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  1. How can i get the product image to show to? i treid <td style="text-align: left; width: 45%">{$order_detail.product_img}{$order_detail.product_name} / {$order_detail.reference}</td> and <td style="text-align: left; width: 45%">{$order_detail.product_image}{$order_detail.product_name} / {$order_detail.reference}</td> Both wont work
  2. when i replace the file wiht the one u suggested i get a white page when i want to regenerate the images
  3. solved the langauge was the problem go to languages and go to BO translation en click save and the problem is gone.
  4. Found the problem when the admin language is Dutch i wont work when i change it to English it work but wont show the old images. When i change it back to Dutch it stops working again!? Updateing the language file didn't help
  5. The files are the same so that not the problem. Downloaded a fresh prestashop copy and im gone re upload all files and hope it will fix my problem
  6. fire bug gives this error SyntaxError: unterminated string literal http://beta.mysite.com/js/jquery/jquery-1.7.2.min.js Line 2
  7. No i don't have any box-office scripts installed. The only things i have came with prestashop
  8. I moved all images to the new settings and regenerated all images. All my files and folder are correctly chmod 777. But when i click on button to open the img upload/edit part the 2 arrows keeps rotating? And i cant upload or edit a image! when i go ctrl shif j in chrome i get this error Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL /admin2/index.php?controller=adminproducts&id_product=257&updateproduct&token=47ab491174a8cca99c540b783717d9ee (1):5
  9. my friendly urls look like www.mysite.com/143-bijoux?__utma=156491560.243557665.1351503108.1354819209.1354832160.19&8812c36aa5ae336c2a77bf63211d899a=iZvcCeh2ooJqVm%2BaB6j4W5vQwKcE49uz6pSlcnyHMh9Wzgj72G5hQBSQOPSauaN8YT3UxPxy%2FtC6o87XWQqs8G2JTceVWsNcf6xJevyNGKCLw1Z6CRJNvBjiYeX%2BXkUsb282%2BhPT%2F0Xv3THniRqGBGRCDyA7RecOWM0gZuwrRBY%3D000113&__utmc=156491560&13042af98805856547e5b971fdea067b=midBxXXNX11Y91wdWmaTanXgHmBrgcoD18YkHf1w5KbBHTtQc7UUr5B9PXMyMgG8SQjHWBlyt031zQq8ul2fRXCxKzAcn5Sk3%2FxBCvu7FxU%3D000075&fe2d7f88a9675400512f9b6863b91319=midBxXXNX11Y91wdWmaTahJOQBqY7mxkvARFGvEKW0WJFvVEUDAFF2WMoLkACXIxcXzyYhDZeWndmUa85ZkT4n%2FNrXy2lHK5Es27fyeFXbFoewcglGsZgNEKAwoA49er%2FT%2FIVhKeFLXEhOv7ERKxjw41f1RC8HK8O%2Be%2B7%2Bs%2FpvtwPEig7hGZQ2TmsJw5KkhC0DSnXhSdKLZ5EnBXyaSM2YadunNux8rHY27dUWsg9Jbmq32UcMOEOoBFGgEILbnYIcsksgaygXGqtOHPXWi9N9H5qI9Slov8Qu8C9uvxuy8qPAlyznNJIRinD5s9l00NdF%2BL68qODtxNh1%2BkFEdBoEGo3fDeLFVgfIUzq9zMA37FWCk3mo986hSyH16N2eed000279&PHPSESSID=5656fd799f28fb22b2b2867e8a2ea81d after upgrading to the should look like this www.mysite.com/143-bijoux what going wrong?
  10. For some reason im getting weird 404 redirects for working urls on my shop. For example: when i click on home 9 out of 10 time it go's to home and 1 time it will show the 404 page. this happen to all pages product categories etc. My setup is Ps 1.5 Multistore is on (2 stores) Just one language (dutch) Default template Seo turned on
  11. Is there any more information about pricing? Or is this a free module?
  12. Download agent ransack http://www.mythicsoft.com/page.aspx?type=agentransack&page=home search your tpl file for this text "more PrestaShop themes"
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