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delete links from footer cms menu

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hi there!


I want do delete the default links of the footer ( specials, new products, top sellers)

I found some posts about this theme, and I try many ways do delete or modify this links.

my actual code on " blockcms.tpl " : ( modules/blockcms/blockcms.tlp)



<!-- MODULE Block footer -->

<div class="block_various_links" id="block_various_links_footer">

<li class="first_item"><a href="{$link->getPageLink($contact_url, true)}" title="{l s='Contact us' mod='blockcms'}">{l s='Contact us' mod='blockcms'}</a></li>

{foreach from=$cmslinks item=cmslink}

{if $cmslink.meta_title != ''}

<li class="item"><a href="{$cmslink.link|addslashes}" title="{$cmslink.meta_title|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}">{$cmslink.meta_title|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}</a></li>



<li id="header_link_sitemap"><a href="{$link->getPageLink('sitemap')}" title="{l s='sitemap' mod='blockpermanentlinks'}">{l s='Sitemap' mod='blockpermanentlinks'}</a></li>

{if $display_poweredby}<li class="last_item">{l s='Powered by' mod='blockcms'} <a href="http://www.prestashop.com">PrestaShop</a>™</li>{/if}



<!-- /MODULE Block footer -->




the links continue appearing in the footer page... :wacko:

cache :OFF

Force compilation :ON








I'm starting my new online store with prestashop, and I'm very grateful for this project!!


Thank you !!




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I just checked on my 1.5 test site and the footer code with Contact US added should look like this





<!-- MODULE Block footer -->

<div class="block_various_links" id="block_various_links_footer">

<h4>{l s='Information' mod='blockcms'}</h4>


<li class="first_item"><a href="{$link->getPageLink($contact_url, true)}" title="{l s='Contact us' mod='blockcms'}">{l s='Contact us' mod='blockcms'}</a></li>

{foreach from=$cmslinks item=cmslink}

{if $cmslink.meta_title != ''}

<li class="item"><a href="{$cmslink.link|addslashes}" title="{$cmslink.meta_title|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}">{$cmslink.meta_title|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}</a></li>



<li id="header_link_sitemap"><a href="{$link->getPageLink('sitemap')}" title="{l s='sitemap' mod='blockpermanentlinks'}">{l s='Sitemap' mod='blockpermanentlinks'}</a></li>

{if $display_poweredby}<li class="last_item">{l s='Powered by' mod='blockcms'} <a href="http://www.prestashop.com">PrestaShop</a>™</li>{/if}




<!-- /MODULE Block footer -->





This worked first time on my site try pasting the code above to your blockcms.tpl file replacing everything from the {else} down.

You might want to try emptying your browsers cache as well as the smarty cache and compile folders.

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no... :wacko:

I can't understand...


copy and paste and nothing. all the same...

seems like the cache is on.

but i Reset the browser and the cache options off...


it's possible that the prestashop are call the files from other folders? and I'm changing the wrong file ?







hhhhh.... :wacko:

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This is why we always ask for what version and theme you are using in this case it turned out joaorodrigues88 was using an alt theme.

When using an alt theme that theme may also have alt modules so always look to ..themes/yourtheme/modules.


To add [solved] to your post edit the original post click on use full editior and add [solved] in front of title.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 months later...

how do i check the background color when my mouse reached over them?


my current background is white and when my mouse moved over, it's black. Looks very ugly... :(


Anyone help?


your question isn't related to the main case in this topic, am I right?

if so, please create new thread with your question.


also url to your website will be helpfull in this case.

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your question isn't related to the main case in this topic, am I right?

if so, please create new thread with your question.


also url to your website will be helpfull in this case.


it is related. it is of the same module.


here is a screenshoot of the module



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it is related. it is of the same module.


here is a screenshoot of the module




As vekia asked if you can give a URL to your site we can have a look at the site not just a small pic, we can then look at the css and hopefully give you a resolution.

Performance options should be set to use CSS not CCC so our DEV tools can see the individual CSS files.

However this is a a:hover code issue within the CSS file could be in the global.css or the modules CSS file.

We won't to help but can not really answer this question without looking at the site.



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