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Shipping , Carriers, and What?

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Here is the error some of my customers are getting.


Error: please choose a carrier - and when She looks at the carrier it says this - There are no carriers available that deliver to this address.



I've been looking in shipping, and can't find where to alter this.


Thanks in advance, you guys are so helpful.

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Please check your settings in the backoffice.


If the error occur only when the total weight of the products in the cart is over a certain weight. Then you have to check the default behavior of your carrier. Maybe your carrier is set to be disable if the total weight is over the biggest weight range.


You can check the carrier behaviour in backoffice -> transport (or shipping) -> carriers -> (edit the carrier) -> last option (about carrier behaviour).


You can check the weight range in backoffice -> transport (or shipping) -> Weight range


Also check if the carrier is set to deliver to the area of your customer: in backoffice -> transport (or shipping) -> carriers -> (edit the carrier) -> Zone


Sorry for my english.



Edited by kink (see edit history)
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