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Marghoob Suleman

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About Marghoob Suleman

  • Birthday December 20

Marghoob Suleman's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Well... First of all good luck for that... I would suggest you to make a copy of your theme/prestashop folder. and change whatever you want in your new one(newly copied folder). So you have copy of original one. take backup whenever you want Prestashop is based on smarty template engine. That is the best template engine... i guess... you can find more about smarty at http://www.smarty.net/ only two steps. 1. Set smarty array in php 2. fetch in tpl or you can say make layout with smarty array. All the best. Regards, MS
  2. hi Shaun, I got ur PM too. But i dont think your issue is related to friendly url. Can you try your checkout process without friendly url. If problem persist we can check whatz going on.
  3. try to use padding:0 and vertical-align:bottom properties...
  4. you need to set the direction in your theme css file. You may add the following attribute in your default css. ie. body{ direction:rtl; }
  5. oh well... you can insert your image (phone no.) in header.tpl. Find this file in your default theme folder.
  6. http://www.prestashop.com/forums/viewthread/16130/general_discussion/problem_with_friendly_url
  7. Even I was facing same problem. And I've a solution 2... open classes/Link.php and find this: public function getProductLink($id_product, $alias = NULL, $category = NULL, $ean13 = NULL) { if (!isset($this->allow)) $this->allow = 0; if (is_object($id_product)) return ($this->allow == 1)?(_PS_USE_SSL_.__PS_BASE_URI__.$id_product->category.'/'.intval($id_product->id).'-'.$id_product->link_rewrite.($id_product->ean13 ? '-'.$id_product->ean13 : '').'.html') : (_PS_USE_SSL_.__PS_BASE_URI__.'product.php?id_product='.intval($id_product->id)); elseif ($alias) return ($this->allow == 1)?(_PS_USE_SSL_.__PS_BASE_URI__.($category ? ($category.'/') : '').intval($id_product).'-'.$alias.($ean13 ? '-'.$ean13 : '').'.html') : (_PS_USE_SSL_.__PS_BASE_URI__.'product.php?id_product='.intval($id_product)); else return _PS_USE_SSL_.__PS_BASE_URI__.'product.php?id_product='.intval($id_product); } and replace with this: public function getProductLink($id_product, $alias = NULL, $category = NULL, $ean13 = NULL) { if (!isset($this->allow)) $this->allow = 0; //there was an error in line no. 46. when clean url is enabled. fixed on May 19 2009 if (is_object($id_product)) return ($this->allow == 1)?(_PS_USE_SSL_.__PS_BASE_URI__.($category ? ($id_product->category.'/') : '').intval($id_product->id).'-'.$id_product->link_rewrite.($id_product->ean13 ? '-'.$id_product->ean13 : '').'.html') : (_PS_USE_SSL_.__PS_BASE_URI__.'product.php?id_product='.intval($id_product->id)); elseif ($alias) return ($this->allow == 1)?(_PS_USE_SSL_.__PS_BASE_URI__.($category ? ($category.'/') : '').intval($id_product).'-'.$alias.($ean13 ? '-'.$ean13 : '').'.html') : (_PS_USE_SSL_.__PS_BASE_URI__.'product.php?id_product='.intval($id_product)); else return _PS_USE_SSL_.__PS_BASE_URI__.'product.php?id_product='.intval($id_product); } Enjoy! Regards, Marghoob Suleman
  8. Wow! great work. A Big thank you to all of you guys for making such a nice shopping cart.
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