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Árukereső csv export


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Árukereső PS feedje:

** Arukereso.hu
** CSV exportáló PrestaShop webáruházhoz
** Ezt a fájlt a webshop főkönyvtárába kell elhelyezni, és már működik is.

define ('AK_VERSION', '2.1.7');
define ('AK_CHECK_STOCK', 1);
define ('ENGINE_NAME', 'PrestaShop');
define ('MANUFACTURER_FIELD','manufacturer');

// define('_USER_ID_LANG_',1);


if (!file_exists('init.php') || !file_exists('config/config.inc.php')) {
  ak_error('An include file not found. Check the path.');

if (isset($_GET['ak_check_stock']) && ($_GET['ak_check_stock'] == 0 || $_GET['ak_check_stock'] == 'true')) {
  define ('AK_CHECK_STOCK_CONST', 0);
} else {

try {
  $query = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS('SELECT p.id_product FROM ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'product p WHERE p.active = 1 '); // "AND quantity > 0"
  if (!$query) {
    ak_error('SQL error: ' . mysql_error());

  $lang = (int)Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT');

  $data = array();
  $curreny = Currency::getCurrent();
  $cat = new Category();
  $root = $cat->getRootCategory();
  $categories = array();

  $defaultCountry = new Country(Configuration::get('PS_COUNTRY_DEFAULT'), Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT'));
  $id_zone = (int)$defaultCountry->id_zone;
  $id_carrier = (int)(Configuration::get('PS_CARRIER_DEFAULT'));
  $carrierTax = Tax::getCarrierTaxRate((int)$id_carrier);
  $carrier = new Carrier((int)($id_carrier), Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT'));

  foreach ($query as $i => $v) {

    $product = new Product(intval($v['id_product']),true, $lang);
    $productCategories = $product->getCategories();
    $parents = "";
    $category = "";
    foreach ($productCategories as $productCategory) {
      $temp = ak_get_category($productCategory);
      if ($temp['parents'] > $parents) {
        $category = $temp['name'];
        $parents = $temp['parents'];

    $url = $product->getLink();

    $img = $product->getCover($product->id);
    if ($img['id_image'] > 0) {
      $image = $link->getImageLink($product->link_rewrite,$product->id . '-' . $img['id_image'],'large');
    } else {
      $image = "";

    $price = Product::getPriceStatic($product->id, true, NULL, 6);

    if (isset(Product::$_taxCalculationMethod) && Product::$_taxCalculationMethod == PS_TAX_INC) {
      $price = Tools::ps_round($price,2);
    } else {
      $price = round($price,2);
    $line['manufacturer'] = ak_clean($product->manufacturer_name);
    $line['name'] = ak_clean($product->name);
    $line['category'] =  ak_clean($category);
    $line['product_url'] =  ak_clean($url);
    $line['price'] =  $price;
    $line['image_url'] =  ak_clean($image);
    $line['description'] = ak_clean($product->description,false);
    $line['ean13'] = ak_clean($product->ean13,false);
    $line['upc'] = ak_clean($product->upc,false);
    $line['reference'] = ak_clean($product->reference,false);
    $line['supplier_reference'] = ak_clean($product->supplier_reference,false);
    $line['currency'] = $currency->iso_code;
    $line['stock'] = $product->quantity;
    $line['delivery_price'] = ak_get_delivery_price($price, $product->weight, $id_zone, $id_carrier, $carrierTax, $carrier);
    $line['weight'] = $product->weight;

    if (!AK_CHECK_STOCK_CONST || ((Configuration::get('PS_STOCK_MANAGEMENT') || $product->quantity > 0) && $product->available_for_order)) {
      $data[] = $line;

