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Not logged in - Shipping costs

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I am new here so please bear with me. I hadn't used PrestaShop for a 2 years. A few weeks ago I installed PS1.4.7. When I began testing I found that the shipping shown for anyone NOT LOGGED IN was confususing, it shows the shipping cost for the default country but does not say which country, you all know this. After resolveing this, I noticed that if the customer uses the shipping calculater then they still were given the price for the default country regardless of what country they selected, I dont mean in the shopping cart (which doesn't update with the new country information - next problem) but it shows the wrong information in the shipping calculator. I have been unable to get help with this and thinking it was my mistake I workrd my way back and now I am at a fresh install in a new directory and the problem still exists.

A fresh install, all I did was change the shipping cost of the 'My carrier' for Europe from $5.00 to $1.00. It always shows the shipping cost for the default country in the shipping calculator. I could not have this on the frontpage of a shop.

I have looked for a live shop using the stock theme and 1.4.6-7 on the web but could not find one, wanted to see if anyone has this working.

I have put nearly 30 hours into these shipping problems and am giving up-


Have a look yourself www.clearset.net/test

on the first ipod, click 'add to cart'

then click on the Cart button

Shipping is enabled to North America and Europe ( as standard )

If you select the United States it should show $7.00 including the handling charge and does

If you select the United Kingdom it should show $3.00, is still shows $7.00


Any Help would be great...

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Thanks for that, I was looking for your direct email address but didn't know I could do a private post. I will leave the account active now that it is not visible. Change anything you want, if you want access to the directory structure then let me know..

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It is working but I could get it to work. All you did id configure the Test carrier? Should that make a difference?. I had two carriers in use and neither worked. Give me a little time to gave a look. I cant believe you have it working so simply after days pulling my hair out

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Different, if I have 10 zones should I use 10 different carriers (not 10 physicaly different of course), would this be normal. When I first setup the 10 zones and 2 carriers it was very neat, just one table for each carrier, but if it has to be done this way then I can go with it. I'll log in and have a look

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I set up 5 seperate carriers,

Europe, North America, South Americs, Aferica and Oceana.

I have deleted all other carriers so there cannot be any crossover.

All weights are set from 0 to 100

There is a different price for each which is visible in the description

I have set the handling charge to 0 to make the results more clear.

Similar problem to before, everything except the United States are showing up as free now. I have come across other people with it showing up as free but it may be a different cause. The US is the default counter..

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I looked and found similar problems but no solutions. I reported it as a possible minor bug but it has not been assigned yet. I still expect it to have a simple solution, maybe just set things up in a different sequence.

I have been using the ' quick instLl ' option on GatorHost so i will try a download from PS directly.

Again, thanks for your interest and help

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I ran a fresh download on an localhost server at home last night and got the same result. I didn't have much time to play around with it nut it looks like there may be a fault with this module. I am having an older version of PS sent to me so I will try that later.

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Same problem with so, I think, it is likely to be a fault in Prestashop. I have to move on, but this will annoy me so would anyone know where I would find a description of the files that make up Prestashop. I have looked through the modules but the BlockCart module contains several TPL and PHP files that are confusing..


Thanks to all in advance

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