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  1. PS - Catalog Rules - add - there is no option for categories like 1.5 ?? Can i add this funtionality? Thanks
  2. try to look in your configuration table change in database table ps_configuration CIPHER_ALGORITHM 1 to 0
  3. Ahoj, přišel jsi na to jak naimportovat více vlastností? já zkouším všemožně a nejde mi to. mám PS a csv ve tvaru: ...;"Vozy:Volkswagen Passat B6:0:1,Pn:3C0959:0:1,Dálkové ovládání:Ano:0:1,Vystřelovací:Ne:0:1,Čip:ID46:0:1";... dle Feature(Name:Value:Position:Customized) a chci to nacpat do toho pole customized Díky
  4. Zdravím všechny, ztloukl ten modul někdo? Co tedy to sem hodit? PS v
  5. Hi, i have small override in product-list.tpl where is reduction percentage calculated from amount of price: {assign var='precentage_amount' value=(($product.price_without_reduction-$product.price)/$product.price_without_reduction*100)} // and the echo <span id="reduction_amount_display"> -{$precentage_amount|string_format:"%d"}% </span> $precentage_amount is 39.891591 and string format of this number without decimals is 39 ??? it may be 40 how to setup roundup up? thank you!
  6. Zkus toto: http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/210505-cena-s-i-bez-dph-152/page__p__1184137__hl__cena%20bez%20dph__fromsearch__1#entry1184137
  7. Can you post the solution here? Tried, but not wors: 1 Created new hook in database 2 Created new function to setup custom hook in module public function hookCategoryFilters($params) { return $this->hookLeftColumn($params); } 3 Tried assign module to this hook, but error accured: This module cannot be transplanted to this hook. To display the hook have i {$HOOK_CATEGORY_FILTERS} in category.tpl and 'HOOK_CATEGORY_FILTERS' => Hook::exec('displayCategoryFilters') in CategoryController use PS 1.5.3 Thank you
  8. You must create new hook in database: table ps_hook
  9. did you solved loading problem with this module? i tested smartydebug on local machine, where i dont care if permissions are set or not and module not worked. same issue: The following module(s) couldn't be loaded: smartydebug (parse error in /modules/smartydebug/smartydebug.php) smartydebug (class missing in /modules/smartydebug/smartydebug.php Propably its compability problem - i use PS 1.4.9 Have anyone fixed this? EDIT: found it - add end tag ?> at the end of php file
  10. hi, for me - PS 1.3.7 this working almost completely, when i make new order with affiliate cookie, i see new row in ps_affiliates_cart sql table, but when changing status to shipped and delivered, have no changes in sql table ps_affiliates. Also no changes in affiliate system, still zero comission. Anyone solved this?
  11. Už několik dní se snažím na to přijít a jsem u konce svých sil. našel jsem pouze: jak udělat novou záložku a do ní si dát co chci - ale nevim jak tam dostanu ten obsah konfigurace pluginu: Přidáním nového AdminBlog.php do admin/Tabs: include_once(PS_ADMIN_DIR.'/../classes/AdminTab.php'); class AdminBlog extends AdminTab { public function postProcess() { } public function display() { // >>>>>>> A TADY INCLUDNOUT TEN OBCAH KONFIGURACE, ALE JAK !?!?! <<<<<< } } NEBO nějak přiřadit tomu pluginu class pro zobrazení v záložce, ta class se pak uvede při vytváření záložky... žEJO! ALE ANI JEDNO Z TOHO MI NEJDE ROZBěHAT DěKUJI ZA PříPADNé ODPOVĚDI A RADY, NO Už MI I KLAVECNICE PIšE DIVNĚ, TO SE DAŘÍ!!! JEšTE PŘIKLÁDÁM LINKS: http://www.prestashop.com/forums/viewthread/21684/general_discussion/solved__adding_custom_report_tab http://www.prestashop.com/forums/viewthread/26868/installing_prestashop/back_office_how_can_i_customize_the_menu_tabs/
  13. how can i show content of configure plugin in this new copy of file? include_once(PS_ADMIN_DIR.'/../classes/AdminTab.php'); class AdminBlog extends AdminTab { public function postProcess() { } public function display() { >>>>>>> WHAT HERE <<<<<< } } i want assign content showed after clicking configure of one of plugins > direct in tab for better access anyone? THANKS!
  14. today tested OPC one page checkout module, the payment method was not displayed, spent 2 days to resolving this issue, compared databases in another shop where OPC have i installed and finaly find problem: when checked tables ps_customer_group and ps_customer, there was no rows in these tables: INSERT INTO `ps_customer` (`id_customer`, `id_gender`, `id_default_group`, `secure_key`, `email`, `passwd`, `last_passwd_gen`, `birthday`, `lastname`, `newsletter`, `ip_registration_newsletter`, `newsletter_date_add`, `optin`, `firstname`, `dni`, `active`, `deleted`, `date_add`, `date_upd`) VALUES (1, 1, 1, '39bbfad542bf6deaa86fc13890990ef2', '[email protected]', '1733753f33551261137767cd69d9b789', '2009-12-29 05:52:45', NULL, 'XXX', 1, '', '2009-12-29 11:52:45', 1, 'XXX', NULL, 1, 0, '2009-12-29 11:52:45', '2011-03-23 22:50:26'); INSERT INTO `ps_customer_group` (`id_customer`, `id_group`) VALUES (1, 1); also cheched prefix for invoice... i dont know why it not works without it, but now payment modules are finaly showed by ajax
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