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About Sharak

  • Birthday 03/04/1983

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  1. @MerseyRay APCu is not good. It breaks stock managment. Product sold out, database shows quantity 0, but backoffice still loads initial value and front office still shows product as available for purchase. Customers get stock error only during order processing. Of all cache options available in PS 1.7 only memcached is worth considering, because it's still maintained.
  2. Thanks, @SmartDataSoft. I've been fighting this 💩 whole day. It did load but also generated a ton of errors in the log about undefined index 'product' or using private methods. Your code finaly works as expected. You're a savior! ❤ ...at least it's a good start. Unfortunately modal doesn't load. Reviews show inside product tabs, but are unsuable How can I use these freakin' {widget} thing? 😡
  3. In case anybody is looking to sort manufacturer list on left column in prestashop 1.6 by the highest product count, here's the code to put into /override/modules/blockmanufacturer/blockmanufacturer.php (create if doesn't exist): class BlockManufacturerOverride extends BlockManufacturer { public function hookLeftColumn($params) { if (!$this->isCached('blockmanufacturer.tpl', $this->getCacheId())) { $manufacturers = Manufacturer::getManufacturers(true); if (count($manufacturers)) { usort($manufacturers, function ($a, $b) { return strnatcmp(strval($b["nb_products"]), strval($a["nb_products"])); }); } foreach ($manufacturers as &$manufacturer) { $manufacturer['image'] = $this->context->language->iso_code.'-default'; if (file_exists(_PS_MANU_IMG_DIR_.$manufacturer['id_manufacturer'].'-'.ImageType::getFormatedName('medium').'.jpg')) { $manufacturer['image'] = $manufacturer['id_manufacturer']; } } $this->smarty->assign(array( 'manufacturers' => $manufacturers, 'text_list' => Configuration::get('MANUFACTURER_DISPLAY_TEXT'), 'text_list_nb' => Configuration::get('MANUFACTURER_DISPLAY_TEXT_NB'), 'form_list' => Configuration::get('MANUFACTURER_DISPLAY_FORM'), 'display_link_manufacturer' => Configuration::get('PS_DISPLAY_SUPPLIERS'), )); } return $this->display(__FILE__, 'blockmanufacturer.tpl', $this->getCacheId()); } }
  4. It's not an error, but just a warning. Turn off debug mode by editing /config/defines.inc.php and changing this section: /* Debug only */ if (!defined('_PS_MODE_DEV_')) { define('_PS_MODE_DEV_', true); } /* Compatibility warning */ define('_PS_DISPLAY_COMPATIBILITY_WARNING_', true); to this: /* Debug only */ if (!defined('_PS_MODE_DEV_')) { define('_PS_MODE_DEV_', false); } /* Compatibility warning */ define('_PS_DISPLAY_COMPATIBILITY_WARNING_', false); This way warning won't be showing up, but errors will break your store and show blank page. Above settings should be true only in development. The moment you set your shop on production site these settings should be changed to false.
  5. The problem is with permissions. repeats old bugs (typical for presta 😣 ). It works on localhost because you have full access there, but on the server it all dependes on folders' and files' permissions and it's simply wrong. Set 755 on all folders and 644 on all files. Then delete /var/cache/ content (/dev and /prod)
  6. The same happens on Here's fix for that:
  7. I installed my shop localy on my computer and then uploaded to the server. Locally everything was fine. On the server I can't access admin panel unless I'm in debug mode. FO seems to work fine everytime. Logs don't show anything. Just that it runs normally with http code 200, then I can turn off debug mode through admin advanced settings which results in blank page and http code 500 in the log or by updating values in defines.inc.php with the same result when trying to open admin page again.
  8. I installed my shop localy on my computer and then uploaded to the server. Locally everything was fine. On the server I can't access admin panel unless I'm in debug mode. FO seems to work fine everytime
  9. Is this normal that /var/cache/prod directory has rights 0755 (the same inside) and /var/cache/dev has 0771 and most folders inside have 0777 (except /doctrine which has 0775) and most files have 0666 (except FrontContainer.php which has 0644)?
  10. I've installed and the same thing still happens. In normal mode it doesn't even try to open admin site. Just goes straight to blank page and console shows error 500. And yet it shows absolutely no error when debug mode is enabled. WTF prestashop? :/
  11. Yeah, this Link Widget module is simply awful - completely useless and full of bugs when Multistore is enabled Does anyone have a good replacement? E: ps_customtext is good enough. You need to place links manually, but at least it allows different content on each multistore
  12. Przy 1.6 też to chyba było konieczne. Tyle że później i tak w pewnych miejscach były problemy. Ktoś może potwierdzić, że potem już wszystko działa ok na preście 1.7? Nic nie działa! Home+Presta=MASAKRA i tyle w temacie
  13. Nie warto Właśnie postawiłem nowy sklep na i żałuję, że nie zostałem przy 1.6, które niemal pod każdym względem jest lepsza. Gdzie się nie obrócisz, tam na pewno znajdziesz jakiś błąd, a przecież już masa wersji wyszła, chyba nawet więcej niż do 1.6! Moduł RODO, który dla 1.7 jest darmowy, też ma masę błędów aktualnie, więc i tak trzeba będzie kupić gdzie indziej. Miałem się brać za robienie szablonów pod 1.7 na Material Design, ale chyba szkoda czasu się w to bawić akurat z prestą 1.7 E: O najważniejszym zapomniałem. Wrzuciłem właśnie tą na serwer home.pl i oczywiście dalej są problemy. Style w ogóle się nie ładują :/
  14. Quotes - lame as hell! What's the point of making it so huge? HTML tags also huge and even bordered while other parts of the code are normal size. Who on earth thought this would be helpful in any way? It seems some parts of this forum are made for chrome users only. Just noticed that when you make user reference i.e. @Antoine F you get stuck in it and can't write any more while on firefox. You've made a mess, presta team, now please bring back the old forums!
  15. And what about sourcemaps? How to enable them for css?
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