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Prestashop 1.6 and Google Analytics goals tracking

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I would like to set up a goal for my order confirmations in Google Analytics, and a classic conversion funnel (also in Google Analytics), to study the behaviour of our clients durong the checkout process.


Unfortunately, the urls for this funnel go like this (I apologize in advance for the following numerous look-alike URLs)


My cart: http://www.mywebsite.com/fr/commande


Authentification page: http://www.mywebsite.com/fr/authentification?multi-shipping=0&display_guest_checkout=0&back=http%3A%2F%2Fmywebsite.com%2Ffr%2Fcommande%3Fstep%3D1%26multi-shipping%3D0

(the website is also in english and german so we have a different url for the german website, a bit like this : /de/authentifizierung and /en/authentification)


Address page: 

FR: http://www.mywebsite.com/fr/commande?step=1

EN: http://www.mywebsite.com/en/order?step=1&multi-shipping=

DE: http://www.mywebsite.com/de/bestellung?step=1&multi-shipping


Delivery fees: http://www.mywebsite.com/fr/commande (exactly the same as the page 'My cart')


Payment means: http://www.mywebsite.com/fr/commande?multi-shipping= 


Order confirmation: http://www.mywebsite.com/fr/index.php?controller=order-confirmation?id_cart=XXXXX&id_module=1&id_order=XXXX&key=bXXXdXXX0dXXXXcd6eXXXc6XX5


I also noticed that in the source code I have something like this: 




With a different step number for each step of the conversion funnel.

I read that those (/order/step0.html) are the URLs I should use as the goal (^/order-confirmation\.php or /order-confirmation.php)

Which is what I did, but went I pressed 'verify the goal tracking for the last 7 days' on GA, nothing came up, is there something I'm missing?


I hope this post is not too confusing!


Kind Regards,



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I went into this with so much hope... but I still have 0% for the last 7 days..

I tried this as an objectif: /de/index.php?controller=order-confirmation

which gave me a 0,01% of conversion (I think too low) and then once on the 'Goals' main screen it shows "number of conversions for the last past 7 days = 0"


Am now considering throwing my computer out of the window..!

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Your goal destination should be equal to : /order-confirmation.php


Funnel :

/product.php (required : no)


Btw, can you see these pages in the GA real-time overview when you simulate an order ?


If it doesn't help, I will need to see your code for header.tpl and ganalytics.php

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Hey, thanks for the quick reply! 


The goal page (thank you page) I have using GA real time tool is: http://www.generationrobots.com/en/index.php?controller=order-confirmation?id_cart=XXXX&id_module=1&id_order=XXXX&key=X6e6f92fXXXXd4dXXXX


When  I am on the funnel pages I have the /order/step3.html URL type.

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oh oh... I found this: (/module/paypal/submit\?key=|/index\.php\?controller=order-confirmation) which I entered as my goal as a regex, and it seems to work. It gives me a 0,33% conversion rate for the last seven days when the ecommerce conversion rate was 0,31%. There's a 0,02% difference but I do believe the goal simulation is just an estimation so I think I found the truth! :)


Your corrections are still on, is it worth removing them?

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This is a workaround that is not necessarily compatible with every payment modules. I used it when I started my website :)


Actually, I think the corrections you made with my code is working fine on your website.


The problem is that you can not rely on the conversion rate given by GA for the last 7 days, because the tracking parameter was not sent before you did my corrections.


A 0.01% conversion rate is then totally credible. You would have had 0% if it was not working as expected.


I would keep my corrections and my goal settings.


Anyway, if you use the regex solution, my corrections are still required, at least in header.tpl.

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  • 2 months later...


Did you do this ?


In modules/ganalytics/ganalytics.php :


After the line :

$this->context->smarty->assign('isOrder', true);

Add this line :

$this->context->smarty->assign('pageTrack', '/order-confirmation.php');


Does your fix solves tracking of the destination page "order-confirmation" or does it fix the checkout funnels  issue ( tracking all steps of checkout) ?

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J'ai une magasin  et j'utilise Universal Analytics avec enhanced Commerce mais avec l'implementation de Google Tag Manager. Comme moyens de paiement j'utilise Paypal et Payplug. 

Depuis quelque temps je ne reçois l'info des conversions de paypal que je recevais avant l'implementation de UA à travers de GTM. Les données de conversion de Payplugh ne sont jamais arrivés (le module paypal include un snippet de GA pour prendre les donnés). 

Ma doute est... Savez vous si à travers de l'implementation de GTM il faut faire quelquechose pour reactiver les codes du module de PAypal ou faut il les recreer via macro or data layer en GTM pour les envoyer chez UA?

Merci de votre aide

Edited by craselrau (see edit history)
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  • 7 months later...



It will solve both.


However the complete fix is here : http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/362434-objectif-google-analytics-ps-16/

See my post #17 & #30


It works for ganalytics module v1.8 (it seems there is a newer version available now but I don't know if it works properly without modifications)

Has any of this changed in default-bootstrap ??

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  • 9 months later...

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