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    Czech Republic, Ostrava
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    Web development agency

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  1. What is the calculation mechanism in Prestashop when there are products with different VAT in the basket and a discount code with a value without VAT is used? EXAMPLE --------------- product 1 - VAT 0% - price 668,7 without VAT - price 668,7 with VAT product 2 - VAT 21% - price 137,1 without VAT - price 165,89 with VAT total - price 805,8 without VAT - price 834,59 with VAT It's OK -------------------- now i apply discount code for 772 without VAT !!! total - price 33,80 without VAT - price 35,01 with VAT - so the VAT is 1,21 How is it possible? How was that count? And how do I count correctly, if I don't know what product I will apply for the discount? EXAMPLE: I have one product in my cart for 100 with 0% VAT and the other for 100 with 10% VAT. So a total of 210 with VAT. I will apply the voucher for a discount of 100 without VAT. If the voucher is redeemed for the first product, the final price will be 110. If redeemed for the second product, the final price will be 100. So how should it be applied correctly?
  2. Is any way to have one image for more products? I have shop with 50k+ products, but only 500-1000 different images. It consumes more than 25GB of disk space. I have only 100GB of space on my server (SSD disc) and need to run 10+ similar shops on it...
  3. It doesn't work for 1.6.x because at image table there is primary key on id_image. Any solutions to have one physical image for more products?? I have more than 50k products (20+GB of images), but only 10% of them are different...
  4. If you want to have default customer group value (customerDefaultGroup) in your smarty template, it's enough to add this code to hookHeader function of any module you use: global $smarty; $smarty->assign('customerDefaultGroup' , Customer::getDefaultGroupId(Context::getContext()->customer->id));
  5. Zadej to jako vlastnost produktu a pouzij modul multiple features abys tech vlastnosti mohl mit vice...
  6. Objednávky jdou editovat, pokud jsou ve stavu, kdyz jeste nejdou generovat faktury a zakaznik si je nemuze stahnout. Je to logicke, kdyz uz mam vygenerovanou fakturu, tak nemuzu neco na objednavce menit.
  7. A kdyz si nekdo zmeni pocet kusu v kosiku? Je to ohlidane?? A funguje to tak, ze kdyz zadam 2 kusy do kosiku, tak to vyhodi hlasku ze minimum je napr. 6ks, nebo to prida 2x minimalni pocet?
  8. napsat script, ktery je stahne a ulozi do presty... cca. 2 hodky prace s nejakym testovanim. Je treba mit ale predem nahrane v preste produkty a vedet jejich ID, nebo mit jednoznacne nazvy.
  9. Taky bych neco takoveho potreboval. Nektere zbozi potrebuji prodavat napr. po 6ti kusech, ale chci zobrazovat cenu za kus a taky aby se ukazovala na heurece a pod... Zencart na to mel vychytavku v podobe "pocet ks v baleni", kde to slo nastavit. V preste jsem nic takoveho nenasel, ani jako placeny modul
  10. Myslim si, ze takovym zpusobem se moc pracovat neda. Ve vetsine pripadu je treba mit pristup pri na eshop a odladit to na nem. Uz jenom instalace stare verze prestashopu, modulu, ktere tam mate nainstalovane, pak testovani atd zabere treba 4-5 hodin, misto pul hodinove upravy s pristupem k eshopu....
  11. Kdyz to mam udelano natvrdo, navic na cteni z externi MSSQL databaze, tak je to opravdu k nicemu :-) Udelat to i s nastavenim v administraci nejak inteligentne je prace tak na 4 hodky, jestli bude nekdy cas, treba se k tomu dokopu...
  12. Mam to udelano, ale natvrdo jako script, ktery pracuje primo s DB, protoze mam pres 20 tisic produktu a generovani pres normal funkce by trvalo dlouho a dostupnostni soubor se musi generovat co 10 min.
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