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Where locate an initial script additional


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I'm going to try explain that I want to make. After to send a encoded link of product from a similar module to "Send to a friend", I want register into DB who visit the website using one of links sent.


The question is: Where is the better location for the script that has to do this? is there a location for this processes kind, into design structure of prestashop?


Thanks in advance.


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Thank you bellini13 for your reply. Yes, one process will be to record the links sent into sendtoafriend module, but the other part I need, is to record into a database table when the link receiver return to my website. At this moment, I also need to save it.


I'm seeing to throw a asynchronous thread into the hookHeader of sendtoafriend module. Do you think it can be a good idea?

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header or footer hooks would probably work ok.  the alternative is to provide a single URL to all users.



this redirect.php file would be responsible for recording the user visit, and then redirecting to the correct landing page.

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