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Hello, Prestashop lovers.


I'm having issues with my block cart and my Paypal modules.


With the Paypal module, it turns out the image source is broken, how can I modify it in order to use my own image and I would like to do some html editing like divs and borders since the module just uses a <p> tag and it looks real simple.


And the block cart module won´t do anything when hover or clicking on it at the top of the page.


I would really appreciate some help! (:

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Hi albert,


The 2nd problem may be a problem in a cookie. After making changes in code or so, once a while cookies can give unexpected problems. To fix, just remove your shop cookies and try again. If that doesn't help, maybe there's a problem in some added/modified code? (javascript or so)



The first problem: Check with Chrome or so in the element inspector where the program expects the image to be located (Right click on image-area and choose inspect element) . Then either add the logo to the given folder, or change the code to look elsewhere (in one of the php files in PayPal module (sub)folder)


You could check if the div/borders have some unique id. if so, just add some css for that element to themes/<your theme folder>/css/global.css.

If not, see if you can find another element that is unique on the page (again using chrome inspector)  and add some 'path' to the div from there to then modify the div itself.


If you get lost, please give a link to your page, and tell what exactly you want to have changed.



Hope this helps,


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