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color picker in product list pestashop 1.6

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Hello prestashopers


I need your help again...


I have the colour picker in the product lists but when I select a color it enters to the product page (with the correct color seleted) but it is not what I want.


I want to select the color in the product list and add it to the cart directly form the product list page whitout need to enter the product page.


There is a file (product-list-colors.tpl) which I know is the one to be fixed but I can´t figure out how. I tried to copy the product.tpl code but never worked...


Hope someone can help!





<ul class="color_to_pick_list clearfix">
	{foreach from=$colors_list item='color'}
			href="{$link->getProductLink($color.id_product, null, null, null, null, null,                        $color.id_product_attribute)|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}"
			style="background: {$color.color};">
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