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  1. Hi All, I have created a new text area in product BO, and it displays on the product.tpl. It is for specific product details which I need to feed on to the checkout page, emails and invoice. It is named content_breakdown and in product.tpl I have; {assign var='contentBreakdown' value=$product->content_breakdown} ... {if isset($contentBreakdown)}<p>{$contentBreakdown}</p>{/if} This dispays the variable. But I also need to add this to shopping-cart-product-line.tpl immediatly beneath the $product.attributes, but I get an error such as 'Notice: Undefined index: contentBreakdown...' So how can I declare this and use it here? Also on emails and invoice please. Thanks.
  2. Is this not possible at all? Or is there a module that can handle this requirement someone can recommend?
  3. Does any one know how to set this? Or recommend a module that can? Thanks.
  4. Hi I have a store that sells a product in two sizes. I have set this as a combination dropdown - Medium and Large. The price is the same for each. I have a price structure that discounts £0.50p per item if over 50 are brought together, but this needs to apply if 25 medium and 25 large of the same product are purchased at the same time. Or any combination of that product with any quantity of medium or large if totaling over 50 (E.G. 49 medium and 1 large). How can I set this? Thanks
  5. Hi All, I have a specific issue that I can't find a working fix for. I have a store that uses multiple languages. When adding images through the WYSIWYG editor in B.O. the images display fine and the path is automatically set to ../images/image-name.jpg But in F.O. as the path is ../images/image-name.jpg it displays the ? . As the url shouldn't use the relative path as the laguage adds /en/ to the URL making it wrong. Turning off SEO urls makes the image display fine, but I need it to be on. Without languages the image displays fine as the /en/ isn't in the URL and so ../images/image-name.jpg is correct. Manually changing the url path in the page source doesn't work as the URL is automatically updated when saved. The only work around I have that works is to use an absolute path for the image that isn't the same as the shop domain. E.G. In SEO + URLs > shop domain is set to www.shop.com so to make the images work I have to set the URL manually to http://shop.com/image/images.jpg then it works as the URL isn't rewritten. So basically how do I turn off the relative image urls? Thanks.
  6. Hi Guys, I am having some problems with this and I can't figure out how to call a variable. I have an offline card payment module - ccpayment which has this variable; 'cardHoldername' => $paymentCarddetails['cardholdername'], I need to get the name of the card holder to be sent in a new order email sent from the mailAlerts module. In mailalerts.php I have added the variable in the $template_vars array and included that in the new_order.html file, but I don't know how to actually get the name from the card payment into the email template. in mailalerts.php from line 378 ... '{currency}' => $currency->sign, '{message}' => $message, '{cardHoldername}' => $paymentCarddetails['cardholdername'] ... Can anyone point what i need to put in the mailalerts.php file to the the entered card holders name?
  7. I'm not sure adding ini_set('memory_limit', '-1'); to your php.ini will help depending on the type of hosting you have.Easiest way to test it to make a info.php file, upload to the root of your site and browse to www.mysite.com/info.php info.php <?php phpinfo(); ?> That will display all config you have, search for 'memory_limit' and note the value. Then upload the php.ini as described and then refresh your info.php and see if the value has increased. If it has, try to load the images again.
  8. Whats your store URL, we will see if we can view the site or the maintenance page.
  9. If anyone cares, I have conducted tests on amounts of products in the store and time to load using the default theme and a custom one. It would be interesting to see other stores results. Default theme and custom theme are time in seconds for a search query to return the results. Timed using firebug. Search index was completed before each search. number of products default theme custom theme 1866 3.69 4.81 3693 5.94 5.74 5633 8.6 7.92 7400 9.97 9.37 edit - table structure was lost, apologies for the amature layout
  10. So I should have used AND instead of OR. {if $category->id != 1433 && $category->id != 6100}
  11. Hi guys, This should be quite simple, but I am stumped and can't understand why this isn't working. I have a link that appears on all category pages, but I need to list a few where it doesn't appear. I have tried; {if $category->id != 1433 OR $category->id != 6100} and {if $category->id != 1433 | $category->id != 6100} and {if $category->id != 1433 || $category->id != 6100} None of those actually work, it seems the if statement is ignored as the link appears on both those category pages. But {if $category->id != 1433} Does work. So how can I list the category IDs in the if statement to include all categories I need to? Thanks
  12. Has this been resolved? If not the try adding background-attachment: fixed; background-position: top left; Neller
  13. Would the chinese character depend on the character encoding of the store? Perhaps this could help if there aren't too many chinese characters http://www.pinyin.info/tools/converter/chars2uninumbers.html Neller
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