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  1. Hi, The code for solved the problem was: - PasswordController.php --> I added a new variable (id_customer_ok) $this->context->smarty->assign([ 'customer_email' => $customer->email, 'customer_token' => $token, 'id_customer' => $id_customer, 'id_customer_ok' => $id_customer, 'reset_token' => Tools::getValue('reset_token'), ]); - password-new.tpl --> I changed the variable id_customer for the new one (id_customer_ok) <input type="hidden" name="token" id="token" value="{$customer_token}"> <input type="hidden" name="id_customer" id="id_customer" value="{$id_customer_ok}"> <input type="hidden" name="reset_token" id="reset_token" value="{$reset_token}"> Regards,
  2. Hi, I solved the problem... It is a bug with the name of the variable id_customer, if you change the name it works fine. I am with the mobile, when I take the pc I will put the code. Regards
  3. Hi, I have the same error... have you solved it? Thanks in advance, Regards,
  4. Hola expertos! Tengo un gran problema que no consigo resolver... Es un error en las combinaciones de los productos en formato Radio Button: Por defecto, esta seleccionada una talla, da igual... si el cliente hace click en otra talla, en 1 segundo después, automáticamente la página se refresca y vuelve a seleccionar la tablla XS, ¿porque? He comprobado que el problema está en que la página se redirige a este enlace cuando selecciona una talla: https://www.mylibi.com/es/inicio/27-75-ejemplo-final-3.html#/41-talla-xs y debería ir a https://www.mylibi.com/es/inicio/27-75-ejemplo-final-3.html#41-talla-xs Como podéis ver, la barra esa sobra y es la que provoca la redirección, habría que encontrar donde se llama a esa redireccion para quitarle la barra ¿Alguna idea para solucionarlo? Gracias!!!
  5. Hi experts, I have a big problem with products combinations in format Radio Button: By default, it is selected the size XS... if the customer click in other size, in 1 second, automatically it seems that refresh the page and select the size XS again, why? I checked in network that the URL that refresh is: https://www.myweb.com/es/index.php?controller=product&amp;token=2218effaa0a8fe64e8a95456247820a5&amp;id_product=27&amp;id_customization=0&amp;group[7]=42&amp;qty=1 Any idea? Thanks in advance, Regards,
  6. Hi experts, I have on the top my cart preview, when I clicked appear the details of my cart with that code: <div id="_desktop_cart" class="dropdown js-dropdown"> <div class="blockcart cart-preview {if $cart.products_count > 0}active{else}inactive{/if}" data-refresh-url="{$refresh_url}" > <div class="header" data-toggle="dropdown"> <i class="material-icons shopping-cart">shopping_basket</i> <div class="cart-detailes"> {if $cart.products_count > 0} <span class="cart-products-count">{$cart.products_count}</span> <span class="count-items"> </span> <span class="value">{$cart.totals.total.value}</span> {/if} </div> </div> {if $cart.products_count > 0} <div class="cart-drop-contents dropdown-menu"> <ul> {foreach from=$cart.products item=product} <li class="cart-wishlist-item"> {include 'module:ps_shoppingcart/ps_shoppingcart-product-line.tpl' product=$product} </li> {/foreach} </ul> <div class="cart-summary"> <div class="cart-subtotals"> {foreach from=$cart.subtotals item="subtotal"} <div class="{$subtotal.type} box-content"> <span class="label">{$subtotal.label}</span> <span class="value">{$subtotal.value}</span> </div> {/foreach} </div> <div class="cart-total box-content"> <span class="label">{$cart.totals.total.label}</span> <span class="value">{$cart.totals.total.value}</span> </div> </div> <div class="cart-wishlist-action"> <a class="btn btn-primary" href="{$cart_url}">{l s='View cart' d='Shop.Theme.Checkout'}</a> </div> </div> {else} <div class="cart-drop-contents dropdown-menu"> <span class="no-item">{l s='There is no item in your cart' d='Shop.Theme.Checkout'}</span> </div> {/if} </div> </div> My problem is, how can open it when I add some item into the cart? Thanks in avdance, Regards,
  7. Hi experts, How can change the icons in the quantity in the product info? Instead the up and down arrow I want the + and - button, the - on the left and the + on the right. Thanks in advance, Regards,
  8. From back office I can change the style... Regards,
  9. Hi experts, I want to show all attributes in the product page, instead of click in the drop down and show the attributes available... is it possible? How? Thanks in advance, Regards,
  10. Hi, When I try to configure in the admin panel, appear an error in PS 1.7: How can solved it? Thanks in advance, Regards,
  11. Hi experts, I want create a fancybox for the description of the products... How can configure it? I have that but it does not work, it opens a fancybox with the URL called: <a href="#inline1" class="iframe" id="tttt">INGREDIENTS | ORIGIN</a> <div style="display:none" id="inline1"> <div style="width:400px;"> 45345345345 </div> </div> How can solve it? Thanks in advance, Regards,
  12. Hi, Try with: https://addons.prestashop.com/es/tallas-dimensiones/24442-ideal-size.html Regards,
  13. Hi experts, I am looking for a module that calculate the sizes of the clothes... but interactive, similar that the zara calc, where the customer has to select their weight and height and it calculate the sizes of the cloth. Are there any similar? Thanks in advance, Regards,
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