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B. Szakacs

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  1. Mda am rezolvat. Am scris la suport si m-au ajutat cu niste sfaturi. Una dintre ele era sa deactivez ps_mode_dev. cealalta era ca sa folosesc carduri din acel fisier de le ei, cu care a mers totul OK. Asa in general au ei solutii, dar solutia in sine este extrem de complicata si neintuitiva, astfel chiar si un developer isi croieste drum cu greu prin ea. Dar macar merge sandbox si presupun ca va merge si cel live cum dau drumul.
  2. Pai asa am facut dar modulul tot nu merge. Adica ma transfera la Mobilpay, si cand introduc datele cardului, ma pune inapoi pe aceeasi pagina cu urmatorul mesaj: "Tranzactia nu a fost efectuata Cardul nu permite plata online. Va rugam contactati banca emitenta a cardului." Desigur sunt pe sandbox si asta poate veni de acolo dar mi se pare straniu ca totusi sandbox ar trebui sa-mi dea mesaj de succes. Trebuie sa fac si altceva in contul meu Netopia ca sa verific in mod sandbox?
  3. It is a custom module built by me i am trying to edit fix and adapt. But i am not a coder, just learning the basics steps by step. As i wrote, i am aware that if i include the breadcrumb in my module's TPL than it will show twice as header already has it. But i can have my capture path declaration only in my module's tpl, so it cannot be before the default breadcrumb loads, and this is where the problem is. If i do it as in my first post with capture than breadcrumb, than is OK, exepting the duplication from the header. For example the wishlist module from 1.605, has in it's TPL the following {capture name=path} <a href="{$link->getPageLink('my-account', true)|escape:'html'}">{l s='My account' mod='blockwishlist'}</a> <span class="navigation-pipe">{$navigationPipe}</span> <a href="{$link->getModuleLink('blockwishlist', 'mywishlist')|escape:'html'}">{l s='My wishlists' mod='blockwishlist'}</a> {if isset($current_wishlist)} <span class="navigation-pipe">{$navigationPipe}</span> {$current_wishlist.name} {/if} {/capture} So actually no breadcrumb include, but somehow the default breadcrumb from header.tpl takes this capture into consideration and shows the correct path. If i do the same in my module, no path is shown, only the house icon. So how does mywishlist.tpl, which is loaded after the header, tells to Prestashop to use the path declared inside in it to display the breadcrumb?
  4. Sal Ai rezolvat problema asta? Tot asa apare si la mine. MS
  5. Hi I am trying to edit a module to be compatible with Prestashop 1.6. I managed to do some things right, but i cannot figure out the breadcrumb format and how is the current location URL is passed to the breadcrumb. In 1.4 and 1.5 you had the following format in each TPL file: {capture path} than include the breadcrumb.tpl: {capture name=path}<a href="mymodulelink.php">{l s='My Module Name'}</a>{/capture} {include file="$tpl_dir./breadcrumb.tpl"} However, this creates a duplicate breadcrumb to display on page in Prestashop 1.6. If i remove the breadcrumb include from my TPL, the path does not show anymore, only the home icon. So it means that the capture declaration alone is not enough. Any suggestions about where is this declared or how can the info be properly passed? I tried to look in other modules but no luck. Thanks!
  6. Sal la toti Scurt si la subiect: lucrez destul de mult cu Prestashop, dar fiind mai mult un front-end developer (designer) nu am cunostinte destule de PHP si Smarty ca sa ma implic si mai mult, astfel am nevoie destul de frecvent de un programator in care sa am incredere, sa fie disponibil, deschis si cu care sa colaborez pe termen lung - project based. Caut aici fiindca as prefera cineva din Ro, decat din strainatate. Daca ar fi cineva interesat sa-mi dati PM si va dau detalii. Mersi! PS: cunostinte de AJAX, JS si jQuery pe langa Presta / Smarty sunt obligatorii
  7. Hi Did not managed to solve it yet. Whatever i do to leave normal pagination for blocklayered, the module just brokes. I gave up But of course, any solution would be welcommed !
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