 146 orders in my shop - 144 "good" ones and 2 that I had to cancel. If I get a new order today, it will put the order id on 147, but the invoice number will be 145. Is there a way to always use the order id for the invoice number? I will definitely have to cancel orders in future as well, so constantly going back into the backoffice to manually change the starting order number is not the preferred option. Is it possible to do this with either an override class, hooks or a mysql trigger?
  12. Hi, I have some code to insert product combinations, this all works normally. But I noticed that the default combination is never set. So I decided to create short script that will do just that for me, but even after running this script; in the backend it doesn't show me what is my default combination. Can anyone see what I am missing here? // now get all the products where there are no default combinations $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT id_product, count(*) as total FROM `ps_product_attribute` GROUP BY id_product"; $data = Db::getInstance()->executeS($sql); foreach($data as $row){ $sql = "SELECT id_product_attribute FROM ps_product_attribute WHERE id_product = {$row['id_product']} AND default_on = 0"; $result = Db::getInstance()->executeS($sql); if (count($result) == $row['total']){ $sql = "UPDATE ps_product_attribute SET default_on = 1 WHERE id_product_attribute = ".$result[0]['id_product_attribute']; Db::getInstance()->execute($sql); $sql = "UPDATE ps_product_attribute_shop SET default_on = 1 WHERE id_product_attribute = ".$result[0]['id_product_attribute']; Db::getInstance()->execute($sql); $sql = "UPDATE ps_product SET cache_default_attribute = ".$result[0]['id_product_attribute']." WHERE id_product = ".$row['id_product']; Db::getInstance()->execute($sql); } } Search::indexation(1);
  13. my code logic is basically just a call to a remote server so really, the prestashop code will be very minimum i just need to have the have the customer & product id, make the remote request, and give back the response (which will be the price). so, very simple I guess
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