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[ASK] Blocklayered.php slow SQL


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Dear Community!


I would like to ask some help:


I see this in my slow query log at 6:58, 10:21, 10:52, 10:53, 11:03, 12:03, 12:28 etc... This is the only query in my log (log has every query with minimum 3 seconds runtime).


(This SQL comes from module blocklayered.php.)

# Query_time: 6.165144  Lock_time: 0.000448  Rows_sent: 67  Rows_examined: 2480513  Rows_affected: 0
# Bytes_sent: 4142
SET timestamp=1411727330;
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT p.id_product) nbr, lpa.id_attribute_group,
                                        a.color, al.name attribute_name, agl.public_name attribute group_name , lpa.id_attribute, ag.is_color_group,
                                        liagl.url_name name_url_name, liagl.meta_title name_meta_title, lial.url_name value_url_name, lial.meta_title value_meta_title, m.name, psi.price_min, psi.price_max

                                        FROM ps_layered_product_attribute lpa
                                        INNER JOIN ps_attribute a
                                        ON a.id_attribute = lpa.id_attribute
                                        INNER JOIN ps_attribute_lang al
                                        ON al.id_attribute = a.id_attribute
                                        AND al.id_lang = 1
                                        INNER JOIN ps_product as p
                                        ON p.id_product = lpa.id_product
                                        INNER JOIN ps_attribute_group ag
                                        ON ag.id_attribute_group = lpa.id_attribute_group
                                        INNER JOIN ps_attribute_group_lang agl
                                        ON agl.id_attribute_group = lpa.id_attribute_group
                                        AND agl.id_lang = 1
                                        LEFT JOIN ps_layered_indexable_attribute_group_lang_value liagl
                                        ON (liagl.id_attribute_group = lpa.id_attribute_group AND liagl.id_lang = 1)
                                        LEFT JOIN ps_layered_indexable_attribute_lang_value lial
                                        ON (lial.id_attribute = lpa.id_attribute AND lial.id_lang = 1)  INNER JOIN ps_product_shop product_shop
                ON (product_shop.id_product = p.id_product AND product_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_manufacturer` m ON (m.id_manufacturer = p.id_manufacturer)
                        INNER JOIN `ps_layered_price_index` psi
                        ON (psi.id_product = p.id_product AND psi.id_currency = 1 AND psi.id_shop=1)
WHERE a.id_attribute_group = 1 AND lpa.`id_shop` = 1 AND product_shop.active = 1 AND product_shop.`visibility` IN ("both", "catalog")
                                        AND p.id_product IN (
                                                SELECT id_product
                                                FROM ps_category_product cp
                                                INNER JOIN ps_category c ON (c.id_category = cp.id_category AND
                                                c.nleft >= 5
                                                AND c.nright <= 6
                                                AND c.active = 1)

                                        GROUP BY lpa.id_attribute
                                        ORDER BY ag.`position` ASC, a.`position` ASC;

This is the explain:

id	select_type	table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
1	SIMPLE	c	range	PRIMARY,nleftright,nleftrightactive,nright,nleft	nright	4	NULL	15	Using index condition; Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort; Start temporary
1	SIMPLE	cp	ref	PRIMARY,id_product	PRIMARY	4	szertarsporthu.c.id_category	36	Using index
1	SIMPLE	p	eq_ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	szertarsporthu.cp.id_product	1	End temporary
1	SIMPLE	product_shop	eq_ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	8	szertarsporthu.cp.id_product,const	1	Using where
1	SIMPLE	psi	eq_ref	PRIMARY,id_currency,price_min,price_max	id_currency	12	const,szertarsporthu.cp.id_product,const	1	Using index condition; Using where
1	SIMPLE	sav	ref	product_sqlstock,id_shop,id_product	product_sqlstock	4	szertarsporthu.cp.id_product	1	Using index condition; Using where
1	SIMPLE	m	ALL	PRIMARY	NULL	NULL	NULL	2	Using where; Using join buffer (Block Nested Loop)
1	SIMPLE	a	ref	PRIMARY,attribute_group	attribute_group	4	const	307	NULL
1	SIMPLE	al	eq_ref	PRIMARY,id_lang	PRIMARY	8	szertarsporthu.a.id_attribute,const	1	NULL
1	SIMPLE	lpa	ref	id_attribute	id_attribute	4	szertarsporthu.a.id_attribute	18	Using where
1	SIMPLE	liagl	ALL	PRIMARY	NULL	NULL	NULL	1	Using where; Using join buffer (Block Nested Loop)
1	SIMPLE	agl	eq_ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	8	szertarsporthu.lpa.id_attribute_group,const	1	NULL
1	SIMPLE	lial	eq_ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	8	szertarsporthu.a.id_attribute,const	1	Using where
1	SIMPLE	ag	ALL	PRIMARY	NULL	NULL	NULL	4	Using where; Using join buffer (Block Nested Loop)

SQL result:



Explain result:


I dont know what my visitors do to achieve this, but I would like to solve that..


The server is a 4 core / 8gb ram / raid machine. Ps_product has 8236 rows, webpage url is szertar (no space here) sport dot hu ... :) <- I dont want to be in search results.. :)


What should I do? Should I tune MySQL, for example increase join buffer?


Thank You for Your help in advance!




Edited by eSzeL (see edit history)
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