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  • Birthday 08/17/1981

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  1. Mau nanya gan, Update manual order fungsi nya untuk apa gan?
  2. Hello, Does anyone know to add attacment file to send a message to the customer. I think it's very necessary. We can send picture messages to customers following written messages related to items in the message by the customer from the back office. I have tried to add the file: / public_html / admin / themes / default / templates / controllers / orders / helpers / view / view.tpl <div style="float: left"> <form action="{$smarty.server.REQUEST_URI}&token={$smarty.get.token}" method="post" onsubmit="if (getE('visibility').checked == true) return confirm('{l s='Do you want to send this message to the customer?'}');"> <fieldset style="width: 1209px;"> <legend style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="$('#message').slideToggle();$('#message_m').slideToggle();return false"><img src="../img/admin/email_edit.gif" /> {l s='New message'}</legend> <div id="message_m" style="display: {if Tools::getValue('message')}none{else}block{/if}; overflow: auto; width: 400px;"> <a href="#" onclick="$('#message').slideToggle();$('#message_m').slideToggle();return false"><b>{l s='Click here'}</b> {l s='to add a comment or send a message to the customer.'}</a> </div> <a href="{$link->getAdminLink('AdminCustomerThreads')|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}"><b>{l s='Click here'}</b> {l s='to see all messages.'}</a><br> <div id="message" style="display: {if Tools::getValue('message')}block{else}none{/if}"> <select name="order_message" id="order_message" onchange="orderOverwriteMessage(this, '{l s='Do you want to overwrite your existing message?'}')"> <option value="0" selected="selected">-- {l s='Choose a standard message'} --</option> {foreach from=$orderMessages item=orderMessage} <option value="{$orderMessage['message']|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}">{$orderMessage['name']}</option> {/foreach} </select><br /><br /> <b>{l s='Display to customer?'}</b> <input type="radio" name="visibility" id="visibility" value="0" /> {l s='Yes'} <input type="radio" name="visibility" value="1" checked="checked" /> {l s='No'} <p id="nbchars" style="display:inline;font-size:10px;color:#666;"></p><br /><br /> <textarea id="txt_msg" name="message" cols="236" rows="8" onKeyUp="var length = document.getElementById('txt_msg').value.length; if (length > 600) length = '600+'; document.getElementById('nbchars').innerHTML = '{l s='600 characters, max.'} (' + length + ')';">{Tools::getValue('message')|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}</textarea><br /><br /> <input type="hidden" name="id_order" value="{$order->id}" /> <input type="hidden" name="id_customer" value="{$order->id_customer}" /> <p class="text"> <label for="fileUpload">{l s='Attach File'}</label> <input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="2000000"> <input type="file" name="fileUpload" id="fileUpload"> </p> <input type="submit" class="button" name="submitMessage" value="{l s='Send'}" style="margin-left: 578px"/> </div> </fieldset> </form> {if (sizeof($messages))} <br /> <fieldset style="width: 400px;"> <legend><img src="../img/admin/email.gif" /> {l s='Messages'}</legend> {foreach from=$messages item=message} <div style="overflow:auto; width:400px;" {if $message['is_new_for_me']}class="new_message"{/if}> {if ($message['is_new_for_me'])} <a class="new_message" title="{l s='Mark this message as \'viewed\''}" href="{$smarty.server.REQUEST_URI}&token={$smarty.get.token}&messageReaded={$message['id_message']}"><img src="../img/admin/enabled.gif" alt="" /></a> {/if} {l s='At'} <i>{dateFormat date=$message['date_add']} </i> {l s='from'} <b>{if ($message['elastname']|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8')}{$message['efirstname']|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'} {$message['elastname']|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}{else}{$message['cfirstname']|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'} {$message['clastname']|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}{/if}</b> {if ($message['private'] == 1)}<span style="color:red; font-weight:bold;">{l s='Private'}</span>{/if} <p>{$message['message']|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'|nl2br}</p> </div> <br /> {/foreach} </fieldset> {/if} </div> In my screen back office (orders) is apparent, but the email you received regular customers not appear. Someone help me, please?
  3. Sudah ada, silakan di search saja. Ada yang free dan commercial. Yang free juga bagus dan sudah komplit.
  4. The case same with me. It does not work after I put the script in CMS. But I tried put in the blok HTML and It works. I don't know why?
  5. Hallo para master, Ada bisa bantu untuk buat simulasi biaya pengiriman seperti di www.bukukita.com. Mungkin semacam modul. Calon pembeli bisa lihat dulu apakah daerah tempat tinggalnya terjangkau pengiriman dan bisa tahu estimasi biaya serta lamanya pengiriman. Thx..
  6. Thanks Lukens, I received the module. I already install and the text of " SEND TO FRIEND" showed in the product tab, but when I clik the tab there is nothing content. May be I missed step by step intalled that module or not compatible with PS. 1.3.7 Thanks.
  7. Helo Felix, This module compatible with PS.1.3.7 ? Is it posible if I want change the icon cart (troly) with animation (gif)?
  8. Temanz, module confirmation payment ambil dari mana yah?. Saya sudah coba cari ngak ketemu. Apa itu module bawaan dari PS?. Saya gunakan PS.1.3.7. Tx.
  9. Itu khan sewaktu kita mau nambah submenu, tapi nanti di tampilan judul dari submenu itu standard tulisannya. Saya kepingin di bold atau mungkin di tambahkan icon supaya lebih menarik
  10. Sebenarnya ada satu fasilitas lagi, untuk kita mengetahui order baru yang masuk, yaitu lewat SMS. Nama modulnya SMS Tm4b (default dari prestashop). Saya udah coba, koq ngak bisa dan sepertinya kita mesti beli pulsa dari provider Tm4b. Yang laen udah ada yg nyoba & berhasil? Kalo bisa khan enak banget, kita ngak mesti punya blackberry, cukup handphone aja, he..he..he..
  11. Oh, maksud saya edit judul text yang ada di blockinfos seperti: Delivery, Legal Notice, Terms and conditions of use, About us.
  12. Ada yang tau ngak cara edit text di blok informasi (blockinfos). Saya sudah cari di global.css koq ngak ketemu yah?
  13. Masuk BO >> Modules >> Pasangkan (Sinyal viaMail v.1.1) Di sana sampeyan kudu Configure dulu.
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