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[SOLVED] Need help with small custom coding 'display content if category_id = 3'


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I have edited one of the free modules to display additional tab on product page, but I want this tab to be displayed only if product is placed in specific category (eg cat id 3)


All I need is "IF" code formula. Im not a coder and I don't know what formula need to be used. Basically I need something like this:



{if $product is placed in category id 3 ->display content from below} <--- what is the correct code for this?


<li><a href="#msTabHolder" class="idTabHrefShort">{l s='Extra tab' mod='productcomments'}</a></li>




Thank you

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you could try


{if $product->id_category_default==3}
<li><a href="#msTabHolder" class="idTabHrefShort">{l s='Extra tab' mod='productcomments'}</a></li>


Also let me know what template file you are trying to edit.


Thank you, your solution seems to works perfect. Can I also ask how I can add multiple categories ID's please? For example if I want to display content under category 3 and 5 and 6 instead of only 3? Thank you for your help! :)

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