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Redirect Loop when changing URL

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I have a Prestashop 1.5 shop. While it was in development, I had it on the live server in a new directory (www.kerrianne42.com/sb-shop). Once I had it set and was ready to turn it on, I changed the base URL in the SEO & URL page, physically deleted the old .htaccess files and have regenerated it (several times now). Redirected the domain - and *POOF* No site. All I got was a redirect loop.


Insert research here.. empty cache, check cookies, try from another computer, regenerated the .htaccess again, tried going directly to an internal page / product on the site with the old urls, (got the 404 page. The right 404 page, but still...), etc. etc.


Finally I went back to the SEO & URL page, changed the base URL back to the old working url and the directory, and it's back up. NOW, I can go to the site as kerrianne42.com/sb-shop, and if I go to StartingBlocks.com it sends it to the shop, at kerrianne42.com/sb-shop.


WHAT am I missing?? A masked redirect will work in a pinch, but that's NOT the long-term. This is a normal process, right? I shouldn't have to jump through all these hoops to do this!! Or, am I just that old fashioned and no one else works on a beta site before pushing it live anymore..? 


At this point it appears I'm going to have to re-do ALL of my work to set up this site while it's live - and that is, in my opinion, a lousy practice.


ANY help would be great, because this site IS LIVE NOW and it looks stupid that I can't even get it to say StartingBlocks.com in the browser location bar.

Server information
Server information: Linux #1 SMP Wed Sep 4 14:07:10 MST 2013 x86_64
Server software version: Apache
PHP version: 5.3.24
Memory limit: 64M
Max execution time: 30
Database information
MySQL version: 5.5.33-log
MySQL engine: InnoDB
Tables prefix: ps_
Store information
PrestaShop version:
Current theme in use: default
Thank you for any assistance!! :)


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...you didn't actually read my post, did you? :P


Unless my database details need to be deleted and re-enetered (the database hasn't changed) or you feel that for some reason downloading the files and uploading them back into the same directory will magically help?


I think I mentioned everything in that list has been tried. I have the smarty cache turned off, and the template is set to force recompile. Was set to recompile, I should say, I turned that off yesterday since I'm currently not working on the template.

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  • 3 weeks later...

To quote Pink Floyd,


"Is there anybody out there?"


My shop is still in this chaotic state. I've gotten some help from GoDaddy, but at this point they're telling me it's got to be PrestaShop. They suggest I look over my .htaccess - however the issues they're pointing to with that are the changes I had to make to convince Prestashop to display my site AT ALL!


Is there someone who will ACTUALLY read my post, and consider my problem, or am I SOL and is it time to move this site to another system as well? 



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Hi, I get a bit confused reading your post...but I am the oldest mod on the forum.


basically what you are trying to accomplish is shop display at StartingBlocks.com, yes?


I noticed in your display of configuration data in original post that you still had the 'old' url but you stated you changed this in se0&urls.  Did you also change the base uri?


If this is a godaddy shared, then rather than use a redirect of the url, can you not simply point the url to the folder where you shop is installed?


What I am willing to do, once I am sure what you want to accomplish, is to log into your back office and take a look.  PM me back office url and login credentials.  I can look at it a little later today, around 11:30AM CST.

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Hi, thank you!


Yes, I set up the entire site on a GoDaddy shared server, in it's future home. When I was ready to call GoDaddy and change the domain settings, I first updated ALL the SEO, URL, Base, Folder, etc. I deleted the .htaccess, and turned URL rewriting on and off and on until the .htaccess actually appeared on my server (took a few tries!).


Then, and only after all this was done and I couldn't see my site, I called GoDaddy. And then the site was there, but stuck in a redirect loop, anything I clicked took me to an error page. I imagine I could recreate this easily enough, since I was following directions from this forum to make sure I didn't miss a step!!


When I changed the URL settings all back to my working details, I was, finally, able to see the site. However, for the life of me I cannot convince the shop to show up when the location bar says "StartingBlocks.com". And without that, my search rankings are going in the toilet, and I've had a few calls already asking if my site has been stolen by "this kerrianne42" :P Can we say embarrassing?


As I said, this isn't an unusual process, I mean, I canNOT be the last human being to work on a test site before pushing it live. Can I??


If I can offer more details, please let me know!

Thank you,



Just for fun, I changed the SEO/URL settings again, and took a screen shot of the error message:


Edited by kerrianne42 (see edit history)
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  • 2 weeks later...

I posted about a almost identical issue... as OP states I'm running GoDaddy as-well and I'm getting a redirect loop when trying to set up a new domain for the site. nothing however is working. please let me know if you have an update on how this was resolved!

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I have same issue - GoDaddy domain host, BlueHost server host.  We moved the site from another server to BlueHost, I re-jiggered the friendly URLs thingh in the dashboard and that allowed my site to show all links, including images, etc.  But when i try to go to the shopping cart or make a purchase I get a redirect error, infinite loop in the address bar, and the page stops loading.


If I find an answer I will post it here.


UPDATE 5/11/2014 - mod rewrite is not totally working on host BlueHost so i turned off the friendly URLs and now the entire site works - after ssl certificate was loaded, after the initial first time to turn off then back on the friendly urls.  The site works with the friendly URLs checkbox unchecked (turned off).

Edited by highseas (see edit history)
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I'm still having this issue.


I've only ever turned on friendly URL's to force PrestaShop to regenerate the .htaccess file. Then I turn them back off.

I haven't even addressed SSL yet, as I have other priorities. For example, having a better workaround for this redirect loop.


My "workaround", however, is to have set my domain (StartingBlocks.com) to point to the correct directory, and then just leave the old information in the back-end - so on my SEO & URLs page, the Shop Domain says kerrianne42.com instead of StartingBlocks.com and I have to fill in the base URL field with the correct directory. If I change these to StartingBlocks.com and clear the base URL field, I get the redirect loop again. So my "workaround" lets my main URL gets you to the site, but since it says 'kerrianne42.com' instead of 'StartingBlocks.com' it appears that my site has been hijacked or that I'm incompetent. ;-)

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Yeah, I suppose I could. Except for that part where the site is live. I'd rather not take it down for a day or a weekend during the season. If this was winter and the season was over, I'd be less stressed about this. Instead, I'm tearing my hair out over this problem. :-P


And I've no guarantee that would even work, since the PS directions didn't work in the first place. I'm just not convinced that following the directions again will have different results.


You do know how to define insanity right? Trying the same thing yet expecting different results....

Edited by kerrianne42 (see edit history)
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  • 6 months later...

Hi kerrianne42 ,


Even I am facing "too many redirections" issue. We are migrating to amazon, everything is copied there and while testing, issue came up login into site.

Back office works fine. Only the issue in FO , where the friendly URLs turned on. I can't turn off friendly URLs ( which works fine)

Can you share how you get it resolved?


Thanks in advance.

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