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  1. I recently upgraded to 1.4.1. And all my products/categories gave an error. I managed to get rid of some error, but not all of them. Does anyone know what to do with these errors? " Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'SmartyCompilerException' with message 'Syntax Error in template "/home/jip/domains/wottshop.nl/public_html/themes/dark_rainbow/product.tpl" on line 262 "<p id="availability_status"{if ($allow_oosp && $product->quantity == 0 && !$product->available_later) || (!$product->available_now && $display_qties != 1) } style="display:none;"{/if}>" - Unexpected " }"' in /home/jip/domains/wottshop.nl/public_html/tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_templatecompilerbase.php:431 Stack trace: #0 /home/jip/domains/wottshop.nl/public_html/tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_templateparser.php(2855): Smarty_Internal_TemplateCompilerBase->trigger_template_error() #1 /home/jip/domains/wottshop.nl/public_html/tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_templateparser.php(2920): Smarty_Internal_Templateparser->yy_syntax_error(10, ' }') #2 /home/jip/domains/wottshop.nl/public_html/tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_smartytemplatecompiler.php(51) in /home/jip/domains/wottshop.nl/public_html/tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_templatecompilerbase.php on line 431 " I have the theme: "dark rainbow"
  2. There is something wrong with my database backup file, So that prestashop can't read it. So I need to customize the whole shop again, that is nog the biggest problem. But I also have to rewrite the product info. Is there any way I can find the product text? Thanks
  3. I have a big problem, I would love it if anyone have has a solution. A while ago I upbraided to 1.4, But I had so much problems I'd wanted to downgrade. So I replaced the map on the server, But forgot to do downgrade the database. In the meantime I found some solutions of the problems I had, So I thought if i'd just replace the map again it all would be fine. So I replaced the map of the webshop again, Everything went well, untill I had to gave the permissions in the install folder. Nothing worked, So the guy from the webhoster and I tried to upload a backup of the database, but there was something wrong in that backup, So everything is still there but in a way prestashop can't read it. It would be a disaster if I have to customize the whole shop again, So any help would very much be appreciated.
  4. I would like to change the font in the categories, does anybody knows where this file is headed? Thanks.
  5. Ik wil graag het lettertype veranderen van de categorieën omdat dit op op oude windows computers er net iets te groot uit ziet. kan iemand mij vertellen waar ik dit bestand kan vinden?
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