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  1. hi @202ecommerce, it worked also for me, thanks! Could you please explain us the change?
  2. Hi guys, I know this is an already signaled problem, I tried to add a message under the original thread but it seems no-one from PS crew is keeping it under control, so I've decided to open a new thread. Here you can find the original post, dated April the 9th: "322308-clients-cant-add-coupons-in-cart-using-chrome" IT'S VERY CRITICAL. Many customers reported us they abandoned their cart when they were not able to input the voucher we sent! I'm just wondering, no polemic guys, seriously, what the PS crew is doing for this bug/behaviour since Apr 09 2014, it's passes 6 MONTHS !!! Guys, c'mon, it's pretty easy to understand that is something that is affecting many installations, please even if this is not 100% due to a PS bug you could release a fix to do the same differently, in a safe way. Please, even if it seems a stupid issue, actually it is not stupid, it directly affects Customers, each problem (even the smaller one) during the purchase step can easily become an abandoned cart!! PLEASE PRESTASHOP CREW, PROVIDE US A FIX OR AT LEAST A WORKAROUND !!! I hope guys you can understand that even if this is not a real super tech challenge, it's catastrophic for the business.
  3. The same for me. Many customers reported us they abandoned their cart when they were not able to input the voucher we sent! I'm just wondering what the PS crew is doing for this bug/behaviour since Apr 09 2014, it's passes 6 MONTHS !!! Guys, c'mon, it's pretty easy to understand that is something that is affecting many installations, please even if this is not 100% due to a PS bug you could release a fix to do the same differently, in a safe way. Please, even if it seems a stupid issue, actually it is not stupid, it directly affects Customers, each problem (even the smaller one) during the purchase step can easily become an abandoned cart!! PLEASE PRESTASHOP CREW, PROVIDE US A FIX OR AT LEAST A WORKAROUND !!!
  4. Hi guys, I'm facing a strange and not reproducible bug that is driving me crazy. Couple of days ago I launched our new WebStore and everything runs smoothly until I noticed we had too much abandoned chart, at this point our customer care contacted all the customer just to ask them about the reason and incredibly more than few told us when they click on the TOS checkbox nothing happens and the payment options don't appear. We double checked the customer addresses nation and the configuration of the payment method, we also verified the checkbox mechanism is working under all the browsers (IE, Chrome, FF) and verified the customer were using one of them; we also double checked with customer both using Tablet and PC but sometimes nothing happens. We trust our customer and the fact many of they all around the world told us the same thing let me think there should be a real and tricky problem behind this. Does any of you ever faced something similar? Some suggestion on how to face it? Thx guys, have a nice PS ecommerce, mM
  5. Absolutely! Il fatto è che a lavorarci sopra siamo in 3 e il sito ufficiale non è ancora aperto al pubblico perciò usare il vero hosting mi veniva molto più comodo sia come interattività con i miei colleghi che come effettiva verifica della migrazione.... e poi, a prescindere dal motivo per il quale sto spostando il sito, perché non funzia ?????? ...dai, deve essere una sciocchezza, possibile che nessuno hostato su aruba abbia mai dovuto spostare il sito su una cartella diversa da quella dove era inizialmente installato? Buona serata a tutti! mM
  6. Ragazzi c'ho guardato un po' ma non sono riuscito a capire cosa possa essere, l'unica cosa che posso consigliarvi è mettere un sacco di messaggi di debug echo '#DBG-MSG001 - state variable value = ...'; nei file php e cercare di capire l'inghippo anche se so che può risultare non semplice per chi non fa questo mestiere..... Purtroppo è un periodaccio per me quindi non riesco a trovare altro tempo per aiutarvi, ho anche dovuto rimandare la messa online del mio WS per il troppo lavoro in ufficio.... In bocca al mouse! :-) mM
