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Database location

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Does anyone know which module contains the database name?


I am creating a test prestashop on my Synology Diskstation.  I copied my live Prestashop from the live web server onto the proper web directory on the Synology.  However, when I go bring it up in my browser, I get the message that it can't find the database.


Is there any way I could change the database name and password manually?  I can backup the database on my live shop and restore it to the shop on the Synology.


Thanks in advance.



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That worked.  However, I can't log in to the backoffice because my user name and password isn't in the database, and I can't restore my live database because I can't log in.


How can I log into the backoffice?

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OK.  I see my problem, I am just not sure how to fix it.


The db on the live shop is named U278p77qa, and what looks like to be the prefix (when I restore the live db to the Diskstation) is U278p77qa_


When I try to configure Prestashop on the diskstation with these parameters (db name and prefix), it can't find the proper tables.


Any suggestions?

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