} catch (Exception $e) {
  ak_error("Caught exception: " . $e->getMessage());

function ak_get_delivery_price($price, $weight, $id_zone, $id_carrier, $carrierTax, $carrier) {
  $shipping_cost = 984.25;
  $configuration = Configuration::getMultiple(array('PS_SHIPPING_FREE_PRICE', 'PS_SHIPPING_HANDLING', 'PS_SHIPPING_METHOD', 'PS_SHIPPING_FREE_WEIGHT'));
  if (isset($configuration['PS_SHIPPING_FREE_PRICE']) && $price >= $configuration['PS_SHIPPING_FREE_PRICE']) {
    return "FREE";
  if (isset($configuration['PS_SHIPPING_FREE_WEIGHT']) && $weight >= (float)($configuration['PS_SHIPPING_FREE_WEIGHT']) && (float)($configuration['PS_SHIPPING_FREE_WEIGHT']) > 0) {
    return "FREE";

  if ($carrier->getShippingMethod() == Carrier::SHIPPING_METHOD_WEIGHT) {
    if ($weight > 0) {
      $shipping_cost += $carrier->getDeliveryPriceByWeight($weight, $id_zone);
    } else {
      return "";
  } else {// by price
    $shipping_cost += $carrier->getDeliveryPriceByPrice($price, $id_zone);
  if (isset($configuration['PS_SHIPPING_HANDLING']) AND $carrier->shipping_handling)
    $shipping_cost += (float)($configuration['PS_SHIPPING_HANDLING']);

  if (isset($carrierTax))
    $shipping_cost *= 1 + ($carrierTax / 100);

  return (float)(Tools::ps_round((float)($shipping_cost), 2));

function ak_get_category($categoryId) {
  global $categories, $root, $lang;
  if (!isset($categories[$categoryId])) {
    $name = "";
    $cntParents = 0;
    if ($categoryId != $root->id_category) {
      $cat = new Category($categoryId, $lang);
      $parents = $cat->getParentsCategories();
      $cntParents = count($parents);
      if ($cntParents > 0) {
        $category = array();
        foreach ($parents as $p) {
          $category[] = $p['name'];
        $name = implode(' > ',array_reverse($category));

    $categories[$categoryId] = array('parents' => $cntParents, 'name' => $name);
  return $categories[$categoryId];

function ak_clean($field,$filter_html = true) {
  if ($filter_html) {
    $pattern = array();
    $replacement = array();
    $pattern[] = "/<[^>]+>/"; $replacement[] = " ";
    $pattern[] = "/  +/"; $replacement[] = " ";
    $field = preg_replace($pattern,$replacement,$field);
  $from = array('"',"\r","\n","\\");
  $to =   array('""',""," ","");
  return str_replace($from,$to,$field);

function ak_csv_export($data) {
  $header = '"' . ENGINE_NAME . ' ' . _PS_VERSION_ . ' (v' . AK_VERSION . ') manufacturer";"name";"category";"product_url";"price";"image_url";"description";"ean13";"upc";"reference";"supplier_reference";"currency";"stock";"delivery_price";"weight"';
  echo "$header\n";
  foreach ($data as $line) {
    foreach ($line as $k => $field) {
      if (!empty($field)) {
        echo '"';
        echo $field;
        echo '"';
      if ($k == 'weight') {
        echo "\n";
      } else {
        echo ';';
  $filename = basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'],'.php');
  $length = ob_get_length();
  header('HTTP/1.0 200 OK');
  header('Cache-Control: no-cache');
  header('Content-Type: text/csv');
  header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename={$filename}.csv");
  header('Content-Encoding: identity');
  header("Content-Length: $length");

function ak_error($msg) {
  header('Cache-Control: no-cache');
  header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
  echo "<html><head><title>Export error (" . VERSION . ")</title></head><body>";
  echo "<p style=\"padding:0;margin:50px;text-align:center;font-weight:bold;\">$msg</p>";
  echo "</body></html>";

Edited by slates (see edit history)
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  • 2 weeks later...

Az arukereso.hu honlapnak minek kell adat a termék raktárkészlet mennyiségéről?

Én kitöröltem a darabra vonatkozó lekérdezést.


Azért mondjuk, hogy olyan termékedre ne érkezzen kattintás, amelyik nincs raktáron, nincs belőle készleted.

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Rég nem frissült ez a téma. Én az 1.5 ös árukereső php kódot próbáltam 1.6 hoz , de csak egy terméket dob ki. Valaki tud bármelyik árösszehasonlító oldalhoz scriptet? 

Fizetnék is érte ha jó. Jelenleg csak a shopmania-t tudom használni. Az SQL lekérdezéssel próbálkoztam adminban, de valamiért üres sorokkal telerakja.



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