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google checkout 1.2 not working in

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Google Checkout version 1.2 installed on PrestaShop PayPal works fine


I have everything set up in back office the Google checkout button shows up in checkout when clicked on it tryes to load up https://projectpb.com/store/modules/gcheckout/payment.php and goes white blank page no errors in the module folder. I do have log box checked.

I have one page checkout on.




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Am getting the same problem


help would be grately appreciated


have followed the integration instructions but just get a blank white screen when cliock onto the google checkout option whether in sandbox or live mode



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Updated to 1.5.4 went to test site got this in google checkout


Server error

The website encountered an error while retrieving https://projectpb.com/store/modules/gcheckout/payment.php. It may be down for maintenance or configured incorrectly.

Here are some suggestions:

HTTP Error 500 (Internal Server Error): An unexpected condition was encountered while the server was attempting to fulfill the request.

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It works for me! Not working on 1.5.4, i made some tests on 1.5.2 and, and the blank screen is gone. Just p.m. me i will give you access to my testing sites.


thats odd it did not work on for me just got blank screen

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I do have the same issue, I started a thread recently here www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/236465-google-checkout-on-prestashop-154



But I found this article : http://rainbowwebsol...prestashop-1-5/


so i added the line on my php file.. and you know what ?!? it WORKS :)

But the screen page looks ugly .. there seems to be css problem with my theme on this page.




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As projectpb aked me , here is the way to add the code for testing purpose :


in the module file gcheckout.php define context varriable like that

public $context = ”; like below


class GCheckout extends PaymentModule
public $context = '';
public function __construct(  THE REST OF THE CODE)


the page will look strange but the amount is correct and it works

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  • 3 weeks later...

hi 1.5.4


Having the same problems with google checkout, blank page! stripe is not even working correnctly. I only got paypal.... So sad, shouldn't this be the priority of Prestashop? What is the purpose of building a shop when they payment system doesn't work correctly? Otherwise, great script.



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If you take a look at PS1.5.2 or it might be 1.5.3 and up their is no gcheckout in the module folder. I don't think Google Checkout is a supported module In PS 1.5 I noticed lack of a working Google checkout after I upgraded to might have been before that but that's when i noticed it



As He pointed out I would think the gcheckout module is a 1.4 version made to work in the early release of 1.5


Provide a link to where you go the module.. because there is no google checkout for 1.5.


and you are 100% correct Tho I am not sure what stripe is maybe i will install to see if it works for me. I will report back on if it works or not


hi 1.5.4


Having the same problems with google checkout, blank page! stripe is not even working correnctly. I only got paypal.... So sad, shouldn't this be the priority of Prestashop? What is the purpose of building a shop when they payment system doesn't work correctly? Otherwise, great script.






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