  7. Italian here, English below. Ciao tutti! Ho la necessità di spostare il mio sito dalla cartella dove si trova attualmente in un'altra catella dello stesso server. Conosco la semplice procedure (spostare i file e modificare il file settings.inc.php), l'ho eseguita ma qualcosa deve essere andato storto! :shut: Questi i sintomi: 1) il mio sito originale funziona correttamente. 2) Dopo aver copiato tutti i file in una nuova posizione, dopo aver verificato che tutte le autorizzazioni per i nuovi file e le nuove cartelle fossero corrette e dopo che ho aggiornato correttamente il mio settings.inc.php quando tento di navigare il nuovo URL viene visualizzata una pagina vuota. Ho tentato una ricerca sul forum ma l'unica cosa che ho trovato è qualcuno che dice potrebbe essere un problema riguardante i file .htaccess. Sfortunatamente l'HOSTING Service che uso (ARUBA per la precisione) mi è stato detto che non supporta questi file (correggetemi se sbaglio) ed in effetti nel mio sito originale non li ho e tutto funziona correttamente. Ad ogni modo ho tentato di crearli in ogni cartella mettendogli il contenuto suggerito dal team di PS e che si trova in moltissimi thread ma nulla è successo. Per favore qualcuno potrebbe aiutarmi? Voglio testare la nuova beta della 1.2 e se non riesco a creare una copia del sito non posso farlo direttamente in produzione! Grazie a chiunque mi darà una mano, buona giornata a tutti. mM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi guys, first of all excuse me for my very bad english! I need to move the site location from a folder to another folder under the same server. I know the right and easy procedure (just move the files and undate the settings.inc.php), I have already done what described but something doesn’t work fine! :-( These are my symptoms: 1) My original site works properly. 2) After I copied all files under a new location, after I verified that all the permissions on the new files and new folders are correct and after I updated correctly my settings.inc.php when i try to navigate the new URL a blank page appears. I have tried to investigate the forum and the only thing I have find out is someone that tell that could be a problem of .htaccess files. Unfortunately the HOSTING Service I’m using to host my site doesn’t support .htaccess files so in my original site (that work fine) I don’t have any .htaccess files. Anyway I have tried to create a .htaccess file into any folders with the content suggested by PSteam but nothing happens. Please, someone could help me? I would test the new 1.2 beta but if I can’t create a copy of my site I can’t do it directly in production environment!! Have a nice day! mM
  8. Hi guys, first of all excuse me for my very bad english! I've the same need and I had already done what you has described but something doesn't work fine! :-( My site works properly but after I copy under a different location (and update correctly my settings.inc.php) when i try to navigate the new URL a blank page appears. I have tried to investigate and someone told me that could be a problem of .htaccess but the HOSTING Service I'm using to host my site doesn't support .htaccess file so in my original site (that work fine) I don't have any .htaccess files. Anyway I have tried to create a .htaccess into any folders with the content suggested by PSteam but nothing happens. Please, someone could help me?!?! I would test the new 1.2 beta but if I can't create a copy of my site I can't do it directly in production environment!! Have a nice day! mM
  9. Ciao! Mi spiace che non ti funzioni il modulo. Vediamo se troviamo il motivo, se riusciamo a determinare il contesto di riproducibilità dell'errore sarà più semplice risolverlo, ti faccio un po' di domande: Che versione di PS stai usando? Perché io l'ho sviluppato e testato solo sulla 1.1. Hai annullato l'ordine prima di tentare di eliminarlo vero? che tipo di ordine stai eliminando? ...magari ci sono particolarità si cui non ho tenuto conto, hai provato a fare un ordine finto molto semplice e tentare di elimnarlo? magari scopriamo che non funzia solo in particolari condizioni. Posta le screenshot di ogni step (fanne una prima di ogni click). a presto! mM
  10. Perfetto Dr, appena hai fatto dimmelo perché io sarei interessatissimo !!!! mM
  11. Hi Vinum, I'm just looking for a module to send newsletters that runs properly! When I try to test your module by your demo admin site I fall into an error, your demo admin website is unavailable!!! Could you let me test your module in another way? Thanks in advance, Monducci Marco
  12. I don't know, at the moment i haven't time to study the new 1.2 release but if you take a look to my module maybe you find the solution! ...sorry! if you build your own module or change mine please, SHARE it ! have a nice Shop! mM
  13. SURE ! :coolsmile: If you follow this link you can find the original (Italian) thread where you can download the module! But nothing new, you can download the same file yesterday too, the same link was present in my previous post, something wrong? I know the thread is in italian but trust me, download the file attached to the first post and you'll find the instruction in Inglish in the package! Enjoy it!
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