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/en/?redirected problem - where is that "?redirected" coming from?

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Hello everyone!


I got a problem since the last few days: my store is often shown as "down" on my pingdom stats as the response time went from 2sec to 10-infiinite quite often now. I can't figure out what went wrong, but using the waterfall in the pingdom tools (http://tools.pingdom.com/fpt/) to see which file/part could make it slow, I have seen a new line which was not there before:




I have search around, but I have found nothing at all related to a "/?redirected" with prestashop


Has anyone ever seen it? Any clue what could cause it or where it comes from?


The store always seems to lag because of it...



Thank you very much for any cue!! :)

Edited by MissLili (see edit history)
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