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  1. I'm using the easysales platform, but their monthly packages cost a fortune 😭
  2. Hey guys, I managed to solve this issue (at least for my current situation). For some reason my order had id_cart = 1 in ps_orders, so I looked at my shopping carts page and took a cart ID number from there and add it to id_cart. After this I could easily refund the order without errors. Hope it helps.
  3. Salut, Recent am facut update la PS (inainte eram pe si implicit s-a actualizat si modulul ps_emailalerts la ultima versiune 2.4.2 Problema cu care ma confrunt este ca acum se trimit 2 emailuri atunci cand vine o comanda noua in magazin. Se trimite mailul clasic de confirmare comanda, si inca unul creat de mine, din setari comanda -> stadii. Culmea e ca stadiul asta e creat de mine si il folosesc doar pt. clientii care isi refuza coletele si nu le ridica de la curier. Nu inteleg de ce modulul alege sa trimita si mail cu stadiul asta, si mai mult de atat nu inteleg de unde isi alege ID-ul stadiului pe care il trimite atunci cand se fac comenzi noi in site. Nu vad nicaieri nici o setare de unde pot alege ID-urile pt. mailurile pe care le trimite la comenzi noi. La stadiul de colet refuzat nu am nici o setare decat sa trimita un mail clientilor. Acum clientii care plaseaza comenzi noi pe site primesc automat si mail de colet refuzat si nu e bine deloc In admin pe pagina comenzii nici macar nu apare stadiul de "In procesare", il am doar pe cel de "colet refuzat"
  4. Hello, It looks like the guys at Prestashop decided it's a good idea to "hide" this info under the "shipping tab", so now for every order you must check this tab and see if it has a gift wrap option and a message. This is a very bad idea, so I decided to add the info on top of the products from the order, so it's right in your face Edit this file: /src/PrestaShopBundle/Resources/views/Admin/Sell/Order/Order/view.html.twig just before this line: {% include '@PrestaShop/Admin/Sell/Order/Order/Blocks/View/products.html.twig' %} add this info: {% if orderForViewing.shipping.giftWrapping %} <span class="badge badge-success">{{ 'Gift wrapping'|trans({}, 'Admin.Orderscustomers.Feature') }}</span> {% endif %} {% if orderForViewing.shipping.giftMessage %} <strong><label> {{ 'Gift message:'|trans({}, 'Admin.Global') }} </label></strong> <span><em> {{ orderForViewing.shipping.giftMessage }} </em></span> {% endif %} Also, you can add it anywhere else on the order page. Hope it helps!
  5. For PS the new file is located in /src/Adapter/Order/Refund/OrderSlipCreator.php Comment out this piece: @Mail::Send( (int) $orderLanguage->getId(), 'credit_slip', $this->translator->trans( 'New credit slip regarding your order', [], 'Emails.Subject', $orderLanguage->locale ), $params, $customer->email, $customer->firstname . ' ' . $customer->lastname, null, null, null, null, _PS_MAIL_DIR_, true, (int) $order->id_shop );
  6. Salut! Sunt in cautare de o solutie pt. importul comenzilor din easysales la noi in PrestaShop. Ei momentan nu ofera acest serviciu si toate comenzile venite din diverse platforme raman la ei pt. finalizare, nu le trimit mai departe la noi in magazin. Am inteles ca se pot importa comenzile cu ajutorul API-ului lor (https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/6542984/SzfDvj4T?version=latest) Astept oferte de pret daca este cineva interesat sa lucreze la acest proiect. Momentan magazinul nostru are versiune PS, dar vrem sa facem upgrade la ultima versiune. Multumesc.
  7. Yes, that pop-up dialog in PS 1.6 was really golden. it's so sad they removed it in PS 1.7
  8. Yes, currently I am doing it like this, but it's a lot of useless work, especially when you have a lot of product images. Also, I must click separately on every image and delete it, I can't even select all the images at once and delete them all, thanks to the new and improved PS 1.7 system.
  9. Hello, I'm currently on PS and when I duplicate an existing product in admin, the product images are being duplicated also. Is there any option to stop this behavior? When I duplicate the product, I don't want the images to be duplicated also. I don't see any option in admin for this. Thanks!
  10. Thanks, I've tried it, but I don't see any useful information, the timings here are in ms:
  11. I'm confronting myself with a very slow admin after upgrading to PS and even on, the same problem, when I try to update something from products (for example stock, or description or title) the "save" button takes forever to update the product. I enabled dev mode, and I get this performance result (when updating attribute stock): From the attached image, "controller" eats up a lot of time, but I don't know what it refers to. Any ideas why is this happening, the store has around 5500 products with attributes and 60 categories. Server specs:
  12. YUP. But that shadow is because of the image capturing app I used.
  13. Thanks, this worked for me. But I don't understand why in PS 1.7 they decided to remove completely the "API key" field from Preferences->General. This was very useful because it was a clean method to add your own key for google maps.
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